Broken clavicle (collar bone)!

Well, I’ve managed to bust myself up.

I broke my left clavicle (collar bone) at the Folsom Criterium in the Masters 35+ 1/2/3 race. Start of the last lap of my second race. Some idiot clips the bars of the guy next to him, sending the guy down, directly in front of me. Curb and fence on the left and pack on the right. I was able to just avoid him but had to run over his bike. Ejected at 28mph.

I flew through the air for what felt like seconds and then hit and rolled. As I came to a stop I tucked and glanced back, expecting to be creamed by riders coming up behind. Luckily they were able to avoid.

Then I lay back and started going through the status check. Hmmm, legs, arms, shoulder… ouch, something not right up there. I reach over and feel my left shoulder and feel a bump. Uh oh, that’s not good. Just then a official comes over and asks “are you ok? Do you need help?”. I reply that “I think I’ll need help”. “Do you need an ambulance?” he asks. “Um, yes, maybe…”. He glances back down the course, “Can you walk?”. “Yes, in a second”. “Well, that would be good because the race is going to finish in a moment and it would be good to get you out of the course”. Good idea!

So, I get a hand up and walk over to the grass and lay down again. Yup, it was beginning to hurt. I never even noticed the finish of the race. As I lay there I ask if my bike is OK. Already crunched the frame once this year. Strangely enough, bike survived with only a few scratches.

After some chatting and info gathering with one of the race staff, we decide to skip an ambulance and get someone to drive me the short distance to the hospital. But first I wanted to dump my bike and gear in my truck. At the truck I decide to strip off the jersey. The guy helping me is telling me to leave it on since they will just cut it off and it’s ruined anyways and it will save me the pain. Pain? Destroying another jersey, that’s pain! As I’m peeling it off he’s looking at me like I’m crazy. Well, I get the jersey off and what looks like a lot of blood on the jersey is actually a Mocha Mocha Clif Shot that exploded on impact. Unloaded of gear and now carrying my clothes, we head over to the registration booth to enlist Will to taxi me. He’s very cool and gets me to the hospital.

I won’t go into the emergency room details but it was about 4 hours and during that time: filled out forms, waited, quick look by doctor, waited, x-rays, waited, tetnus booster shot, waited, scrapes cleaned and bandaged, waited, pee in cup, waited, final look-see, given shoulder restraint, fill exit forms, pay co-pay, done!

Broken Clavicle
Left Side Distal Clavicle Fracture

The good news is that the collar bone has a clean break, isn’t poking up, and should heal well. I went a few days later and saw Dr. Massimo Testa to have him do an examination. He’s a great doctor and understands cyclist’s needs. Along with the examination he put together a 3 week training program. I’ll be able to maintain my fitness!

A broken collar bone usually mends itself in about 6 weeks. I’ve been lucky and not had much pain. I’m wearing a figure-eight brace and a sling for the arm. The suffering now is not being able to ride and race during some great weather. Oh, and training on a stationary bike inside is torture. Good thing for DVDs.

Be careful out there.


p.s. I highly recommend Dr. Testa and also Dr. Eric Heiden (previously over at U.C. Davis Sports Medicine). If you are in Northern California and have a sport related injury, call them!

More “Broken Collar Bone” Articles

Don’t miss reading the information and comments in the other collar bone entries:

Broken Clavicle No More
What To Expect From A Broken Clavicle (collar bone)
Chad’s Broken Collar Bone Report

DISCLAIMER: The following content is for informational purposes only. The content is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Diagnosis and treatment of all health conditions should only be performed by your doctor or other licensed health care professional. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this site.

423 responses

  1. Patrick Utter Avatar
    Patrick Utter

    I broke my left clavical on 4/24/05 diving for an outfield softball (the ball bounced out of my glove :)) I was treated in the ER with xrays, ultra sound, and a figure eight and arm sling. Saw an Ortho the next day who said it would heal in 8 weeks as is. I was in extreme pain for two weeks and was recommended from my boss to get a 2nd opinion. Went to a Seattle Orthorpedic and Fracture clinic where 2 orthopedics looked at it and they both agreed surgery was need in order for it to heal properly. Also, a bone was pushing against my skin that was degrading my skin. There was also two chips that broke loose from the break.
    I now have a plate and screws. I feel more complete and in less pain than prior to the surgery. I know that surgery is not the route for everyone, but my advise is to get a second opinion with a orthopedic that specializes in fractures (like in a fracture clinic). My doctor said my recovery will be about 8 weeks and then I can live a normal life. Only time will tell.

