Chad’s Broken Collar Bone Report

Here is another well done article by a 30 year old rider that broke his collar bone during a criterium bike race. It chronicles his journey from the initial break, through the ups and downs of healing, to his recovery.


DISCLAIMER: The following content is for informational purposes only. The content is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Diagnosis and treatment of all health conditions should only be performed by your doctor or other licensed health care professional. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this site.

Chad’s Broken Collar Bone Report

By Chad Crocker

First of all, let me say that this website helped me with many concerns and questions I had after my collarbone was broken. Hopefully, my detailed account will help others in the same way.

On October 15, 2005, I was racing in a criterium and broke my collarbone. As you can see from the x-ray (week 1), it was distal third “fracture”.

Chad's broken collar bone

At the hospital, they cleaned my road rash (plenty of it), put me in a figure of 8 brace, arm sling, and gave me a prescription for some wimpy Lortabs. The ER doctor said to move my arm/shoulder as little as possible, even in the shower. When I got home, I jumped on the internet and found Hans’ website which provided a wealth of knowledge and experience from others who have been through the same thing.


The first three days after the wreck were extremely painful. I had a bad bruise on my shoulder that ran down my bicep. After a few days, it turned a funny green color. This was normal. Another lady who told her story on this site had the same thing happen. I tried to sleep in a bed for two nights. Every time I tried to get up, my collarbone moved in ways that it definitely should not have moved. So, for the next 5 weeks, I slept in a recliner. Did I mention that the only clothes I had on were my boxers, figure of 8 brace and sling? Road rash sucks!!!

As for supplements, I started taking 2500 mgs of Calcium citrate and a multivitamin everyday. Calcium Citrate is supposed to help acidify the urine somewhat to help prevent kidney stones from such a high intake of Calcium.


Pretty much the same as week #1. My brother is an x-ray, CT, and MRI tech, so I had a few x-rays taken. Absolutely no change. Of course, calcification doesn’t show up for a few weeks. Didn’t know this at the time, though. Oh yeah, it is unbelievable how much crap is on TV.


I’m finally able to put on a pair of shorts. My shoulder and bicep are still several funky shades of yellow and green. Still no improvement on the x-ray that I could see. This concerned me. Especially after reading some of the horror stories people had about collarbones not healing even after 7-8 weeks. Now I’m paranoid and keep my arm and shoulder completely immobilized. Later, a friend/doctor looked at the x-ray and pointed out that the bones are not as rough as in the first x-ray and the ends have smoothed out somewhat (signs of healing). Guess I should have left reading x-rays to the professionals.

Chad's broken collar bone


Still the same old thing. My shoulder was still hurting pretty bad from where I was slammed into the pavement at 30 mph. My moral was starting to get pretty low at this point. I really wanted to go for a bike ride, but taking time to heal is best. I kept everything completely stable and only took my brace and sling off for showering. Keeping your arm completely still at your side makes taking a shower very interesting.


GREAT NEWS!!!! Went to the doctor on Tuesday and she said the fibrous bridge between the two bones had formed. The sling came off and most of the road rash has healed. Most, not all. The figure of 8 came off Saturday. Now comes the fun part… physical therapy. When the sling came off, I could not raise my arm at all. Every chance I had, I was moving my arm as much as possible. Using a broom stick works very well. You basically use your good arm to pull up and stretch the injured arm. By Saturday, I was able to lift my arm out in front of me. Good enough. Now it’s time to hop on the stationary bike. I also started sleeping in a bed. Still have some shoulder pain near the rotator cuff.


Went to see the other doctor this week. The fibrous bridge is starting to show on x-ray. This made me happy, but I was still having pain in my shoulder around the rotator cuff area. My shoulder was still bruised. Because of the location, the doctor ordered an MRI to look for any tears or other damage. I have a lot more mobility now. Mostly thanks to my chiropractor, Dr. Michael Silver in Gastonia. I have to give this guy a big “Thank you.” He helped get my full range of motion back in less than two weeks.

Chad's broken collar bone


Everything is healing up. I still have some tenderness in my shoulder and AC joint. MRI results will be back next week. Of course, I do have some pain and tightness in my shoulder and back. All the bruising has disappeared and I have almost full range of motion in my shoulder. Still working with Dr. Silver to get more flexibility and better movement. I was on the stationary bike 4 days this week and hit the gym for some good leg workouts. I was not doing any upper body exercises until the MRI results came back clean.


MRI results came back clean. It showed a bruised bone, bursitis (from smacking the pavement very hard), and a stretched AC joint. The rotator cuff was completely intact and healthy. I received the news on Tuesday and hit the pool that night. By Saturday, I was back swimming for one full hour nonstop. I have a few MRI pictures below. According to the doctor, this is what a “healthy” shoulder should look like.

Chad's broken collar bone
Chad's broken collar bone
Chad's broken collar bone
Chad's broken collar bone


My leg workouts in the gym are back to normal except for squats, hack squats, etc. No weight on the collarbone. I went to the doctor this week for more x-rays. We were able to see some calcification. The doctor said that I was 90% healed, and could start lifting weights again in about 3-4 weeks. She was surprised at the amount of flexibility and strength that I had.

Chad's broken collar bone

WEEK #15

For the past few weeks, I have been working out in the gym with light weights, swimming, and riding my stationary bike. Still too cold to be outside. Had my last set of x-rays this week. Everything looked very good and the calcification was very visible. The doctor said that my collarbone was stronger here than at any other point and cleared me to do whatever I wanted. Even ride my bike. I didn’t mention that I had already been out for a few rides.


After several doses of supplements, quality mass builders, and prohormones that are now banned by the FDA, I have regained every bit of strength plus a lot more. Several exercises still hurt my shoulder like standing curls, but military presses don’t bother it at all. Strange, but it will just take some time to learn my new shoulder. I also added glucosamine sulfate and fish oil to my daily supplements to help with joint pain from lifting heavy. This stuff works pretty well to be sold over the counter. My right shoulder is now a little bit shorter than the left, but it functions very well. The only place I really notice it is on the bench press. All I did was adjust my hand positioning. It had little effect on how much I could bench.

Take this for what it is. One guy’s story of experiencing a broken collarbone. I was very careful and did everything I needed to do for a quick recovery. All things considered, things went very well. The best advice I can give is:

1) Listen to your doctor
2) Get a second opinion (never hurts to ask)
3) Explain that you are a very active person and be treated as such. My chiropractor was the only one that treated me this way and helped my recovery more so than the other physicians.
4) Definitely take more calcium. This was recommended by all the doctors I went to.
5) Take time to recover properly the first time. It is better to lose 3 months to an injury than 6, 7, or more.

