Broken clavicle (collar bone)!

Well, I’ve managed to bust myself up.

I broke my left clavicle (collar bone) at the Folsom Criterium in the Masters 35+ 1/2/3 race. Start of the last lap of my second race. Some idiot clips the bars of the guy next to him, sending the guy down, directly in front of me. Curb and fence on the left and pack on the right. I was able to just avoid him but had to run over his bike. Ejected at 28mph.

I flew through the air for what felt like seconds and then hit and rolled. As I came to a stop I tucked and glanced back, expecting to be creamed by riders coming up behind. Luckily they were able to avoid.

Then I lay back and started going through the status check. Hmmm, legs, arms, shoulder… ouch, something not right up there. I reach over and feel my left shoulder and feel a bump. Uh oh, that’s not good. Just then a official comes over and asks “are you ok? Do you need help?”. I reply that “I think I’ll need help”. “Do you need an ambulance?” he asks. “Um, yes, maybe…”. He glances back down the course, “Can you walk?”. “Yes, in a second”. “Well, that would be good because the race is going to finish in a moment and it would be good to get you out of the course”. Good idea!

So, I get a hand up and walk over to the grass and lay down again. Yup, it was beginning to hurt. I never even noticed the finish of the race. As I lay there I ask if my bike is OK. Already crunched the frame once this year. Strangely enough, bike survived with only a few scratches.

After some chatting and info gathering with one of the race staff, we decide to skip an ambulance and get someone to drive me the short distance to the hospital. But first I wanted to dump my bike and gear in my truck. At the truck I decide to strip off the jersey. The guy helping me is telling me to leave it on since they will just cut it off and it’s ruined anyways and it will save me the pain. Pain? Destroying another jersey, that’s pain! As I’m peeling it off he’s looking at me like I’m crazy. Well, I get the jersey off and what looks like a lot of blood on the jersey is actually a Mocha Mocha Clif Shot that exploded on impact. Unloaded of gear and now carrying my clothes, we head over to the registration booth to enlist Will to taxi me. He’s very cool and gets me to the hospital.

I won’t go into the emergency room details but it was about 4 hours and during that time: filled out forms, waited, quick look by doctor, waited, x-rays, waited, tetnus booster shot, waited, scrapes cleaned and bandaged, waited, pee in cup, waited, final look-see, given shoulder restraint, fill exit forms, pay co-pay, done!

Broken Clavicle
Left Side Distal Clavicle Fracture

The good news is that the collar bone has a clean break, isn’t poking up, and should heal well. I went a few days later and saw Dr. Massimo Testa to have him do an examination. He’s a great doctor and understands cyclist’s needs. Along with the examination he put together a 3 week training program. I’ll be able to maintain my fitness!

A broken collar bone usually mends itself in about 6 weeks. I’ve been lucky and not had much pain. I’m wearing a figure-eight brace and a sling for the arm. The suffering now is not being able to ride and race during some great weather. Oh, and training on a stationary bike inside is torture. Good thing for DVDs.

Be careful out there.


p.s. I highly recommend Dr. Testa and also Dr. Eric Heiden (previously over at U.C. Davis Sports Medicine). If you are in Northern California and have a sport related injury, call them!

More “Broken Collar Bone” Articles

Don’t miss reading the information and comments in the other collar bone entries:

Broken Clavicle No More
What To Expect From A Broken Clavicle (collar bone)
Chad’s Broken Collar Bone Report

DISCLAIMER: The following content is for informational purposes only. The content is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Diagnosis and treatment of all health conditions should only be performed by your doctor or other licensed health care professional. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this site.

423 responses

  1. Sam Avatar

    I broke my left clavicle skiing in March and have had a terrible time healing. Being 24, active, and a non-smoker, the doctor assumed would heal well. Because my fracture was in several pieces, I went in for surgery 5 days after the original accident to have a plate and 9 screws placed. I did everything I was suppossed to and after 10 weeks, I was allowed back to work(I am a firefighter).
    10 days after going back to work, my titanium plate broke in half to the disbelief of my surgeon. I went back into surgery to have a new plate put in during the last week in June. This surgery included a bone graft. After 10 days, my clavicle looked great on x-ray, but my wound from the bone graft became infected and I had another surgery July 7 to clean it out.
    It gets even better. I went to the ortho yesterday after having some “clicking” and mild pain in my clavicle and it was discovered that I have again snapped my plate in half. Now I am scheduled for surgery in a couple of weeks to have double plates put in, along with bone growth powder, and a bone growth stimulator.
    What is my problem? 4 surgeries, 4 months and counting off work, and I have missed two seasons of soccer, softball, and a summer at the lake. Any advice for a non healer? There has to be something I can be doing to help myself heal! Is it too late to get a second opinion?