  2. bud Blumenthal Avatar
    bud Blumenthal

    i’m busted since four days, clean break, strange in that the edges of breaks are rounded indicating a previous break apparently. can’t ever remember such a thing, but..
    what makes me pissed is that the 8 and sling are pretty prehistoric tools. these things hold it all from above which means that it is all hanging from the collar bone itself! it seems obvoius to me that tha arm should be immobilized and lifted and angled just so, but definitly from underneath! it all shou rest on the waist or hips so as to completely relieve the shoulders. if nobody writes in with wonder brace that i can locate and purchase i will have to make my own which is bogus and also difficult under the circumstances. bud

  3. Whocares Avatar

    dude to bad things happen

  4. Marie Avatar

    hey i did this to but i broke 3 of my coller bones and sprand my whole arm.

  5. Hans Avatar

    dan – I found a couple of references on wearing a sling. Here’s one that gives a good description:

  6. dan smith Avatar
    dan smith

    thanks for sharing your story & info. Does anyone know the right way to wear the sling?

  7. Barb Nydam Avatar
    Barb Nydam

    I broke my r collarbone and 6 ribs (in 8 places) on Jan 11/05 when my horse jumped out of his stall-over the door- and crushed me against the door jam. I was in the hospital for a week and then home. I have been wearing my figure 8 brace 24-7 for almost 3 months and I am hopeless without it due to pain and discomfort. My physio was concerned with it not healing so I began getting more xrays, a bone scan and a ct scan that showed complete non union of the collar bone. I saw my ortho dr today and he has put me on the urgent surgical list-which in bc means a 2-3month wait for my turn under the knife. I have already spent 3 months knowing it wasn’t healing because I can see and feel the bone moving at the break site. Yuck and it gives me the creeps. I am pissed that I have to wait so long and nervous that the plates, screws and bone graft are not going to solve my problem, Does anyone out there have a surgery success story for my spirits? Wish me luck. Barb

  8. Hans Avatar

    Kiara – When I did my follow up x-ray for my collar bone there was a definite sign of the ends pulling together. That was about a month after the break. By then my shoulder was feeling good and I was starting to get back on the bike.
    I recently had to see my doc about my shoulder. I managed to bust up my humerus and not the collar bone this time. When we were looking at my x-rays he also looked at how my collar bone was doing. It’s been a couple of years but it had never fully fused back together. He noted that it’s probably a partial connection. A fibroid connection I believe and since it wasn’t bothering me that I shouldn’t worry about it. He made the comment that they don’t treat by x-ray. He means that although the x-ray shows the collar bone not fused, that doesn’t mean there is a reason to “fix” it. Since I experience no pain, my collar bone isn’t moving around, and I have been able to use my shoulder without problem then there is no need to worry or do anything.
    So, the best I can recommend is wait a bit longer and see how you are feeling. Do a follow up with your orthopedist and evaluate at that time.
    Good luck and let us know how it goes.

  9. Kiara Avatar

    Hi, I joined the collarbone-break club on 15 Mar 05… riding my bike, of course… I have a complete break about 1/3 from the shoulder (distal, ends overlap a bit. I’ve been in a figure 8 sling and started riding the stationary gym bikes (sitting upright) about 5 days after the accident.. trying to be careful not to move the shoulder, but I was going nuts not getting any exercise. I’m 36. I just now had some Xrays done, I’m at about 3.5 weeks, and they show absolutely NO healing, very depressing. If anything there seems to be slightly more separation of the bone ends than I remember from the first Xrays right after the break. I wonder at what point should I expect to see some visible healing? And how many months of non-healing (worst case scenario) before I become a surgical candidate?

  10. Chris Avatar

    Thanks for sharing your story Hans! and everyone else. I broke left clavicle on the 17th of Feb., fell off me skateboard. So thats six weeks tomorrow, I have been out of sling for more than a week, though i wear it when i go hiking. I feel pretty good, and i am comfortable on my bicycle again. Praise Jesus! I am wanting to do some PT excercises. best wishes to all that are healing.

