Chad’s Broken Collar Bone Report

Here is another well done article by a 30 year old rider that broke his collar bone during a criterium bike race. It chronicles his journey from the initial break, through the ups and downs of healing, to his recovery.


DISCLAIMER: The following content is for informational purposes only. The content is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Diagnosis and treatment of all health conditions should only be performed by your doctor or other licensed health care professional. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this site.

Chad’s Broken Collar Bone Report

By Chad Crocker

First of all, let me say that this website helped me with many concerns and questions I had after my collarbone was broken. Hopefully, my detailed account will help others in the same way.

On October 15, 2005, I was racing in a criterium and broke my collarbone. As you can see from the x-ray (week 1), it was distal third “fracture”.

Chad's broken collar bone

At the hospital, they cleaned my road rash (plenty of it), put me in a figure of 8 brace, arm sling, and gave me a prescription for some wimpy Lortabs. The ER doctor said to move my arm/shoulder as little as possible, even in the shower. When I got home, I jumped on the internet and found Hans’ website which provided a wealth of knowledge and experience from others who have been through the same thing.


The first three days after the wreck were extremely painful. I had a bad bruise on my shoulder that ran down my bicep. After a few days, it turned a funny green color. This was normal. Another lady who told her story on this site had the same thing happen. I tried to sleep in a bed for two nights. Every time I tried to get up, my collarbone moved in ways that it definitely should not have moved. So, for the next 5 weeks, I slept in a recliner. Did I mention that the only clothes I had on were my boxers, figure of 8 brace and sling? Road rash sucks!!!

As for supplements, I started taking 2500 mgs of Calcium citrate and a multivitamin everyday. Calcium Citrate is supposed to help acidify the urine somewhat to help prevent kidney stones from such a high intake of Calcium.


Pretty much the same as week #1. My brother is an x-ray, CT, and MRI tech, so I had a few x-rays taken. Absolutely no change. Of course, calcification doesn’t show up for a few weeks. Didn’t know this at the time, though. Oh yeah, it is unbelievable how much crap is on TV.


I’m finally able to put on a pair of shorts. My shoulder and bicep are still several funky shades of yellow and green. Still no improvement on the x-ray that I could see. This concerned me. Especially after reading some of the horror stories people had about collarbones not healing even after 7-8 weeks. Now I’m paranoid and keep my arm and shoulder completely immobilized. Later, a friend/doctor looked at the x-ray and pointed out that the bones are not as rough as in the first x-ray and the ends have smoothed out somewhat (signs of healing). Guess I should have left reading x-rays to the professionals.

Chad's broken collar bone


Still the same old thing. My shoulder was still hurting pretty bad from where I was slammed into the pavement at 30 mph. My moral was starting to get pretty low at this point. I really wanted to go for a bike ride, but taking time to heal is best. I kept everything completely stable and only took my brace and sling off for showering. Keeping your arm completely still at your side makes taking a shower very interesting.


GREAT NEWS!!!! Went to the doctor on Tuesday and she said the fibrous bridge between the two bones had formed. The sling came off and most of the road rash has healed. Most, not all. The figure of 8 came off Saturday. Now comes the fun part… physical therapy. When the sling came off, I could not raise my arm at all. Every chance I had, I was moving my arm as much as possible. Using a broom stick works very well. You basically use your good arm to pull up and stretch the injured arm. By Saturday, I was able to lift my arm out in front of me. Good enough. Now it’s time to hop on the stationary bike. I also started sleeping in a bed. Still have some shoulder pain near the rotator cuff.


Went to see the other doctor this week. The fibrous bridge is starting to show on x-ray. This made me happy, but I was still having pain in my shoulder around the rotator cuff area. My shoulder was still bruised. Because of the location, the doctor ordered an MRI to look for any tears or other damage. I have a lot more mobility now. Mostly thanks to my chiropractor, Dr. Michael Silver in Gastonia. I have to give this guy a big “Thank you.” He helped get my full range of motion back in less than two weeks.

Chad's broken collar bone


Everything is healing up. I still have some tenderness in my shoulder and AC joint. MRI results will be back next week. Of course, I do have some pain and tightness in my shoulder and back. All the bruising has disappeared and I have almost full range of motion in my shoulder. Still working with Dr. Silver to get more flexibility and better movement. I was on the stationary bike 4 days this week and hit the gym for some good leg workouts. I was not doing any upper body exercises until the MRI results came back clean.


MRI results came back clean. It showed a bruised bone, bursitis (from smacking the pavement very hard), and a stretched AC joint. The rotator cuff was completely intact and healthy. I received the news on Tuesday and hit the pool that night. By Saturday, I was back swimming for one full hour nonstop. I have a few MRI pictures below. According to the doctor, this is what a “healthy” shoulder should look like.

Chad's broken collar bone
Chad's broken collar bone
Chad's broken collar bone
Chad's broken collar bone


My leg workouts in the gym are back to normal except for squats, hack squats, etc. No weight on the collarbone. I went to the doctor this week for more x-rays. We were able to see some calcification. The doctor said that I was 90% healed, and could start lifting weights again in about 3-4 weeks. She was surprised at the amount of flexibility and strength that I had.