  2. Ewan Avatar

    Fistly after only 3 weeks i can’t imagine the frustration you must have over a year after your break. As for sleeping i sleep on my back but only cause its the only way i can keep the pain away enough to get to sleep – and yes i also wake at all times with a sore lower back. All i was told on leaving the hospital was to keep it still as possible in the sling.
    I guess all options are not applcable to all breaks. My break was ‘distal’ (near the outer end of the clavicle) allowing the long bit to be screwed to the corocoid (see There was not much bone on the smaller part to attach a plate or screws. This was complicated by the long end being embedded into the shoulder, so there was no chance of the bones healing as they were too far apart, also there was chance of damage being done to either the shoulder or lung.
    I had my first post op xray today and the ten staples removed and i was not expecting such a large screw!! Maybe the xray enlarges it but it looked about 40-45mm long and 5-6mm diameter. Anyway the consultant is happy with the bones positioning, yes it’ll be uncomfortable, yes i need to keep it completely immobile (other than a few 2-3 daily exercises) and in the sling for another 5 weeks.
    As for the NHS i have nothing but praise for the treatment i’ve received, guess its impossible to get everything 100% right but now your plate should allow your bones the best chance to heal together agian given time and rest. I’m slowly accepting that mountain biking is out for 6 months and next years snowboarding trip will not happen as i’d rather have a summers biking than a weeks boarding with 2 bones with holes drilled through them!
    Good luck, look to the future, quiz your doctors and take it easy!

  3. Tom Avatar

    Hey guys,
    I had surgery to plate my collar bone 2 weeks ago – things feel ok so far, am going back for an xray tomorrow. After the surgery I was kind of kicked out the hospital without getting any advice on what I should or shouldnt do (!) – does anyone know if you have to sleep on your back. ive been trying to do it just in case, but I end up waking up with a really sore back every morning at 4am!!
    Ewan – your type of surgery wasnt offered to me, so I have the plate and screws. wish theyd mentioned that option, because i have to keep the plate in at least a year even if it does reduce shoulder motion!!
    Thanks for the encouraging words everyone,

  4. Ewan Avatar

    Thanks for your reply, i was needing a litle reassurance as at the time the consultant told me he wanted to operate i didn’t think of all the questions that occured to me over the next day.
    Once in the hospital i found out the first thing they were to do is to get the broken end of the clavicle thats embedded into my shoulder out and realign it by screwing the clacicle to the coracoid, then see how the break lines up and if it needs plated. A plate (being so close to my shoulder) would restrict movement and would need to come out later so if this could be avoided it would be.
    The op went real good according to the doctor, i’ll reserve judgement as i know it’ll heal better but the pain for the first 48hours was incredible even with codine, paracetamol and ibuprofen! Even now 5 days later its frustratingly uncomfortable not painful just irretating.
    So in summarry its now in the best position to mend, comfort is worse 5 days after the op than 5 days after the break, Scotland is having one of the best July’s in years but i’m stuck in the house, i’m about to cancel my entry in my first 24hours mountain bike race – its not worth the risk 3 months after the break!
    The stiches come out on Wednesday but not sure if it’ll be xrayed, then 8 weeks after the op the screw is removed.
    Cheers Ewan

  5. Artie Avatar

    It has been a week since I broke my collar bone. I broke it in two places towards the top neck area. I went over my handle bars while mountainbiking in Steamboat springs. The doctor said it will mend it self, but just to be sure, he wants to look at it again in two weeks. I am on Valuim, and percocet now. I may sound like a whimp, but at times the pain is pretty bad. It feels like a spear goes through it at different times. When I wake up in the morning my entire side is as tight as can be. Taking a shower is rough, and dressing is even worse.
    The Doctor says about 6 weeks or so I will feel like this.
    Hey, thanks for listening, and I am grateful that I had my helmet on.
    I will get back in the saddle soon!!!

  6. jason Avatar

    Hey Ewan,
    First off Id like to say too bad about the break. I glanced at the pics, ouch! I had my collarbone plated with bone graft back in May (above link Broken Clavicle no more July 14). I will tell you what my surgeon said in regards to having the plate removed. After 12 – 18 months I could have it taken out. He said if it doesnt bother me, I might as well leave it in. He also stated that to have it removed involves another surgery (local anesthetic instead of general anesthetic), and that there is a higher risk of refracture, especially 2 -3 months afterward due to the fact that the removal of the six screws would leave holes in the bone. Definetely something to consider.
    Your second question is tough because the healing process is different for everyone. I can tell you that for the first three days after surgery I was glad I had pain meds! After that, I ditched the meds and was quite surprised of what little pain I had. It is very crucial to keep your shoulder immobilized for the first couple of weeks (except to take your arm out of the sling to stretch your elbow). If you listen to your surgeon and physiotherapist you should have no trouble healing. I also took calcium with vitamin D tablets and followed a healthy diet. Before surgery the doc said it could take anywheres from 2 – 8 months to achieve union, so I am quite satisfied with my progress.
    I hope I helped answer your questions. Good luck with the surgery and keep us updated on your progress!