  11. Bernie Avatar

    I’m also a snowboard casulity. We did the figure eight for 2 months with a sling, then started on ultra sound theopy (20 miuntes twice a day a day for 3 months). The bones overlap but moved further apart with one end heading out through the top of my shoulder. It was back into the sling for two more months with continued ultra sound treatment. At 7 months nothing was healing (nonunion)so surgery was done with the long 4.25 inch screw longwise in the bone. The bones were finally lined up but the healing still has not happened. I am now one week from a year into to problem, the screw is just about to come out through the top of my shoulder (it stickes out 1/2 inch above my shoulder) and will have to be removed if it breaks through. I also had the bone graft from my hip. A catscan shows no significent healing. The next plan is to remove the screw and replace it with a plate and screws. What a pain! I can only sleep flat on my back and the pain is constant mainly at the ends of where the long screw is. I’m not so sure these guys working on me know what they are doing. All I know for sure is that was the most expensive snowboard trip I’ll ever had. In fact, this has cost more than all my ski trips combined for the last 54 years.

  12. Hans Avatar

    Lela – Sorry about your accident. Gravel is something I always keep an eye out for when I’m on my motorcycle. Losing the front wheel and control is spooky.
    As for your operation. I have friends that have had their clavicles screwed back together. Not sure of the type of screw used. Oh, and some have the screw removed once the bone has fully healed. It’s another operation but they don’t like having a foreign object in their body. Might be a placebo effect but they feel better without it.
    Not familiar with the bone graft procedure.
    Good luck and update us if you have the procedure done.

  13. Lela S Avatar
    Lela S

    I broke my collar bone in a motorcycle accident (gravel on pavement in a corner) 6 months ago in september. Just found out yesterday that they will do a new procedure on me. This entails a canulated screw and bone graft. I have a non union and have been working since 2 days after the accident. The doctor said with high impact injuries like this the bone dies and you are more likely to have a non union that will never heal. He has only done two of these so I am curious to see if anyone else has done this procedure. He said that this will make my clavicle more stable and we will never have to take the screw out.

  14. MAX Avatar

    Hi guys i broke my clavicle about 6 weeks ago in a snowboard accident.For the first 3 weeks i didn’t use a sling or a figure of 8 thing because the doctor said a should be fine.After the 3 weeks i was still in pain so i went to a fracture clinic and the doctor there gave me the figure of 8 thing.I wore it for 3 weeks and then i went for x-ray and they said the bone is starting to heal and they told me to take off the figure of 8.Now after 6 weeks the bone is hurting me when i keep my hand down and i always tend to keep the shoulder up so the bone wont hurt me but like this the muscles in my back kill me.The thing is i saw the x-ray and my clavicle is overlaping is going to be shorter with about 1cm.Any of you guys have an overlaping clavicle?can you please email me and tell me how long does it take for the pain to go away and if you are feeling ok with the shorter clavicle?My email is thanks.

  15. kyle Avatar

    i broke by collar bone on the 17th january last year and its still not healed fully. i hav to go and it pinned and screwed this thursday.

  16. Jerry Avatar

    I guess this is pretty common – January 1st was a beautiful day (60 degrees) here in central Pennsylvania. I’m a runner/biker and been having some foot pain. I promised to not run a day in January (which is very hard for me). So like all of us on a nice day …. I had to get out. Took the bike. 45 minute later I hit a dog. He was running down a drive way that was dug in about 3 feet so I didn’t see him coming. We met instantly so there was nothing I could do.
    I broke my right collar bone and 5 ribs (3-7). It happened so fast I can’t remember even preparing for the fall. Fortunately people were outside washing there car. Nobody wanted to claim having a dog that I described and he/she was nowhere to be seen.
    Emergency room xray was taken and then when I got back to the bed the Nurse moved my arm to take blood pressure again. I almost fainted. 5 days later I was at the bone Dr. and the new Xrays shows a complete overlap while the old one showed perfect alignment – I know exactly when that happened!!!
    5 weeks later the ribs are feeling much better – I avoided people with colds like they had malaria. The collar bone still wants me to be in a sling. If I take it off for too long (and not use it) I get more pain later.
    I agree with everybody else – I desperately want to get back to my routine but I don’t want to do anything that would set me back and I’m going crazy wondering if it is really healing.
    Obviously it could have been worse but I don’t ever want to do this again. To bad we don’t get to choose.