Hope this info helps others out there going through the same thing.

UPDATE (2012-04-23):

In March 2011, I started to develop severe pain in my upper back and neck that ran down my arm.  It got to the point where I couldnโ€™t swim 500 yards which is significant because my Ironman swims were around 1 hour.  I had xrays, MRIโ€™s, and spent 8 months in physical therapy.  The Ortho couldnโ€™t find anything and the PT kept saying I had a muscle imbalance.  I always felt that my collarbone didnโ€™t heal quite right and believed that was the problem.  Unfortunately, the Ortho did not think that was it.    After 7 full Ironman triathlons, I would have to say that Iโ€™m more in tune with my body than a doctor looking at pictures.  So, I started searching for a new doctor and my former motocross buddies pointed me to a surgeon in Texas (Dr. Mark Sanders).  I did a LOT of homework on this guy before making a decision to have surgery.  In January 2012, he broke my collarbone in two places and plated it back together.  He said it had healed 1.5 cm short and rotated forward.  Within a day after surgery, my pain was almost completely gone.  It actually felt so good, I walked into the doctorโ€™s office for follow up without the sling.  I wouldnโ€™t advise this, as the tongue lashing was extreme.  I am currently 12 weeks post-op and well on the road to recovery.  Three weeks ago, I went to the same PT who treated me last year and she was completely amazed at my range of motion and how the mechanics of my shoulder/scapula had changed (for the better).  After seeing me, she said having that surgery was the right thing to do.  Things still arenโ€™t perfect, but are much better than before surgery.  My shoulder and scapula were in the wrong position for 6 years of intense Ironman training before giving out.  Itโ€™s going to take time to retrain it.  Time for the disclaimer.  I probably would not have had this much trouble if it wasnโ€™t for the amount of overhead exercises I do.  Lifting weights and the repetitive overhead motion of swimming took its toll on a misaligned collarbone/shoulder.  Pushing through pain, hoping it will get better is obviously the wrong thing to do.  Especially pain that lasts for months.

My personal opinion, and thatโ€™s what it is, is to get a collarbone fixed if you are an active person.  Iโ€™ve been in both situations, and I will get it plated every time from now on.  Zero doubt.

More “Broken Collar Bone” Articles

Don’t miss reading the information and comments in my other collar bone entries:

Broken Clavicle (collar bone)
Broken Clavicle No More
What to Expect From a Broken Clavicle

339 responses

  1. Jackie Avatar

    I fell off a segway in DC and broke my clavicle on 8/20/09, 12 weeks ago.Ortho Dr. has been monitoring with x-rays.Last x-ray on 10/8/09 showed light fusing and granulation, which was very inspirational for me. I am an avid tennis player and bike rider. After the last x-ray Dr. said I could ride the stationary bike at the gym, do pendulum swing with my arm and walk my fingers up the wall. He said I didn’t need the sling or figure 8 any longer. I continue with the figure 8 for posture reasons. I had told him then of my goals to get back to tennis and bike riding eventually. I am not a patient person , but I am willing to do whatever it takes to heal properly. I am 53 years old and don’t want to prolong the healing any longer than necessary. The past 4 weeks have been good, I felt really positive about my follow up x-ray and apt. today. The x-ray was very disappointing, almost looked like the bone had seperated some and did not look as smooth as the last x-ray from 4wks ago. I was so upset & angry. Dr. said “yeah , we’ll have to do surgery , it’s not healing properly “. I was in shock, he could tell I was very upset. He said we could wait to see if it will heal on it’s own. I said I would like to wait, but asked what the surgery would consist of. He said out patient , making a small incision , putting a plate in to hold the bone together and then in 6 months go in and remove the plate after the bone has healed. Ugh!!! I said I would wait & now have a follow up apt in 2 more months(8wks). I am very angry and feel that I must have done something to cause this to happen. I have my x-rays and will get a 2nd opinion
    I found this website right after I first broke my collar bone. I found it most valuable. The most important thing I learned from this site was to not do too much too soon.
    My question is : does anyone out there feel that there is still a chance that my bone will heal on it’s own? I am so afraid to do anything now.

    It sounds like you’ve being doing everything right for your recovery. But age is something that can prolong the healing. Also, deciphering x-rays requires a trained radiologists. Don’t let what you see in the x-ray fool you. It’s possible there’s growth that you don’t recognize. Or the angle of the x-ray along with other factors can change the look of the image. So it might not be as bad as it appears. And if in doubt, get a second opinion.

  2. Lin Avatar

    I am 70 in Dec and 4 weeks ago I broke my left clavicle following a fall on a cruise ship (Yes I know what you are thinking!!) I was put into a sling and given dilofenic, (which I have since been told does not help with bone calcification). The original xray showed no break, but when the ship reached Limassol I was taken to a clinic and another xray done, showing a clean break. On returning to England I consulted my doctor and at the moment I have been taken out of the sling and given exercises to do at home. From reading other experiences from this very informative website I am going to try some physio to help speed up the recovery. I am an active pensioner and want to get back to swimming, bowls and walking. I was told that after 4 weeks the bone is beginning to stick and that the only way it would break apart again would be to fall on it!!! Will avoid that at all costs.!! Sleeping been a problem and stiffness and shoulder pain bad but take heart all you other oldies, it will improve.

  3. Jeff (Pittsburgh PA) Avatar
    Jeff (Pittsburgh PA)

    Back to ortho on October 12, broken bone showing smoothing and a slight shadow of new bone can be seen. Still having some pain right where the break is, especially if the muscles in that area are used. I’ve been riding the stationary bike 3 days a week and also some light jogging. Still told to not raise arm or lift any weight. The bad bruise from the collar bone down into the pec area has finally faded. No hitting the road bike again until probably November 9, really missing out on some great fall road/mountain bike/cyclocross riding.

  4. Jeff (Pittsburgh PA) Avatar
    Jeff (Pittsburgh PA)

    Went to ortho today. No surgery needed, just don’t lift arm for 3 more weeks as this will cause the mending break to stay flexible. At 2 weeks post injury I wil start using an X brace along with the sling. Take 1200 mg calcium with a vitamin D supplement. At 4 weeks PT can be started, no other restrictions (trainer, hiking, leg workouts)
    *** I had a low speed cyclocross crash while wearing a Bell Sweep R helmet and still sustained a grade 3 concussion. If you take anything away from my experience let it be this: ALWAYS WEAR A HELMET…

  5. Jeff Avatar

    Well I broke my collarbone 4 days ago training for a cyclocross race. I was turning from a paved road onto a gravel road and the bike went out from under me as if struck by lightning. Suffered a grade 3 concussion and collarbone fracture with what looks like about 1/2 inch overlap. Er doc said it wold heal fine but having a follow-up in 2 days with Ortho Specialist.