  7. Ewan Avatar

    Thanks for all the useful information. I broke my right clavicle last Thursday (13th) after a dog ran out in front of my bike, the first i knew of it i was lying in the road wondering what had happened. The doc said complete rest of the shoulder for 4-5 days and to go back for 2nd xray in 2 weeks. I found this website the next day after looking for ideas on what to do and not do, thanks to you guys i feel much less alone in my predicament and much more informed and have been taking calcium, magnesium and boron tablets.
    Then i got a call from the hospital asking me to go into the hospital today (a week early) for the second xray. I was seen by the consultant after more xrays in all directions and he recomends surgery on Tuesday to plate and pin it as the bones are too far apart to heal properly. Not looking forward to it at all but it beats waiting 3 months to discover they did not heal themselves and i know i’ll have a more manouverable shoulder. Currently the shoulder end of the clavicle is in front of and above the neck end, that is deep down into the body.
    Anyway its all for the best. I do have 2 questions i’d like answered by anyone who’s been plated :
    1) After the operation does the plate stay in for ever?
    (i know everyone is different in respect to their break and pain but i’ll ask anyway)
    2) I’ve been lucky and relatively free from pain so far, is the operation likey to change that and how quickly is recovery from the surgery?
    Finally, thank you Hans for providing this site and also taking the time to answer so many peoples questions over 3 years after your own break when most people would be back riding thier bike, horse, motorbike or whatever not helping others.
    Cheers Ewan
    For some photos of the damage…

  8. gsmith Avatar

    you are cool!rock on man!

  9. Hans Avatar

    Bill – Ah, the problems of going stir crazy when recovering from an injury. I would recommend cross training. Go out and hike or do some stair climbs. Do other activites that you might not do because you are riding.
    When you ride your trainer, do more than just spin, focus on specific workouts. For an example of the workout plan I used take a look at the “Broken Clavicle No More” page I link to in my original post at the top of this page.

  10. Tom Romberg Avatar
    Tom Romberg

    Hey All,
    I broke my left one 16 days ago. Broke the right one 4 years ago on a mountain bike. That one healed very nicely with no complications. This time I had a 160lb hay bale fall on me. I am one of the top amatuer golfers in the country so I guess I will wait until next year now. I have already gone out to the backyard and started chipping and putting with my left arm only (beat my 16 year old son 5 of 6 closest to the hole). For all of you, don’t worry, it will heal in time and you can never break it in the same place again….just a fraction from it though. For those of you who do not want to sleep in your easy chair, this time I went to the back store and got a wedge for my back and a wedge for my knees. Yeah! I can sleep in bed. For those of you who are right handed like me, does’nt it take an awful long time to type using your left hand! Ha

  11. Bill M. Avatar
    Bill M.

    July 13, 2006
    12:20 p.m.
    I’m a 46 year old Triathlete and I recently broke my right clavicle MTB in Iowa on July 5th. First broken bone ever and I’ve had many tumbles. It’s been a week now and the slow recovery is driving me nuts (my wife too)! Home and out of work for at least the next 6 weeks. Love the advice and comments of this website. Since I’m going stir crazy at home, what can you veterans of broken clavicles recommend for stretching exercises. Still taking the dog for daily hikes in the woods and riding my trainer for 30 mins at a time. I worry about frozen shoulder and the dead feeling I have in my right arm. My ortho (like yours) has recommended nothing but rest for the next two weeks and that it takes time. What activities can you recommend help pass the time…. can only read and watch so much TV. Thanks for the helpful advice.

  12. Henry Lyautey Avatar
    Henry Lyautey

    I found this on a google search. I was riding my motorcycle 2 weeks ago and a van turned in front of me and I T-boned it. I have the classic bottom of the full face helmet breaks the clavicle into 6 pieces mess. My ex gf came to the hospital and I got to spend the night with her (cool). I told her I would do anythng to see her again. The cop gave us both tickets! He came to the hospital to give me mine. What is up with that? Improper lane change? The ER Doctor told me I would need surgery to put the mess together so I didn’t sweat going dancing the next night. I am a swing dance instructor as a hobby. Well, it turns out, no surgery needed. That figure 8 thing is a pain. The strap presses right where the break is so I quit wearing it. I have 90% movement in my arm but the bone still pops now and then. I grossed out the secretary at work popping it for her. I have a knot the size of a baseball and it keeps growing. Of course the other driver was not insured so I am going around with my insurance company and hope to be riding again soon. I shortened the wheelbase of my bike 5 1/2″ and raked the whole side. I figure it’s totalled, but the adjuster hasn’t seen it yet. I definately want it totalled. Mike LaRocco (MX racer) said years ago that he loved racing because he got to meet so many nice doctors. Maybe that applies to motorcyclists in general! I found out that my ex gf is seeing someone else and I made a comment about that she didn’t like and now she won’t talk to me. I’ll send her some flowers and ask her to come to traffic court with me. She is sooo cute.