  17. David Avatar

    Hi there, I’m currently recovering from 4 broken ribs (3-6) and broken clavicle on my left side. I was a passenger in a car that crunched into a lampost….
    6 weeks now since the accident, my Ribs are fuseing together nicely. But my clavicle is stubbonly refusing to mend. It was shattered into 4 major fragments. The doctors are only treating it with a full arm sling and painkillers. I’m expecting another 6-8 weeks before the bone begins fusing… 12+ weeks.
    This site may of intrest to some of you.
    My Shoulder is noticeably lower, but I have not problems with lower arm movement or sensation. I’m confidant of a complete recovery, and am learning new levels of patience ๐Ÿ™‚

  18. MKF Avatar

    I discovered this website as I just broke my left clavicle in a horseback riding accident; it’s a common injury there. Good luck to everyone. Mary

  19. Hans Avatar

    Sue – It wasn’t Lance it was Tyler Hamilton that cracked his clavicle during the Tour De France and then finished the race. But, he probably has access to some powerful pain killers ;’)

  20. sue Avatar

    apparently the clavicle is the most common bone for anyone to break.. but an awful lot of bikers seem to share the ( entirely unpleasant) experience. Including me. ten days ago on an icy downhill track… is it true that lance armstrong continued to ride with a broken clavicle??? i cant believe it.

  21. Larry Avatar

    Reading these entries makes me realise I’m not alone.
    I broke my collar bone 5 weeks ago when I rode speedway
    (dirt track in the US). I hi-sided and landed on my shoulder
    which pushed the shoulder about 4″ into my body.
    (I’ve seen the video!!)
    Serious muscle bruising (no pain no gain as my brother says)
    and a collar bone break. Not too bad I thought, I have friends
    in wheel chairs.
    However, my collar bone has now healed, but my shoulder
    is now about an inch narrower due to a seriously overlapping
    collar bone.
    Can anyone please tell me if there is any drawback in having a
    shorter collar bone ? I am currently battling to have it cut and
    repositioned, but I may be wrong and a shorter shoulder may
    be as good. (Function over looks anyday!!)
    Feel free to mail me directly (please :o)

  22. Mark skinny boy Bowsher Avatar
    Mark skinny boy Bowsher

    i broke my r clavicle on 14th nov and have now started getting sharp shooting pains at certain posistions in my arm 2 weeks later, the main pain has gone and ive come off pain killers now. is this the normal thing to happen and how long is it likely to go on for? also i want to get back in my gym and do weights again as im losing my bulk!,how long should i leave it for this and will it be weaker now than it was?

  23. Hans Avatar

    Rich – Sounds like your ER nurse doesn’t know how to have fun! :’)
    I don’t recall any burning sensation during my recovery. Only aches and some pain. I would suggest a quick call to your doctor for some advice.
    As for having surgery, avoid it. Get a second or third opinion before going that route.

  24. Rich Avatar

    I broke my collarbone on a dirt bike 11 days ago. At 39 the ER nurse said don’t you think you’re getting a little old for that kind of stuff. No! My four year old daughter is just starting out and will need some guidance. Anyway, the collar bone area felt really good the first six days probably due to the pain medications. Now I am starting to get a burning type sensation at different times throughout the day. Anyone out they know if this is a normal part of the process. The fracture site is displaced and the doctor is not sure if surgery is going to be necessary. I really hope not. Any insights?

  25. Pete Floyd Avatar
    Pete Floyd

    I broke my collar bone racing in Cuba October 14, 2004. Reading all the comments have eased some of my fears about my treatment (Nothing) being adequate. It also has set some realistic goals as to when at 64 I can ride again. My pain is basically gone and I am not using my sling. Taking off five weeks after my first year of riding bikes, Guess the break was good timing. My fellow bikers were great keeping my spirits up after my fall. Thanks guys at Mike Fraysee Sports.