    Sorry to hear about that. Dang, that knocks you out for most of this season of cx. Definitely follow up with an ortho. Especially since you want it to heal without any complications that will effect your riding. Make sure the doc knows you ride and race and understands what that means to you.
    Btw – It helped me and others to watch cycling videos while recovering and riding the trainer. You might find amusing some of the cx helmetcam videos I have posted:
    Cycling Videos

  6. JM Avatar

    Yes, this is just what I was trying to say with my long post about 40 years with a non-union! Old thinking: leave it alone, if it doesn’t heal it’s not a problem. New thinking: if it doesn’t heal it will cause problems in the future so get it fixed sooner rather than later. The surgery (all surgery) isn’t as risky as it used to be, ask Lance Armstrong.
    I’ve just had a follow-up appt at seven weeks post-op, and the x-rays showed the plate and 10 screws haven’t moved at all (I was in a sling for six weeks and being cautious I didn’t take ANY chances or push it at all). My arm and shoulder ache when I do too much, but no worse than before the surgery, and now I have the prospect of being pain-free in the future. I’m seeing a physio and doing light exercises. No horse-riding for six months (boo) but I will probably comply tho I’ll be back on the bike sooner. Some minor details might need attention in a year or two, but overall I’m delighted to have had this surgery.
    Mark – if your doctor doesn’t believe in surgery, see another doctor. You say “if it was up to me …”, well duh, it IS up to you! It’s your body after all.
    Best wishes all!

  7. Mark Millman Avatar
    Mark Millman

    I would of preferred surgery from the beginning but the Doctor that I am seeing says that you want to avoid surgery if possible due to all the potential complications. If it was my choice, I would of had the surgery. To me, it is obvious that I need surgery due to the fact that it hasn’t healed after 3.5 months. I am really frustrated with this injury.

  8. Paul Avatar

    I broke my left clavicle for the second time 4 weeks ago mountain biking. I was caught out by a change in the trail and simply hit a large fallen rock at speed and went over. This break was mid clavicle, the previous was outer. I’ve learned some things from 2 expert orthopedic surgeons. The first works with the SF 49’ers and the second came from the best medical schools. I had to look hard for these guys as I originally was told the standard line about these things heal fine on their own with sling/figure 8. Not really. If the displacement is excessive the broken ends can never really heal. Some people need them very close, others don’t. Anyways, it’s a crapshoot. If you get plated and pinned they will be properly positioned and ensure healing. Plus the doc and ensure that no artery is being pinched or impacted. Why wait/waste weeks or months to only hear that you need surgery? The 49er’s orthopedic told me that professional athletes, rarely, if ever, just get slings. That’s for “regular people”. I believe him. Lance Armstrong got 8 pins and a plate and was riding pro races in 12 weeks. If you see any displacement on your x-rays, strongly consider surgery.

  9. Mark Millman Avatar
    Mark Millman

    I broke my collar bone back on June 6th and it still hasn’t healed. I almost have all the flexibility back in my shoulder so I have started doing more phsyical activities. I have noticed that I have two bones protruding now instead of the one so I think that I may have caused more damage. Also the collar bone is a little sore but nothing to complain about. My worry is that I wasn’t feeling this pain a week ago and that extra protruding bone wasn’t there a week ago. My next xray is scheduled for Oct 1st but I am wondering if I should go to emerg and find out what is going on. Do you think that it would be okay to wait until Oct 1st?

    You might give your doctor a quick call first. An emergency room visit might be a frustrating long wait without much outcome.

  10. ashley Avatar

    im 22 years old. i flipped our 4 wheeler 8 days ago and broke my collar bone. doc said its one clean break and its one of the best places to break it. its actually out of a sling right now so i can type with both hands, i mostly keep it in a sling but take it out sometimes to start moving around just a lil. i was able to get dressed yesterday by myself which wasnt too painful beings i had a button down shirt and a bra that hooked in the front. i am starting to get a bump which the doc said would happen. i go back to the doc in a few days to make sure i am healin fine. in which i believe i am. i am greatful to have a great family that took care of me for the first week while my husband had to go to work for a week. but i am tired of reling on people to open the door/ect and im ready to have my normal life back and go back to work. i will keep yall updated. ps this web site is greattt ๐Ÿ™‚ hope yall all heal soon. have a great day

  11. Ian Hayes Avatar
    Ian Hayes

    I broke my left collar bone in two places playing football (soccer) five weeks ago. The x-ray showed the middle section perpendicular to the outer parts, with a 2cm overlap. The doctor said to leave it to heal naturally and gave me a sling. My problem is i started a new job in china, 2 weeks ago, and as this was a pre-existing condition the insurance doesn’t cover it. I went to a chinese hospital for an x-ray yesterday, and it looks pretty similar to the first. The chinese doctors recommended surgery, but i hear they always do. I want to get a second opinion, but seeing western specialists out here is really expensive, so i feel cut off from the specialist treatment and feedback i’d be getting in the uk.
    I could go back to the uk and get more treatment, but my employer here wouldn’t be too happy, as it could take a long time. On the other hand it’s my body and i want it to heal as well as it can, as i really enjoy my sports.
    Has anyone had a similar sounding break and it’s healed naturally? The x-ray looks as though it’s impossible, but i’m not an expert.
    Have people found the advice from specialists useful? Or do they just recommend resting it some more. As i say it’s only been 5 weeks, so maybe the bone will align eventually, but i just don’t have access to a western doctor here to ask.

  12. george Avatar

    Wow. Forty years of non-union….I’m currently at 8 1/2 weeks without a union, but with good alignment and some calcification. I’m hoping for the best (natural union) and preparing for the worst (plate, pin and more rehab). I won’t know anything until near the end of the month. Hopefully, by then, I’ll have happy news to report. In the mean time, I’m doing my best with the physio and the time away from work. I suppose it would be easier if I were in some tropical paradise. Some day.