  13. Hans Avatar

    Joe – From what I was informed, the strap (figure-8 is what I used) is only meant to help keep your shoulders immobile and to hold a good posture. In doing so it indirectly helps with aligning the broken bones. But its purpose is not to force the broken bones into alignment, only for stabilizing. For now I recommend wearing the strap for this purpose and then when you meet with your specialist, discuss alignment.
    Surgery is always an option. But I know folks that have healed without surgery even though they had pieces of their collar bone shattered off.
    Hope this helps. Let us know what your specialist recommends.

  14. Joe Onley Avatar

    I broke mine yesterday, and cannot seem to get the strap they gave me to set the break properly, is this normal, or will the specialist I see in two days help me with something better? Just an opinion is all I seek. I believe there is a couple pieces in there, like it shattered, so perhaps surgery is in my future? Thanks for any help you can give.

  15. Hans Avatar

    Dale – Sorry, but I don’t have any information regarding that procedure. Please feel free to post any information you find though in case someone else happens to be looking.
    Sonny – It’s not possible to give an estimate as to how long it will take for your collar bone bump to go down. Each person’s bump and how their body deals with it is unique. Mine wasn’t that bad and only took a year before it wasn’t that noticeable. But I have friends with several year old bumps that still stand out.
    Bill – Glad to hear things are working out. Sounds like you are doing everything right. I’m told that excercise which increases blood flow within the body and particularly to the shoulder is helpful. So your hiking is probably a good thing.

  16. Bill Avatar

    Good news for those with recent breaks, 2.5 weeks out, healing is occuring with my break, despite being 60 yrs old. Advice from Hans and this site critical to the process re: keeping arm immobile in sling. Used no medications so as to be aware of pain. Also taking daily doses of calcium and Vitamin D. Dr, recommends no outdoor biking for 6-8 wks from initial injury. Trainer is fine. Cautions that a re-break might neccessiate pinning. I added hiking into my training schedule.

  17. Sonny Avatar

    lol i broke my collar bone last october and i want to know when the large lump is going to go down can you give me estimate please?

  18. Dale Kane Avatar
    Dale Kane

    I ran across this site while searching for anyone that has my problem. I had a grade III AC shoulder separation repaired with a cadaver tendon and two fiber wires sitting on top of some Marlex mesh. This “repair” is sawing through my collarbone, perhaps caused by fall that hairline fractured the site where the load was on the bone from the tendon and wires.
    The surgeon is now recommending bone marrow to pack in the “notch” as well as a Titanium plate and screws. The current plan is to leave the tendon and wires in the middle of my bone. I have found no record of anyone with this complication from an AC separation repair. If anyone can be of any assistance, I would greatly appreciate the help.

  19. jon Avatar

    Recently I had the non-union of my right clavicle fixed with the help of a titanium plate. It is exactly 6 weeks to the day after the operation and I feel great! I had xrays taken two weeks ago and the doc said he saw bone growth and it is showing good signs of solidifying – Great news!! He even asked me to do a few pushups which I did with no pain. My only real concern now is gaining the strength back in my right shoulder which just so happens is my dominant side. The doc told me not to push myself just yet until he sees me again in late July. My range of motion is decent – about 80% – and I feel ready to start strengthing excersises, but dont want to delay the healing process. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
    P.S.: my advice for all of you that have recently broke your collarbone is to listen to your body. I chose to ignore what my body was telling me which resulted in two years of misery and pain which could have been avoided. Get a second opinion, there is nothing to lose.

  20. danny Avatar

    hans – thank you! i wish i could funnel the insurance money to this website (or you) instead of the ortho. i’m learning a lot more here ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. Hans Avatar

    Danny – My doctor recommended that I take my arm out of the sling to simply move the lower arm and the shoulder socket. But he didn’t want me doing weight lifting or heavy work with it.
    By using the arm it helps to keep the joints from tightening. There’s something called frozen shoulder/socket that can occur when someone doesn’t use their shoulder. The socket loses range of motion from lack of use. Physical therapy for that can be as big a pain as a broken collar bone.

  22. danny Avatar

    i’m working on day 7 now after i broke my left clavicle playing soccer (got tackled, fell on shoulder and crack…) it is now overlapping and obviously i’m hoping for a quick recovery. unlike most of you, i don’t have any pain whatsoever but x-ray clearly shows a cracked clavicle. has anybody any experience with working out the lower arm to get the blood flow going in the shoulder in hopes of a quicker recovery? I’m wearing now a fig 8 and a sling just to keep it stabalized. great site and speedy recovery to everyone!