Chad's broken collar bone

WEEK #15

For the past few weeks, I have been working out in the gym with light weights, swimming, and riding my stationary bike. Still too cold to be outside. Had my last set of x-rays this week. Everything looked very good and the calcification was very visible. The doctor said that my collarbone was stronger here than at any other point and cleared me to do whatever I wanted. Even ride my bike. I didn’t mention that I had already been out for a few rides.


After several doses of supplements, quality mass builders, and prohormones that are now banned by the FDA, I have regained every bit of strength plus a lot more. Several exercises still hurt my shoulder like standing curls, but military presses don’t bother it at all. Strange, but it will just take some time to learn my new shoulder. I also added glucosamine sulfate and fish oil to my daily supplements to help with joint pain from lifting heavy. This stuff works pretty well to be sold over the counter. My right shoulder is now a little bit shorter than the left, but it functions very well. The only place I really notice it is on the bench press. All I did was adjust my hand positioning. It had little effect on how much I could bench.

Take this for what it is. One guy’s story of experiencing a broken collarbone. I was very careful and did everything I needed to do for a quick recovery. All things considered, things went very well. The best advice I can give is:

1) Listen to your doctor
2) Get a second opinion (never hurts to ask)
3) Explain that you are a very active person and be treated as such. My chiropractor was the only one that treated me this way and helped my recovery more so than the other physicians.
4) Definitely take more calcium. This was recommended by all the doctors I went to.
5) Take time to recover properly the first time. It is better to lose 3 months to an injury than 6, 7, or more.

Hope this info helps others out there going through the same thing.

UPDATE (2012-04-23):

In March 2011, I started to develop severe pain in my upper back and neck that ran down my arm.  It got to the point where I couldnโ€™t swim 500 yards which is significant because my Ironman swims were around 1 hour.  I had xrays, MRIโ€™s, and spent 8 months in physical therapy.  The Ortho couldnโ€™t find anything and the PT kept saying I had a muscle imbalance.  I always felt that my collarbone didnโ€™t heal quite right and believed that was the problem.  Unfortunately, the Ortho did not think that was it.    After 7 full Ironman triathlons, I would have to say that Iโ€™m more in tune with my body than a doctor looking at pictures.  So, I started searching for a new doctor and my former motocross buddies pointed me to a surgeon in Texas (Dr. Mark Sanders).  I did a LOT of homework on this guy before making a decision to have surgery.  In January 2012, he broke my collarbone in two places and plated it back together.  He said it had healed 1.5 cm short and rotated forward.  Within a day after surgery, my pain was almost completely gone.  It actually felt so good, I walked into the doctorโ€™s office for follow up without the sling.  I wouldnโ€™t advise this, as the tongue lashing was extreme.  I am currently 12 weeks post-op and well on the road to recovery.  Three weeks ago, I went to the same PT who treated me last year and she was completely amazed at my range of motion and how the mechanics of my shoulder/scapula had changed (for the better).  After seeing me, she said having that surgery was the right thing to do.  Things still arenโ€™t perfect, but are much better than before surgery.  My shoulder and scapula were in the wrong position for 6 years of intense Ironman training before giving out.  Itโ€™s going to take time to retrain it.  Time for the disclaimer.  I probably would not have had this much trouble if it wasnโ€™t for the amount of overhead exercises I do.  Lifting weights and the repetitive overhead motion of swimming took its toll on a misaligned collarbone/shoulder.  Pushing through pain, hoping it will get better is obviously the wrong thing to do.  Especially pain that lasts for months.

My personal opinion, and thatโ€™s what it is, is to get a collarbone fixed if you are an active person.  Iโ€™ve been in both situations, and I will get it plated every time from now on.  Zero doubt.

More “Broken Collar Bone” Articles

Don’t miss reading the information and comments in my other collar bone entries:

Broken Clavicle (collar bone)
Broken Clavicle No More
What to Expect From a Broken Clavicle

339 responses

  1. Ant Avatar

    Hey Virgil, Dont stress if you are feeling comfortable live with it. I broke my RHS clavicle on 3 March (for the 2nd time) in a MTB spill. I wore a sling for the first week and was advised that once I can do without the sling i.e. operate without discomfort I should drop it. I did after 1 week and started to drive. Since then I have achieved almost full mobility of my arm above head already. I do doubt the fiborus bridge has happend as this takes several weeks. So I stand by the advise I got, as long as it doesnt cause pain use your arm. Pain is the indicator that you are doing something to soon or just being plain stupid.