  13. JM Avatar

    Over 40 years with a non-union!
    Thought that would get your attention. I get alarmed when I read people speculating (and being told by docs) that you can manage very well with an untreated clavicle non-union. Well I had the middle part of my right clavicle surgically removed over 40 years ago (not a procedure that would be done these days!) and was left with my dominant shoulder “floating” as a result.
    For the first few years I didn’t notice much difficulty, but then gradually my right shoulder began to collapse forwards, and basically had to be supported unnaturally by the muscles in my neck and upper arm. Over the years the pain in my arm and neck became constant, and although fairly low-grade it was gnawing, relentless and horrible. Until recently I was always told there was nothing that could be done, but that it would only get worse. Then I found I could get a plate fitted, although it would need a large bone graft from my hip.
    I had a clavicle plate fitted, with a big bone graft (6 cm!) five weeks ago at the specialist shoulder unit in Nottingham, UK. I’m still wearing the sling at the moment, but things feel much more stable already. I see the consultant again in a couple of weeks, with x-rays to see if the bone is growing successfully. I’m being extremely careful, as after all this time I really don’t want this to go wrong. If I can’t ride my bike or horse until next year, I will happily comply.
    The thinking about treating non-unions has changed recently – the research isn’t hard to find online. It’s been recognised that there are indeed long-term consequences of leaving the structural bony shoulder girdle with a gap in it! Seems obvious to me. How I wish I’d never had the original surgery – but at the time (1960s) it was considered the only option.
    I’ll post later about how I’m doing, if anyone’s interested. My advice would be don’t take lightly the idea of living with a non-union!

  14. JohnW Avatar

    Like all of you I have recently broken my right clavicle + I am right handed so I am typing with 2 fingers, which is a pain. This happened 5 days ago, + like everyone else, I am looking for some answers on line. So far this is the best thing I have found, this thread has been going for over 2years, which shows how common, and frustrating this can be.
    Reading these stories have actually inspired me. I started a little depressed, but have realized I am quite lucky. I have a double break with a 25mm seperation, with very little pain. I walked out of my accident with bike in left hand. I feel the bones moving but no real pain. I am brusied all over, and have a fractured rib as well, but the sling keeps my right side from moving so I keep forgetting about the rib.
    Anyway, I feel a little better now that I have read some stories. I feel motivated to rest well, but find some form of exersize to keep my body going. I look back and see it was a good day afterall, the riding was great, Whistler was beautiful, the speed and the air was exlirating, but the ground was hard. My bike has small wounds but will be OK, + I could be worse. The pain is really not bad compared to others, I am just praying for quick + sound recovery so I can get upon the bike and challenge mother earth once again.
    Good healing to you all, I wish you the best. No metter what happens do not let it rob you of your joys in life, get back on the bike, but if you can’t, then find a new interest that keeps you alive! thanks for the stories keep them coming! got to go, time for more meds:)

  15. george Avatar

    I was able to drive (stick) using only my right hand, but only for a short drive to the grocery store (just to get my car moving). I’m definitely not comfortable enough yet to be driving regularly, as I’m still not moving my neck as well as I’d like–it has been exactly one month since my accident. Any thoughts on this?
    I still have some swelling in that small area b/w the neck, shoulder and collar bone. I go for my next x-ray in just over a week and I’m a little anxious about it since the tenting seems to be permanent….this site is truly fab, and all the info and stories here have really helped.

  16. Mark Millman Avatar
    Mark Millman

    I broke my left collar bone and 3 ribs back on June 6th/09. A terrible ATV accident way back in the bush. It took 7 hours to get me to the hospital due to the remoteness of the accident site. I wore the figure eight brace for 7 weeks but it didn’t do a very good job aligning the bones and the Fracture clinic Doctor indicated that they are useless. I guess that I should of wore a sling. Anyways, my collar bone is sticking out so much that it looks like it is going to penetrate the skin. Is the bone always going to be this way or should the Doctor operate?

    Tenting of the skin may never go away. I recommend a followup with an orthopedist to discuss your options. I’ve heard of some cases where the bone is filed down rather than having the full plate surgery.
    As for the clinic doctor’s comment about the figure-eight, well it’s a mixed bag on how helpful the brace, or any brace, is for recovery. There are some docs that think it’s a useful device and others that think it’s of no use. I used one and had a quick and successful recovery. So I may be biased towards using one. Regardless, it’s possible you would have the tenting no matter which type of brace or sling you wore. If the misalignment of the bones is extreme it’s going to be hard for them to move back into the correct position. And that’s where surgery is good consideration.

  17. george Avatar

    One more question: how long before you felt comfortable or able to drive?

    Automatic or stick? And right or left hand? In my case I was able to drive a stick shift within a few weeks. I think around the 3rd week. I had injured my left shoulder so my right was in good shape for shifting/steering. But I limited my driving until I felt strong enough. That was about a month after the accident.

  18. george Avatar

    Thanks so much for the advice and for keeping this page/blog going. It is very informative and even comforting, especially when you’re just waiting, waiting, waiting to find out if things are healing properly.

  19. george Avatar

    I broke my left clavicle nearly four weeks ago and would like some feedback. Docs said it was a “clean” break in the middle (toward the shoulder) and that there was some overlap. I’ve had two X-rays (one after five days and one just before week 2–that did not show much change). The ortho said I can move it slowly and as much as possible and I should wear my sling “as needed for comfort and support”. He then told me to come back for a new X-ray after 4 weeks (which would be nearly six weeks after the break).
    I can see the clavicle “tenting” my skin, which the doc said was normal–is it?? Is it also normal that I have quite a bit of range of motion already at 4 weeks. Does the fact that I don’t wear the sling all the time make a difference at this point in terms of the bone fusing? (I find it sometimes gets more painful wearing the sling than not wearing it). Any feedback would be VERY welcome.

    Everything you describe sounds normal. Similar to my recovery. I would also get tired from wearing the sling and would remove it to stretch. Sometimes I would support my arm by resting it on a pillow or the desk.
    Just be careful not to push your activity with your arm and shoulder too much and too soon. Even though it might feel good, it takes time before everything internally is solid.
    Oh, and the tenting is common. The change in alignment of the shoulder and bones can cause that. As can the overlap of the broken ends of the bones. It’s something that might not change. If instead it’s the “lump” that can be formed around the area of the break, that can reduce over time.