  23. Bill Avatar

    I learned of a second orthopedist who is also a biker and may go for a second opinion. My guy gave the impression that this break was not a big deal and even said I could bike real easy. I also believe the break is beyond the attachment point of the clavical to the shoulder, right at the very tip. The shoulder is still stabilized as a result. But still, some of the comments on this site and responses are of real concern.

  24. Peter Avatar

    I just returned from the orthopedist and he, like Bill’s guy, recommended Tylenol over the anti-inflammatory medications because studies are showing they inhibit bone healing. (Probably good to have some unmasked pain to remind my to keep it stationary.) He told me I should be on my trainer in a week or so and on my bike in a month. Hooray! Thanks for the site Hans.

  25. Hans Avatar

    Bill – Sorry to hear about your mishap. I would highly recommend you keep your shoulder immobilized during these first two weeks. Too much movement can hinder the healing process. That’s why wearing a sling and/or a figure-8 is so important during that time. It paid off for me and also for others. Also, docs will sometimes prescribe what’s good for their average patient. That’s typically a sedentary person and not an athlete such are yourself. So be sure the doctor you have recognizes your needs and expectations for recovery.

  26. Bill Avatar

    Just broke distal end of left clavicle on bike avoiding a truck pulling out of a blind driveway (pulled out without checking for traffic) I ran off the road and fell on the shoulder. Although painful, did not realize it was broken until x-ray next day. Orthopedist recommended Tylenol over ibubrofen or other NASIC type medication stating that these medications were shown to inhibit bone healing. However, the tylenol does not touch the pain as effectively. No slings at this point. Xrays were in digital format, have a copy. Re-visit in two weeks to check healing. Good site! Nice job!

  27. Hans Avatar

    Peter – Your break is similar to mine, the one described in the entry at the top. It took me a month before I was back on the bike. But, just as people are all different so are collar bone breaks. You might be lucky and be able to recover quickly. No matter what happens, keep your head up. A broken collar bone is a bummer but something that we can recover from. And it makes for a great coversation piece when talking about cycling battle scars.

  28. Peter Avatar

    The only bone I ever broke in my life was my left clavicle. I broke it skiing in 1991 at the age of 41, it healed in 6 weeks as a bayonet (overlapping) bond while I wore a figure 8 brace. It was a very painfull experience.
    I broke it again the day before yesterday when I fell from my road bike trying to avoid a wheel touch with the guy I was drafting. This time was much less painful. I road another 25 miles before going home, cleaning up and heading to the ER. The X-rays showed a break of about 2cm off the distal end of the left clavicle. I see the orthopod tomorrow morning. I need to be back on my bike within a month. After reading this thread I feel disillusioned. Anyone have a similar injury to my most recent one?

  29. David Avatar

    Tom: I’m way older than you — 52 yrs. old — but i have had a very good experience with surgery. After 8 weeks of a non-union I pushed for surgery, and had the surgery at week 10. The results were great, including an aligned collarbone and return to full activities. I’m not sure why some doctors are hesitant to recommend surgery when the factors suggest a strong chance of a non-union. It seems to me that you are far too young to have limitations on your activities, and even though there are no guarantees in life and surgery, surgery seems like the right option. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.

  30. Tom Avatar

    any advice?
    I broke my left collar bone in May 2005, and thanks to the great UK National Health Service I was put on a very long waiting list for surgery, complicated by being in my final year at college. Have just received a call saying i’ve been booked in for surgery next month!! they’re going to plate it cos its a non-union.
    Its much less of a problem than it was at first, i have a good range of motion, although it does strain it if i have to push or pull a heavy abject and its stopping me from doing things like sports with friends, swimming in the sea, etc. any experiences of the surgery?? i’m worried that it could be worse afterwards! but i’m 24 and dont want to spend the rest of my life feeling restricted to what i can do – although how much is psychological i dont know!!
    any comments would be really appreciated.
    Thanks. Tom.

  31. steve boat Avatar
    steve boat

    i previously wrote on the 3 jan 2006 had op on 1.6.2006 six months after accident. involved taking out protruding bone, crushing it up and using the fragments to fuse the ends together. i think its better than having a plate fitted hoping to be back at work in 2 weeks. in a sling for 2 weeks. i am a plumber so i need it to be strong will write in again later. once again brilliant website wish everyone good recovery.

  32. Hans Avatar

    Chad – Yes, a tight shoulder is common. One cause of this is something called “frozen shoulder”. This occurs when the shoulder isn’t used over a long period of time.
    Physical therapy to recover range-of-motion can be tough. Your PT person should have given you advice as to how far to go before stopping. It’s usually based on a pain level. If you are going to the point of a lot of pain then you might be going too far. You should discuss this with your PT person.