  26. Brent Avatar

    I broke my clavical late July 2004…nasty high speed fall due to hydroplaning as it started to pour cats and dogs unnanounced on a timetrial bike on a long descending grade coming into a corner on a smooth bike path…found myself in the woods tasting my own blood in the rain near an oak tree, with a burning feeling on my back(road rash)and a lump and sharp poking spot near my collarbone and also a grey-out or feeling of great impact not sure if I hit my head or not. Worst thing was being 5 miles away from anything on a 10 mile loop. Got rescued by the only other guy on the bike path…ended up in emergency room and all is finally coming back as I road my bike since the crash yesterday!!!…:)

  27. Hans Avatar

    Scott – I know how you feel but listen to what the docs say. If you do anything to cause the break to tear apart again you will be asking for surgery or for a worse fuse of the bones.
    My doc insisted I use the sling. You may feel the strong enough not to use it but in reality, your body is working hard to repair itself. The more stress you put on your shoulder the harder it is on your body to repair. Give it and yourself a rest and let it heal.
    Also, it’s a little late in your case since the bones have fused, but it is very very very important to keep the shoulder imobilized right after the break and until it fuses together. Otherwise, movement may hinder the fuse process and the bones may never join.
    As for riding now, sure you could but if you make one small mistake and smack that shoulder again you could easily break it again. Then you’re back to day one or worse.
    My recommendation would be to get some good DVDs to watch while you spin on the trainer. I watched a bunch during my recovery. Cycling DVDs helped the best to take my mind off the fact I was stuck on a trainer.
    I followed my doctor’s advice and was on the bike in a month and riding around Europe.

  28. Scott Avatar

    I broke my right collarbone on the 4th of August. Clean break with and island too. Pain is pretty much gone. Mobility is coming back to the point where I can lift my elbow above the shoulder. What I can’t figure out is the many different approaches to treatment and healing. I have heard and read many different medical opinions. Sling, no sling, do what doesn’t hurt stop what does, no movement, movement is good. The bones stopped moving last week. Okay what I really want to say is I want to ride tonight. Yes I am impatient. Yes I may be dense, but it’s killing me. Can’t I ride for the most part with one hand? I have done a couple of miles easy like that. I am going insane and won’t ride the trainer. I won’t I won’t I won’t!

  29. Hans Avatar

    Dave – Bum luck about the collar bone. So, I researched the figure-eight myself and found docs that said it’s good and others that said it didn’t really do more than a sling. Oh, none said it was bad for you. I personally found that it really helped to keep my shoulder from moving around and kept the collar bone in place. I also had a total break (distill) so it was important to keep it from moving.
    Now, if you’re finding that your collar bone is still moving around then I would really suggest you do whatever possible to keep from doing so. That means get a figure-eight, or stay in bed, or whatever you can. If you keep it moving around like that during the first week or so you might not ever let it connect and start stitching together. Then you might end up getting the knife to have a plate screwed in. Fun!
    Good luck.

  30. dave Avatar

    Ay up Dave Engerlalalalang here. Oops broke my right one yesterday ouch. NHS Dr put me in sling and said it would be ok in 3/4 weeks apparently the figure 8 is out of fash now (see NHS site) cheers for exercise advice much appreciated. Try comphrey tea. Apparrently miricle herbal ‘boneup’ or wot ever. typing with one hand tres pain in the arse so ttfn
    Oh hang on this was my main point: Every time I move so does my bone coz its a complete break how can it possibly heal like that? My missus insists i stay in bed all day but its doing my head in already. Anyone got any clues? ps when i lay in bed in slots necely back in to place ie no lump then when i stand up it pops out again this cant be right can it. Feck knows. Giz a clue someone cheers

  31. Anthony Avatar

    hey i borke my collar bone and i play football and i really want to play its august 5 and that makes it the 5 weeks since i broke it i our practice starts on the 17 and i really have to be there so i can start. today i went to the doctor he said my bone was healed and that it looks great and then he said 4 more weeks but i dont kno what to do i really need to start football and i really want to play so i think i am but i need some advice PLEASE HELP !!!

  32. Michelle Zeiler Avatar
    Michelle Zeiler

    I broke left clavicle ONE year ago and still broken. surgery I dont want. Ive tryed bone stimulators a electod unit and no luck yet. bone denisty test done today and ct next week. pain level so so and one know of Bone Up vitimans. Any one will this long of broken clavicle??????? Help

  33. Joe Avatar

    I head off to surgery to fix my collarbone tomorrow. As it happens, I am one of those lucky 10% who don’t get better on their own. My non-union has turned in a mal-union. Ick. I’m getting screwed (and plated) in the morning.

  34. Karen Avatar

    I recently broke my collar bone bike racing a kid in my Youth group. The bike had no rear brakes. (I actually knew that at the start.) Anyway, I was going as fast as I could and did not allow enough room to stop and crashed. The impact was so hard my petal removed a chunk of concrete from the curb. The worst part is I lost. I will challenge him in checkers until I heal.