  20. Marie Avatar

    Hi, I am 43 yrs old, 125 lbs, not an athlete. I broke my right collarbone (I’m right-handed) and 5 ribs in a bike fall 7 weeks ago. The fracture is in the midshaft of the clavicle with moderate override. The Ortho MD that saw me at the ER said it was a 1.5 cm displacement. He recommended a conservative approach, no surgery. I was discharged with a sling and pain meds.
    My first ffup with the Ortho, a shoulder specialist (so I figured I was in good hands, since I was in his care since the beginning) was at 2 wks. My xray looked the same, I was told to wear the sling, no PT yet, and return in 4 wks. I asked about surgery, since I thought the xray looked bad. I was reassured that no surgery would be the best approach for my fracture.
    The first 2 wks, the pain was horrible, and you could feel the bone ends grinding against each other. Grip, sensation and strength from the forearm down was always good from the start. I stopped the pain meds at 3 weeks, and was able to take a shower unassisted with an alternate sling. I also started some lower body exercises. I kept up with my multivitamin, fish oil and calcium supplements (1,500 mg daily with Vit. D) which I had been taking even before the accident.
    By wk 5, I was spending time without the sling. My right arm felt like a stranger to me after I took off the sling for the first time, that was scary! It had no strength at all and I could barely move it a couple of inches forward and backward. I was careful not to move it since it was still very uncomfortable and I had popping and clicking sensations in the area of the break. In the mirror, I could also see the muscles moving around the break when I attempted to move my arm forward, accompanied by a bubbling, twitching sensation.
    On the 6th wk, I had my 2nd ffup with the shoulder specialist. Bad news, no sign of calcification. The ends of the bones were rounding off and the surfaces facing each other in the overlap area were looking a little rougher, but no callus. I was very disappointed and told the Ortho that I really wanted to go back to work and couldn’t imagine waiting another 4 wks, which was what he wanted to do! He still wanted to wait and prescribed an ultrasonic bone growth stimulator which I will wear for 20 min twice a day. According to the company that makes the device, it has an 86% success rate. (Does anyone have a success story with the use of this device?) The ortho also said that I could opt for surgery at this point if I wanted to (that statement bothers me, “if I want to”). I asked him when is the best time to do surgery, whether in the acute phase or several weeks after the fracture. He said surgery is better if done at once. At this point there was the usual rollcall of asking the staff in the vicinity whether they would have surgery given a fracture like mine, and everybody said NO. Interestingly, I asked the Ortho himself and he was the ONLY one who said if it were him, he would have surgery so that he could be back to work in 2 wks! Now, don’t we all need to get back to work, life etc?!
    I am supposed to see him in 2 wks, that will be 10 wks after my fracture. In the meantime I am using the bone growth stimulator, and getting really bored at home. I am getting some strength back in my right arm, able to lift it forward some 45 degrees, able to reach across to my left arm, can cook light meals, but still can’t touch my head or bring my fork to my mouth. The Ortho still didn’t recommend any PT at my 2nd visit. He didn’t want me to jar the bones at all and only recommended pendulum exercises. I’ve been trying to do those exercises but they hurt a lot! Are they supposed to? I found the stick exercises (lifting your injured arm with a stick) to be much easier. Doing the pendulum results in pain right at the fracture are. Certain movements also result in a tug or pull on my wingbone/scapula, especially moving my bent forearm forward.
    At my age, is the scenario above something to be expected? Should I seek a 2nd opinion? I’ve read that surgery is currently being more frequently performed on clavicle fractures and that clavicle fractures need to be treated more seriously rather than the somewhat cavalier approach that doctors take to it.
    Thanks and I really enjoyed all the posts.

    The scenario you describe doesn’t sound out of the ordinary from what I have read and heard from other sufferers. Many factors influence healing. Age being one of them and not for the better. If only we healed like when we were really young.
    Surgery does seem to be more commonly prescribed these days. Possibly because doctors figure that if someone is going to have surgery then it’s better just after the injury rather than later on. But it doesn’t seem as if the doctors mentioned here are any more or less cavalier as before. Oh, and when it comes to getting a second doctor’s opinion, I always say that the more information the better.

  21. jan Avatar

    I broke my collarbone about 7 weeks ago in a motorcycle accident. it really over laps and it is also closer to the rib cage. I am 45 yrs old. I was in pain for about 3 weeks…boy this injury hurts…but was out of the sling by 3 weeks and only wore a figure 8 for 2 weeks. My collarbone is still not mended together yet. I was borderline surgery and have opted to see if it heals. I can move my arm great now even now there is separation but it is stiff. The doc said I can always have surgery later to correct it. Hang in there..the pain does go away.

  22. LP Avatar

    im a 30yr old extreme mountin motocross rider,29 when i had my fall 1 day before my birthday. At my own party!
    I had jumped off my bike(CR500) and jumped on my friends RM250 for a short ride and was rideing side by side down a logging road looking back and to my side alot (at my buddy)and doing the odd catwalk.
    Out of nowhere it seemed there was a fallen tree across the road.It was about 2 1/2 ft off the ground and roots still embedded in the ground so when i hit it at abt 50km per hr i was not able to crash throgh it. It stopped the bike,broke the old tree in half and i went flying,landed on my right shoulder.
    So the break is further in,closer to my ribcage. So from there to my shoulder its sunken back abt a half or 3/4inch.
    Its been 13 days since the fall and i was able to take the sling off and walk around a bit today,bone still feels pretty weak!. I go back to the hospital for Xrays in 3 more days. I wonder if it has healed in a good position?
    Has anybody else had a similar break? If so, how did it turn out for yah?
    GREAT site i learned alot.

    Oh man, that’s a crazy way to crash. I think you’re lucky walking away only with a broken collar bone.
    So 13 days is still early in the healing process. But it is around the time things start feeling better. And also the time it’s easy to push it too far and re-injure yourself. Give yourself some time and let yourself heal. Lots of stories of folks screwing up their recovery just as they are feeling better
    Also, it’s impossible for anyone on-line to say if it has healed in a good position. Only a doc that examines you can give you that information. When you go back to the doc be sure to ask this question. And be sure to explain that you are physically active and don’t want the injury to heal in a manner that will hinder the activities you like to do.

  23. kathy Avatar

    Great site..but very disappointed to find you took my follow up story about my surgery out!!

    Nope, I haven’t removed it. I appreciate all the comments, including yours :’)
    Is it one of the posts you placed on one of the other collar bone pages? Take a look at the top of the article for the links.

    I have read your whole site and I thought it was very important to find out what has happened to some of the people.
    There is a huge amount about collar bone breaks but very little about what happens to them a few months later!
    I thought mine was very informative as it followed me from primative help in Argentina to emergency surgery with plates and screws in the UK..