  33. george Avatar

    I had more pain in my shoulder than I did where the break was, in fact, I thought I had done something wrong to my shoulder as well. At 11 weeks after the break, I was getting very concerned and told my wife that I can not live with the pain the rest of my life. The doctor told me to keep a check on it and come back to see him for a cortosone shot if the pain did not improve. I am at 14 weeks now and the only discomfort I ever have is still from my shoulder, but I have seen a drastic improvement over the past three weeks. The only problems I have now are when I try to lift something with that shoulder over my head. Hang in there, it should slowly get better.

  34. chad Avatar

    Hey Everyone.
    I shattered my collarbone playing hockey (open ice hit)in late april. It has been over a month and the healiong seems to be going good. I have recently been doing “range of motion” exercises but can’t do all of them. My shoulder really doesn’t want to be moved in certain positions. At times there is alot of pain, especially when trying to raise the injured arm above my head on its own. Does anyone have this tight pain in shoulder? (probably from being in-active)

  35. Patrick Boyce Avatar
    Patrick Boyce

    At 54 years old I guess I win the old-fart cyclist broken clavicle competition for this website. I broke it 6 days ago while training with my racing team (had an “explosive” flat and slid on some gravel on the pavement.) The dumb part is I’d been dropped on a climb and the rest of the (younger) crew was around a bend already–and no cellphone. Somehow I repaired the flat “one handed” and rode the 15 miles back to my car. I broke my other collar bone 20 years ago in a criterium but also had a separated shoulder that time and it took about 3 months for the whole thing to heal. This time (unlike 20 years ago) I have this huge greenish-yellow bruise on my upper chest and shoulder and was researching that when I read others’ accounts here that mentioned the same thing. So now I’m reassured–thanks. I only lasted until day 4 before I had to strap down my arm and get on my Lemond “spinning” cycle for 15 minutes. Then yesterday an hour and today 90 minutes, plus 30 minutes walking on a treadmill at 12% incline (I really, really don’t want to gain back the off-season weight I worked so hard to burn off this spring!)

  36. Geneen Fogarty Avatar
    Geneen Fogarty

    It’s been interesting and scary reading everyone’s experiences. I am 2 weeks post right clavicle mid shaft break. Broke it skiing. I’m in the figure 8 and using a sling. I’m nervous about possible non union and the waiting stinks. Ortho would prefer to see if heals ok to avoid risks of surgery. Does anyone have website info on the surgeries that are used for this?

  37. Brett Avatar

    I just wanted to say (or more appropriately type with my only functioning arm) that this site has been a great help. Full of insight, good stories and I think its a great outlet for people who all share a similar situation. Like everyone else I just broke my (right) clavicle on 4/22/06 in a cycling fall.
    Over the past year and a half I have really been getting involved in triathlons and mountain biking. This winter I had dedicated my off season to using the trainer 4 or 5 times a week and running at least once. I was excited about the spring and summer not only because it was triathlon season, but because I was purchasing a new Specialized Stumpjumper to do some mountain biking with my buddies. I was also looking into purchasing a good traditional road bike to do some Crits and expand my cycling base and skills. Well it looks like some of that will be put on hold – temporarily at least.
    The story is this: my off season training went awesome. When my friends and I started mountain biking a couple of weeks ago I was dropping them like flies – a combination of the new Stumpjumper (which is much lighter and has suspension; unlike the old steel horse I was riding last season) and my off season training. I had more strength, endurance, an improved power-to-weight ratio and better climbing ability than at any point last year.
    All this gave me way too confidence. So on Saturday while riding a more challenging trail for the first time I decided to ride fast (yes I should have been going alot slower) down an unfamilar downhill section and then decided to “exceed” my cycling abilities. The result – a bone breaking crash that I’m sure will keep me on the trainer another half of the season instead of riding in the great outdoors.
    From all accounts the crash was quite spectacular. Your classic over-the-front-end-while-still-clipped-in-doing-20-plus-mph-downhill.
    The crash hurt alot and right away. After getting up from the ground and composing myself I knew my shoulder/collar bone was at the least dislocated, but more than likely broken. Nothing was really swollen yet, but it hurt like a MFer at the time.
    The fun part was the 8 mile trail ride out. That was a nice touch since we were just about the furthest you could be from the trail entrance/exit. Nothing like riding with broken collar bone through hilly, sandy, rutted, root filled single track to bring a grimace to your face.
    I confirmed my suspicions once we were safely back in the parking lot. I could now feel the bump on my right clavicle from the swelling and there was a pronounced grinding type noise/feeling if I moved my arm too much. Oh yes and it hurt….I don’t want to say alot, but more then enough to get my attention and almost bring me to me knees if I moved it inappropriately.
    So after a call to my wife and a trip to the hospital, it was confirmed that I have a “fractured clavicle in the distal third”. Doesn’t look like it’s going to need surgery – so I was given a sling, some vicoden and a prescription for motrin and sent on my way.
    I must say that for me the pain hasn’t been too bad since I came home. I haven’t touched the vicoden they gave me at all and today I haven’t even taken any motrin.
    Now, into day three I’m already bored out of my skull and cursing the fact that I acted so carelessly.
    I did go see an Orthopedic/Sports Med doctor yesterday and have been told just to relax for another couple of weeks until my next appointment.
    Hopefully I’ll be back to at least a good work out on the trainer with a week or two. Thanks for posting your workout Hans – it gives me something to look forward to each day until I’m fully recovered.