  35. Hans Avatar

    Laura – Check out the next entry “Broken Clavicle No More!” (link at the top of this page) for the workout he gave me. Kept up my fitness and I was up and riding in no time.

  36. laura erker Avatar
    laura erker

    can you send me the training schedule your orthopedist gave you?
    or aquick synopsis?
    I broke clavicle two weeks ago.

  37. Jon Griffith Avatar
    Jon Griffith

    I did it! I broke my left clav. I am opting for surgery because of how sharp the bone is and how displaced it is…yuck…talk about painful! And this sling is getting funky!

  38. mystery guest Avatar
    mystery guest

    Hans, You never could take a fall. Maybe you should retire and attempt something a little easier. Besides many of us that have become forgotten in your past life are able to remember the fact that you really can’t ride a bicycle very well. Try motocross for real excitement.

  39. Hans Avatar

    Shawn: Heh heh… Ah, the truth is there but you made an assumption which led you astray. Yes, I filmed the Cat 4/5 race but… I didn’t “race” it. I jumped in for a few laps to get the footage then dropped out so I could catch the finish.
    Also, being a Cat 3 allowed me to film and race both the later Masters 3/4 and Cat 1/2/3 events.

  40. Shawn Mehaffey Avatar
    Shawn Mehaffey

    You say you injured yourself in a M35+ 1/2/3 race in June, yet you have video of a Cat 4/5 Santa Rosa twilight race in August. Something doesn’t add up, unless that was someone else riding in Santa Rosa.
    So are you a Cat 4 or a Cat 3 Hans? When did you upgrade? Inquiring minds want to know.

  41. Gary Colburn Avatar

    I broke my right distal clavicle on July 4. The story is at the URL above. I just got out the the immoblizer yesterday. (It’s a velcro device that holds your arm against the body but allows movement below the elbow.)
    My orthopedist hasn’t worked with cyclists, so she doesn’t know how much I should be allowed to ride, but it’s been six weeks, the bone is healing, and I promised to go easy. I see her again in another four weeks.
    Meanwhile she wants me to try to loosen up the shoulder without putting any weight on it Doing shrugs, easy stretching and gently raising the arm as far as I can tolerate are encouraged.

  42. Dougie Jordan Avatar
    Dougie Jordan

    Hay Hans,
    Just done the same to my clavical(07/07/03).
    Wish I had read your page before hand.
    My break is downwards baove the left shoulder joint.
    Does the brace work for you?
    wath exercise were you given?

  43. carson Avatar

    Ouch. Sorry to hear about the clavicle. ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™
    Thank you for your kind comments on my commute blog entry.
    Best regards and hopes for a speedy recovery,
    Jim Carson

  44. Jon Good Avatar
    Jon Good

    Hans, I know how you feel. I broke my right collarbone two days ago. Yes, it happened in a race. I’ll see you at the races after we’re both good and healed up!

  45. sarah Avatar

    Just heard about this, I’ve been remiss in checking your website for race reports!
    Ugh, I’ve been there, and I’m thinking of you!
    If you have a non union, let me know: my doc gave me this weird bone-growth stimulator (electromagnetic pulses – no, this is not a joke) that made me get away with not having surgery, they are expensive I’ve got one that I paid $900 for (thanks, insurance!).

  46. Susie Avatar

    That’s one hell of a birthday wish ! Happy b-day, by the way. Last year we celebrated in Topsail together. The good news is, you’ll be ready to ride by the time you get to Switzerland, right ? Take care not to overstrain yourself on home-trainer…Love, Susie

  47. Tina Avatar

    Boom fall down!

  48. Tom Avatar

    Sorry to hear about your mishap, Hans. I hope you mend quick, and that you aren’t too uncomfortable in the meantime.

  49. Betsy Avatar

    Hope you get well quick, Hans. When I, your aunt, had an intimate experience with a car, on my bike, in Sand Francisc, I didn’t tell my mother either. so it’s definitely genetic. In fact maybe the whole thing was predestined!? get well quick. love, Betsy

  50. Mom Avatar

    Okay, Hans. I got a call from my friend, Chuck Young, a cyclist and he says “sorry to hear about Hans’ broken clavicle.” “What?” says I, just your mother. “Where did you hear this?” Check out his web site, says Chuck. I guess you didn’t want to worry me ๐Ÿ™‚ Love you, Mom

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