  24. pete Corcoran Avatar
    pete Corcoran

    Hiya , Im here in the Uk ,and can agree with others that the problem of a broken collar bone is taken lighlty by the medics i have seen ,and wasnt told of the importance of the bracing in the sling position ( across the chest ) . however four weeks after a simple break and not much displacement ,and three weeks of wearing the sling correctly i feel well on the way to recovery ,only all the stories im reading here, im not convinced that it will be so straightforward, i have a clicking sensation in the injury area. I have another appiontment at the orthopaedic clinic along with an x ray , i cant wait to hear im on the mend. , its hot here now ,i just want to swim ,or go out on my bike, i would also like to hear from anyone who like me is a golfer, and if i will be able to swing like i used to, .
    So good to hear from all the fellow sufferers of a broken clavicle ,and the positive attitudes of most of them .thanks Hans.

  25. heather Avatar

    Very confused:
    My son broke his collar bone 2 days ago and it seems that his pain is the worse when he walks? Is this normal? Thank you

    Yes, that’s possible since that the act of moving around and holding the arm and shoulder up can place more strain on the injured area. Along with the pain from the break there can be pain from pulled muscles and other soft tissue injuries. Also, be sure he has a comfortable and adjusted cling and/or brace. That can help reduce the strain on the injury.

  26. Kathy Avatar

    My name is kathy and I am in Buenos Aires. I am not young and I am not really athletic but.. I do have a collar bone break!!
    I was travelling in argentina and got hit by a postal van.
    I was left bashed to the side of my head,soreness all down my left side and the broken clavicle.
    As I dont have insurance I was brought to the local hospital where they gave me a head scan, apparently that is ok, and they encased my upper body in plaster.
    It has been 3 weeks and i have removed it as apparently this is not the correct treatment. I now have a figure of 8 sling.
    The pain is bearable but I really love this site advice as I feel I will eventually be back to so called normal. I am on my own so have been a bit paranoid about my break (whoops that doesnt make sense) but anyway cheers for the site! x

  27. jesse Avatar

    I broke my collar bone a month ago (in basketball strange enough). I havnt been wearing the figure eight for 2 weeks… looks like I should probably been doing that if I ever want to be able to move my shoulder again.Thanks for the help guys.

  28. Chris Hanson Avatar
    Chris Hanson

    Following the breakage of my left clavicle first a quick word of warning. Avoid spending too much time looking at your trip computer whilst moving at 25+Mph cos your likely to find a car parked in the cycle lane. Oh I did feel a fool but the good news is the damage to my Trek is minimal and fixable. Have after four weeks just been given the all clear to exercise by the consultant. As a fit cycle mad 45 year old the sitting still was the worst bit but had to be done and in my case I am luckily now I believe seeing the benefit. The break was in the centre of the clavicle and from viewing the Xray was a nice clean snap. I was given nothing but a standard triangular bandage which I discarded for a home made sling after three days. The consultant advised me to keep the weight of my arm down (to the side of my body ) as he said this would help with the positoning of the two halves of bone and therfore the healing. Apart from going through a period when my wife mentioned that my shoulder skin colour was the same as Homer Simpsons (very attractive) and currently some neck and arm tissue trauma which eases with gentle exercise I feel pretty good. If i continue at this rate I should be back on the road bike in another 3 to 4 weeks I reckon. Shame that my new trek EX full susser will have to remain on display for a lot longer though.
    Main advice before signing off stay still for a minimum of two weeks even if it drives you mad !

  29. Hans (different one) Avatar

    Oh yea.. I threw 2 TD’s in the 1st qtr. prior to the hit that took me out.. We ended up winning 20-13. So maybe it will be worth it:)

  30. Hans (different one) Avatar

    Riddle: What do bikers and Quarterbacks have in common? Yes, you guessed it; BROKEN COLLAR BONES. Hey guys, just thought I would post. I got hit after releasing a pass on a deep fade route. Good news is the the Safety grabbed the receiver and we got 30 yards and a 1st down. Bad news is I got hit as I let go of the ball and driven down on my right shoulder. I was tingly all over from my head to my right hand. A little scary actually. But I got up and started checking myself out. Had a little pain on my collar bone so I reached under my shoulder pads and felt a significant bump there. X-rays confirmed at the ER that my clavicle was in 4 places! So it’s been 4 days… The pain has reduced but there is a lot of ‘bone bumping’ whenever I move which doesn’t feel good. I was given a sling but the orhto was definite that I didn’t need surgery. I figured out how to sit and sleep comfortably finally but I’m getting bored.. And yes, it’s hard to type 1 handed. I do better if I prop my right hand up on the keyboard and bang away..It’s actually comfortable. The bruising is looking pretty nasty but other than that my real concern is how far out my collar bone is sticking.. feels like it wants to come through the skin. I wish they could reset it somewhat. It’s almost like they can’t do anything unless they operate.. I feel like I need a clamp or something.. ๐Ÿ™‚ Also, I’m concerned that it will grow back to be the same length as it was.???

  31. Matt Davis Avatar
    Matt Davis

    I was riding my road bike at ~30mph and hit a squirrel, which caused me to lock up and fly over the handle bars. This resulted in a fractured right clavicle (angulated, overlapping, and broke in two places), along with a fractured rib. I’ve seen the orth surgeon and he recommended a figure-of-eight brace and sling. Thankfully no surgery at this point! I was able to stop taking the prescribed Oxycodone after three days. I intend to start back on the trainer 1 week post-injury. The doc said “if you can bear it, you can do it, but employ common sense”. This site has a wealth of information. It’s obvious that no two cases are the same though.

  32. Abbey Schaefer Avatar
    Abbey Schaefer

    Sorry to hear you are having such a time!
    One thing I found with the initial procedure was more pain than I expected from the bone graft site (my right pelvis) which made walking a lot harder than I had anticipated. Hopefully you won’t need a graft. Other than that, recovery from the surgery wasn’t much different than recovery from the initial injury.
    My surgery failed, and had to have it done again (I think I am an unlucky but low statistic).
    Best wishes for a quick recovery!

  33. Abbey Schaefer Avatar
    Abbey Schaefer

    Hey all,
    I’m 28 years old, 8 years post fracture, and 4 years post ORIF (x2!!!). Has anyone else experienced a reasonable way to treat chronic pain resulting from this type of injury and treatment? I find that I cannot do certain activities (rock climbing, carry a back pack on a hike, etc-) without being in pain for days after. Was thinking of accupuncture before heading back to orthopaedics again. Thanks!