  38. ned Avatar

    Great site. I broke my right collarbone about 5 weeks ago playing hockey. It broke real good too, the bone is currently in 3 pieces, but so far the Doc doesn’t think I’ll need any sort of operation.
    Amazing how one little bone can make us so useless.
    Thanks to everyone for sharing.
    Ned in Canada

  39. debbie Avatar

    Hello everyone i just want to share my experience of a 3 time broken collar bone.When i was 2 I fell off my uncles shoulders and then when I was 12 i was young and stupid and decided to do cartwheels down a hill at our trailor needless to say i had a bad break.Now I am 41 and I fell down the stairs last week and the doc said I fractured my collar bone again.He said I didnt need a sling and to try to use it as much as possible now I dont know about this as I have alot of pain.Just wondering if I should get a second opinion or should I trust my doctor??……Deb

  40. Lil Fox Avatar
    Lil Fox

    My son shattered his collarbone at lacrosse 2 weeks ago- 3 breaks, prognosis not good. He just got surgery with a plate and screws. Surgery went great! The hospital surgeon recommended NO surgery because of the severe breaks and risks involved with surgery. We went to another surgeon for a 2nd opinion, Dr. Chris Talley in Vero Beach, Florida who is a Sports Medicine Ortho Surgeon and Dr. for the Dodgers baseball team. Dr. Talley is a young and super-skilled surgeon. We went from hopeless to a back to normal son because of Talley.

  41. JOEY Avatar


  42. Bryant Avatar

    Hello all,
    …..I broke my collar bone snowboarding a week ago on March 11th. I’ve done the whole drill mentioned many times over by posters above. I’ve been to the ER and Orthopedics. There I received the figure 8 harness, a sling – both of which I was supposed to wear 24hrs a day except to stretch and shower – and they gave me some vicodin for pain. I was told to come back in 4 weeks to check on my progress. I’m a 22 year old male and was hoping for a speedy recovery, however I don’t know if this is going to be the case. The break was clean but had fairly good sized gap between the bones (1/4″ or so???). So, apparently this is what the figure 8 harness is supposed to correct, because x-rays after the harness is worn showed the bones pushed back together and touching.
    …..However, after 8 days I still feel like the bones are moving and rubbing on each other. There isn’t too much pain, but it just concerns me because this would mean the bones aren’t bonding. Should I worry? Is this normal? I’ve been fairly careful with my shoulder, trying not to move it much at all, but its extremely hard going on with daily life while doing this. I can make the slightest movement with my body and still feel the rubbing. I would say I have a fairly good range of motion when I try to move my arm but it’s if I try to move to fast that i get some pain. So, mostly I’ve let pain be my guide on whether to move or not.
    …..I’m an avid guitar player and have managed to find a comfortable position to do this. The break is on my left side, so this would affect my fretting arm and hand, which is my left. I am careful not to support the weight of the guitar with my shoulder, so I rest my elbow on the arm of a chair and just pivot on that part of the arm if I need to change chords up and down the fret board. I’m only moving the arm below the elbow, but does this move the shoulder? Is this still bad? I can do it and pain free, but would this prevent the bones from bonding? I am petrified that I’m going to go back in after 4 weeks of healing to find that there has been no bone growth and that I’m going to need surgery after all.
    …..Also, I know it’s known that you’re not supposed to smoke cigarettes because of the nicotine, it prevents bone growth. LoL, well my next question is can you smoke marijuana (there is no nicotine involved)? This has come up a few times because I’m in a college environment, but I’m wondering if I should just kick the smoking all together. Sorry about the long post, any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks and hope everyone is healing well,
    – Bryant –

  43. Jeff Brook Avatar
    Jeff Brook

    Hi Again-
    I last wrote on Feb. 4 and my accident was last Aug. 15. My first ortho said a fibrous union and live with it because the break location was not a good candidate for surgery, with only a 70% chance of a good outcome. Plus, the hip bone graf and slow recovery would not make me a happy camper. Fortunately, I was able get a second opinion. Both surgeons concur that people do ‘live with’ my situation and do most of all they want to and both agree that there is no harm in delaying surgery for up to a couple years. However, from there, the second surgeon differs. He said it is a non-union and he would have surgery if it was him. He predicts 90% chance of good, speedy recovery and he uses synthetic bone so no hip bone graf would be needed. The final advice was to ‘go for it’ and see what I can and can’t do, but expect that overwork will lead to post pain. I have experienced that and am leaning towards signing up for surgery now, but will continue to push it and see if it is livable. Does anyone know if synthetic bone is now common in surgery?
    Of course a 3rd opinion would be best but, I doubt that would resolve it. I have been able to xcountry and downhill ski at ~90% of last year so we’ll see how this spring and summer outdoor activities fare and then go from there.