  34. sue Avatar

    Hi all. I broke my collar bone 23 weeks ago and still not healing!! the pain has been pretty bad and sadly i have lost quite a lot of movement in my arm now, i have been trying to excerise as much as possible but due to pain have not been able to keep the joint active.. anyway at last they have decied to operate on the bone and pin and plate it. they are going to do it as a day case and was wondering if anyone else has had this done and if so how did they get on???

  35. jeycee Avatar

    Great site!

  36. jeycee Avatar

    Hey everyone- Jaycee here at 44, 160lbs. Broke my right clavicle, fractured five ribs, and punctured a lung while in a bike training ride…went down pretty hard after touching someone’s back wheel! Was sent home from the hospital within 2 hrs after x-rays and the standard fig-8 brace for the clavicle. My bone was protruding out pretty bad. Too my surprise, the pain wasn’t too bad…after being short of breath all weekend, though, I returned to the hospital 3 days later to discover a partially collapsed lung. They introduced a tube through my fractured ribs and took the air out (chest-tube-thoracostomy). Back to work 7 days after the fall, and traveling red-eye for 7 hrs within 12 days. My 8-brace came off in 17 days and I have good motion, but still a good lump on my clavicle…not fun!! I wondered if it was me being too active, or this just happens to everyone (the bump). 20 days after, I have a sling that I hardly use, and I feel OK. Pain has been mild (3-5 on a scale of 10). I am sorry to read some horror stories of 6-8 weeks!! Anyone can tell me what I should expect for the coming weeks. I have a bt of a sore shoulder, and hate to sleep on my back, but not taking any pills, unless I absolutely have too.

  37. barbara elmore Avatar
    barbara elmore

    Thanks for taking my story out. I could have done with some sympathy. And I may have some new information that could have been very useful to some of your ‘writers’.

  38. Clinton Scott Avatar
    Clinton Scott

    Hi Everyone,
    I broke the distal third of my right clavicle around 18 mths ago. Ungloriously, I did it playing touch football (for the non-Aussies – rugby league played without tackling). How does one break their collarbone in a low-contact sport? Well, I did it diving for the line whilst simultaneously avoiding being tagged, which saw me twist and land directly on my shoulder.
    Anyway, I’m due for a plate and graft in approximately 4 weeks. I’m quite nervous about the recovery. I’m reasonably active (jog, bike to uni, light resistance training) and don’t want to be down for too long. Has anyone had a similar experience: nonunion repaired with plate and graft? What was the recovery like? I’m hoping I can get into something low impact reasonably soon after the operation (i.e. swimming).

    There’s several comments here and on some of the other pages (links at top) from folks that have had the plate and graft. Most describe it as being a quicker route to recovery. Take a scan through the comments and search for “plate” and/or “graft”. There’s also a search form way up on the upper left column of the page.

  39. David Avatar

    Hey all,
    I’m an active 21 year old, broke my right collarbone almost 4 and a half weeks ago, clean break in the middle of the bone, with virtually no shortening. However, the two pieces are slightly displaced, the shoulder side is slightly behind and below the other piece. I’m in a sling still, never did a figure-8, and it feels pretty good, haven’t felt the pieces clicking together since the first week. Could this mean that the fibrous bridge is forming? Too early to begin therapies? And how long before the callus begins to form?
    Sorry for all the questions. Thanks so much for all the info ๐Ÿ™‚

    The clicking people hear isn’t necessarily from the bones moving. It can also occur when soft tissue, such as a ligament, moves about. So using ‘clicking’ to determine healing isn’t a good idea. I’ve been told that the only way to know is a bridge is forming is with an x-ray and examination by your doctor. Even then it can be hard to spot the bridge early on.
    You can read more about broken bone healing in this article:
    How do broken bones heal
    Since you are so far along in the healing process I would think your doctor has already started you on physical therapy. If not, then I would highly recommend following up with your doc and starting PT if appropriate.

  40. Anya Avatar

    Hi ๐Ÿ™‚
    I’m 13 and broke my right Clavicle on the 31st of January. (coming up to 2 and a half weeks)I was riding a small, fat, hyper pony bareback (or rather getting on him -minus leg up)when i was just getting my balance and he bolted into a canter and i was flung into a concrete wall.
    For the first 4 (?) days I had a regular triangle sling. It was sooooo painful to sleep. It hurt to walk…. it even hurt to breath. I was kept off school for the first week then went back on Monday. I was in agony when I got home and was off school the next day, returning to school for the rest of the week. im now on school holidays for a week.
    I broke my right collar bone and im right handed so its a pain at school asking my friends to write everything for me and i have to do all my homework on the computer, (bit annoying) but im feeling better everyday.
    I have a HUGE lump on my right shoulder and i can actually see the break. Will the lump go? I’ve read that it might not.
    I’m not sure when i will fully get my strength back or when i can not use the sling. Any help?
    I hope you all make good, full recoveries ๐Ÿ™‚

    I’ve fallen from horseback riding several times but have been lucky enough to walk away only with a bruised ego.
    Yes, your lump should reduce in size over time. But sometimes it never fully goes away. But you can use that for good show-and-tell stories.
    When you can stop using the sling depends on how quickly you are recovering and also how good you are letting yourself recover. It might be several weeks before the sling comes off. Listen to your doctor and don’t try to push it too soon.
    Recovering your strength also takes time. There are physical therapies that can help with that. Talk with your doctor about these exercises. It might take a little over a month before you begin to feel up to the same level as you were before the break. Again, all of this depends on your own level of injury and your recovery.

  41. rob Avatar

    hi wonder if u can help been 5 weeks today since my fall .. went to hospital and told me its healing very well 2 weeks and shud be able to go to gym and back to work .. said its strong the bone .. i feel ok if i went back to work and gym now .. cud the bone just snap or is that nt possible ?? thats what am worried about it dnt hurt at all now but am worriede case it suddenly snaps wen doing light weights . or cud that not happen ? thank u rob 18

    I’ve heard of folks reinjuring themselves by over lifting too soon. But if a break heals completely it should be as strong as before the break. The only person that can give you an honest answer is your doctor. Your doc would need to examine your injury and determine if it has healed completely.
    Also, if you are starting weights again, be sure to progress slowly. You don’t want to push it too much too soon. Also consider talking with a physical therapist to receive a training plan to help you on the way to full recovery.