  44. david Avatar

    John: I was in a similar situation, I had an overlappping mid-clavicle fracture and finally had surgery after waiting 7 weeks for the bones to heal on there own. I’ve been very satisfied with the surgery. If a perfect union is your goal, I think it’s more likely that you’ll need the surgery. In the end I told my surgeon that I didn’t want to wait any longer and let’s do the surgery. I think non-unions are also more likely depending on one’s age and severity of the break. Also, be sure you are seeing the right kind of orthopod who specializes in upper body/clavicle injuries. Good luck.

  45. John Vasse Avatar

    I broke my left wrist and collarbone on Feb. 23rd after flipping my road bike at about 30 mph. My concern is that the doctors in so many examples in this thread are satisfied with less than perfect unions where bones are overlaped, not touching or skewed. It seems to me that if the union isn’t perfect surgery is indicated and accepting any other prognosis is just foolish. I want my collarbone to heal in exactly the position it was in before the accident. I am an entertainer by trade and have to sling a guitar over that shoulder and probably will have to for the next 10 years. I’m only in day 13 since my crash and my Dr. wants to let the bone heal naturally. I would prefer surgery now to get the alignment correct and make sure the collarbone heals without delay. Being 54 y.o. makes very leary of letting the bone heal naturally. Why are Drs. so put off by surgery in these cases?

  46. Chele Avatar

    My boyfriend was in a motorcycle accident last Thursday and broke his left clavicle. He’s in a lot of pain. He lays on his side most of the time. Will he heal normal this way or should he be laying on his back? He also took the fig 8 and the sling off because it was, he says, closing in on him. To be honest, I don’t know how much more of his moaning I can take. When does the pain get better?

  47. Cristina Lalli Avatar
    Cristina Lalli

    It is really helpful for me to read these stories, almost overwhelming, but helpful. I broke my clavicle playing rugby in late July and it is still not quite healed. It is officially pronounced a non-union, and I am nervous as to whether or not I should opt for surgery. I’d love to get back into rugby and backpacking as soon as possible, but I know it will be a long journey no matter what I choose. I just don’t know what will be more beneficial.

  48. kimberly Avatar

    i broke my collar bone in late Oct 05 (posted on the other part of this site) in a cyclocross race. well everything healed nicely and i was back on my bike in early Jan. On great early morning ride, I hit some RR tracks wrong (b/c I was being TOO careful, i think, and had slowed way down. I’ve been over those tracks at speed so many times!!) and went down on the newly healed collar bone. The ER doc and the MD I saw a few days later said I hadn’t rebroken it b/c there were no new breaks on the xray. However I could feel things moving and I was in a lot of pain, so I saw another doc who decided that I must have broken the callus which wouldn’t show on an xray. I’ve now been in the figure 8 (i totally believe in the fig 8 over just the sling) again for 6 weeks and return in 2 weeks for another xray. Nothing seems to be moving and the pain is almost gone. I am so ready to be back on my “real” bike. The trainer and spin bike only do so much. Someone told me that if you break it a second time in the same place (basically what I did, i guess) it’s much harder to heal the second time, which really discouraged me. Has anyone heard this? This site is so great. It’s very reassuring to hear stories of other athletes who have dealt w/ this. Although so many people on my team have broken their c-bones, when you’re in the middle of it, it’s easy to feel like you’re the only one in the world with this annoying situation!!

  49. David Avatar

    Lynn May: I had surgery on my clavicle in early November, and have been quite pleased with the results. Your job sounds like it requires heavy weight bearing. I think heavy weight-bearing on the shoulder after surgery must be done cautiously and with advise of ortho/physical therapist. As for my scar, it’s fairly long(3-4 inches) but its not raised. After 4 weeks, my surgeon had me massage the scar to break-up the adhesion to the bone. Also using some ointment containing almond or coconut butter was recommended to me. Good luck

  50. Lynn May Avatar
    Lynn May

    Hi, my name is Lynn, I broke the left clavicle dec.28 it was very painfull been to the ortho. he says bone is not healing, I kind thought that being that the bone is pertruding and brusing the skin. I now have to have surg. feb. 27 I am not looking forward to that. NO MORE PAIN. I am on a leave of absents, I am aircraft structual mechanic . I need my shoulder to be back to normal. will it? and is the scar very noticeabe. any advise will be appreciated. Thanks for the web sight.

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