  42. richi Avatar

    hi i broke my coller-bone 3 weeks ago and was sent away in a sling i have a week left in the sling! then i have a apointment at hospital ! it seems to be healing well i can raise arm infront above just hurts if i put weight onto it .. wen i go bck do u think i will get sling offf and be able to go bck to work and gym or will this take longer then wt i am hoping to heal ??

    It’s not possible to know if you will be able to take the sling off. Everyone heals at their own pace. But it you are young and healing well, then there’s a good chance you can get rid of the sling. Just wait and see what your doctor says.

  43. richard cunningham Avatar
    richard cunningham

    I am 19 years old and fell while running on ice . first tiem i went to hospital they told me it was broke and had overlaped a little . i have a a lump at top of chest which i think is the bone poping out a little .. he told me i needed sergery then he wasint too sure it myt heal naturally he said so he give me a sling and told me to see how it was after 4 weeks then he wud recomend surgery if nt healed .. 1) if i am in a sling and the bone is still broke can it go bck into place/rebuild itsself wiv nor operation or work needed in 4 weeks ??? 2) i do weight lifting do u think in the long run this break will affect me in anyway ???? thank u.. for any help given… richi newcastle

    It is possible to recover fully without having an operation. It depends though on many factors, including how well you take care of yourself and the injury while recovering. If your break fully heals then you should be fine in the long run. Just listen to your doctor and don’t push it too soon. There are others that have left comments here telling stories of pushing it too hard too soon and setting back their recovery.

  44. Anthony Avatar

    I broke my collarbone about 3.5 weeks ago a medial break with almost 2 cm of overlap, sucks bc i play hockey and lift almost everyday but now that’s done for a good amount of time, also just found out from the doctor i will probably not be cleared to play hockey until early feb. which is the end of the hockey season, but I was wondering how long before you could go back to squatting and other exercises that put weight on the collarbone

  45. mary Avatar

    Thanks for the response. I’m going for another x ray in a week so hope that will show something positive. I have found it really interesting reading other people’s experiences. One thing it has made me do is not be too impatient to do a lot of movement early on. It seems the more you can keep it still initially the better. The worst thing is not being able to do my hair and we’d better not talk about what is going on under my armpit!

  46. mary Avatar

    Broke my collar bone just under three weeks ago windsurfing. It has not been that painful and I can sleep at night on my back or my good side. I am in the UK and wearing a sling made out of stretchy foam, although I am not in pain without it. I am lucky that it was my left side and I am right handed. Am taking calcuim and have been putting comfrey cream on the spot (comfrey’s folk name was bone-knit) so hope that will help.However, even though I am trying to keep the arm as still as possible, I live on my own so need to get dressed, make food, go to work (I can type fortunately), walk around etc. I can sometimes feel the two ends moving. How does it heal when the ends move? I’m 57 so hope my age is not against me.

    There’s a good article on how broken bones heal here:
    How do broken bones heal?
    I’ve been told that too much movement can hinder the healing. How much movement? I don’t know and I haven’t been able to find or get a clear answer to that.

  47. Brian W Avatar
    Brian W

    Today is exactly 4 weeks from the day of injury. I broke my left collarbone. I was skating off the back of my friends golf cart when the one of the bearings in the rear wheel disappered. Piece of shit… I was flung off and into the curb landing left shoulder first, SNAP! I instantly knew.
    As off right now I am able to move my left arm in every direction but with limited extension. The BIGGEST thing that bothers me right now is as follows: I can grab the back of my left shoulder with my uninjured right arm without any problem, BUT when I try to grab the back of my right shoulder with my injured left arm, I can only reach the front of my right shoulder. I cant get my left hand passed the top of my right shoulder.

    Your recovery actually sounds like it’s going well. Your reach may be reduced because of the limited use you have had while recovering. Everything is probably tight. My reach also took awhile to return so don’t worry that much. I recommend you check with your doc and see about some physical therapy to help with recovery.

  48. sheila Avatar

    Also, there seems to be several horrible stories about clavicles not healing and surgery being required to mend it. Is this a common occurrence or is it more common for a fracture to heal on its own? I really cannot afford a doctor so I have not seen anyone since the initial ER visit and that doc didn’t even give me details about the x-ray, just that it was fractued and appeared to be minimal.

    I don’t know how common it is for a collar bone break not to heal. I would recommend that you have a followup visit with a doctor just to verify that you are healing correctly. Better to learn sooner rather than later that there are problems and you will need firther treatment.

  49. sheila Avatar

    Thanks for the response. This injury, though common, is much more intense than the ER doctor had given me the impression it would be. Felt good for a few hours last night but this morning…ouch! Back in the sling for a few hours. Heat really helps it feel better. Any suggestions on how much calcium I should be taking? I hate milk and rarely eat dairy so I know I am not getting enough in diet.

    If you search the site here for “calcium” you should be able to find various comments from folks for amounts they were recommended.

  50. sheila Avatar

    OK…I have had it…I am at 2 weeks and 5 days into a fractured left collarbone. Now, I sustained this injury in a car accident so I have many bruises, etc. but the collarbone fracture is by far the most bothersome of all. I went to the ER by ambulance for eval and the doc said you have a fractured left clavicle…probably due to the seatbelt. We are going to give you a sling and some Vicodin and it shouldn’t need any other treatment as minimal as the fracture is. First 3 days were terrible…I prefer childbirth to that pain. Called the ER again and they said was very common and to ice it and rest it and follow up with my regular doc. Which is great except I have no insurance and no regular doc and couldn’t afford it even if I did. Lots of popping and movement in the bone the first week and a half. Couldn’t take a shower, put on a bra, or anything. After two weeks, started taking the sling off and only using it when I got really tired. Range of motion still is very limited and lots of soreness and stiffness in the shoulder and neck. Collarbone feels funny…lots of pressure. When I try to trace the bones with my fingers, the bone is definitely not straight and smooth like my other one. Is this normal or does it mean my bone is not aligned? I have a 3 year old and would give anything to just pick her up and give her a big bear hug but that’s not possible at this point. I think at almost 3 weeks, I should be doing better. Any suggestions? Other than going to the doctor?

    Collarbones can “heal” in various alignments if they heal at all. I’ve seen and heard about zigzags, bends, overlaps, etc.. Is this normal? It seems that some doctors consider that form of recovery normal. Otherwise, why else would they commonly prescribe a sling, some pain medication, and let the bones mend in whatever manner they can? If you are concerned that your collarbone isn’t healing or causing you problems than I would recommend a visit to a doctor.

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