  2. Virgil Avatar

    Hey, I have a few questions. I broke my collar bone on the 24th of last month so my recovery has been only slightly over a week. Long story short, I fell off my ATV not paying attention at about 40mph. Was spring break in Mexico (Peurto Penasco) not the best place to break a bone. In mexico, that is. Anyway I seen the Dr., got my X-ray and he basically went right to it explaining my break was clean, but overlapping badly. Probably an inch. Then he strapped me up a little overly tight with the figure 8, and for the first time I felt SOME pain, and a little odd movement.
    Got to the states, took two more X-rays confirming my thoughts – that figure 8 popped the bones back to meet up. That was last Monday, exactly one week ago. Now, the brace is still on, no sling, and i’m very concerned. I don’t know if my tolerance of pain is excellent, but I literally feel no discomfort to speak of. Getting in and out of bed I just help myself with my good arm. I’m trying not to use my bad arm much and i’m sure that it’s helping.
    Basically my question is, it’s impossible to have the fiborus(sp) bridge already after one week right? I feel no bone movement when moving in and out of bed, nothing. I really need to get back to work though, so I wanted to ask some people with experience if at the area i’m at now with no discomfort to mild moving, would it be OK for me to drive a car and take it easy? I drive for a living, i’m a lot attendant at a very big car dealership. I really need to get back to work as funds are dwindling. Looking for any input.

  3. Virgil Avatar

    Hey, I have a few questions. I broke my collar bone on the 24th of last month so my recovery has been only slightly over a week. Long story short, I fell off my ATV not paying attention at about 40mph. Was spring break in Mexico (Peurto Penasco) not the best place to break a bone. In mexico, that is. Anyway I seen the Dr., got my X-ray and he basically went right to it explaining my break was clean, but overlapping badly. Probably an inch. Then he strapped me up a little overly tight with the figure 8, and for the first time I felt SOME pain, and a little odd movement.
    Got to the states, took two more X-rays confirming my thoughts – that figure 8 popped the bones back to meet up. That was last Monday, exactly one week ago. Now, the brace is still on, no sling, and i’m very concerned. I don’t know if my tolerance of pain is excellent, but I literally feel no discomfort to speak of. Getting in and out of bed I just help myself with my good arm. I’m trying not to use my bad arm much and i’m sure that it’s helping.
    Basically my question is, it’s impossible to have the fiborus(sp) bridge already after one week right? I feel no bone movement when moving in and out of bed, nothing. I really need to get back to work though, so I wanted to ask some people with experience if at the area i’m at now with no discomfort to mild moving, would it be OK for me to drive a car and take it easy? I drive for a living, i’m a lot attendant at a very big car dealership. I really need to get back to work as funds are dwindling. Looking for any input.

  4. Randy P. Avatar
    Randy P.

    Update: I’ve just tried to stay as immobile as possible after waking every day and have been able to keep the fracture from separating. At 4 weeks and 5 days, I have now kept the fracture together for the last 6 days. It is now pretty strong and I am out and about for about half a day and resting in a recliner for the rest of the day. I’m still wearing the figure of 8 as it definitely supports the weight of the arm and shoulder and keeps my injured shoulder pulled back in position. I’ve been taking a maximum dosage of the following vitamins and minerals for 3 weeks now. Vitamin C, D, E, Coral Calcium, silica, lysine, Omega 3-6-9, and Resvereratrol and a multi. While sitting around all day I would continually monitor the gap and overlap of the fracture by feeling it through the skin with my good hand and try to stay in a position that kept everything lined up. This was tedious and seemed a endless job but I feel it has helped to heal it in the right position. At night I laid flat on my back after about the second week, propping the injured arm and shoulder with pillows to keep things all lined up. The hardest part was sitting up without upsetting it until it started getting solid.
    Well, it feels so good to move around now without worrying about whether the fracture is going to separate. At nearly 50 years old I feel so blessed that I am on my way back to my “old” self. I hope this has been helpful to others and wish you all the very best!

    Congratulations on your recovery. You are also a fine example of how to help oneself recover from the injury.


  5. Brian Merrill Avatar
    Brian Merrill

    I just got back from Glamis Sand Dunes. So here I sit reading all of these stories about broken collar bones. I wonder if this bump on my right collar bone will just get better and go away? Nope. After reading all of this I think I need to go to ER. Darn it! I don’t want to miss any work. I operate a power plant and there are only two of us that work there. But we’ll see. I think I’ll rest a little then go in. I was jumping a little 4 foot jump on my CR250 and the landing was too soft and I went over the handle bars. I’ve done that before and only pushed the helmet cam into the the sand. This time I felt my shoulder change position. I should have been wearing shoulder protectors. I hope it heels before next Halloween. That’s when we hit Glamis again. But there is all the jet skiing in the summer. I’ll slow down when I’m 80. Right now I’m 57.

    Helmet cam? Where’s the footage from that? That would be exciting to see!


  6. Steve W Avatar
    Steve W

    Here’s a follow-up on my surgery of four weeks ago. I’m free of pain now (and not on any painkiller drugs), but am still not allowed to use my shoulder. I saw the doctor on Monday, and he does not want to start any re-hab for at least another two weeks. This was disappointing to hear. I’m wearing a shoulder immobilizer (similar to the one pictured here:
    which I like better than a sling. For one thing, you can free up your lower arm, while keeping the upper arm immobilized. I’m allowed to do some arm exercises, such as curls with light weights, that do not used the shoulder joint. I’m walking about 2 miles a day for exercise, or using a stationary bike if it rains. This week I’ve started mixing in a little bit of jogging to get my heart rate up.
    The plate itself is made of a chromium-cobalt alloy. It is attached to the top of the collarbone with four screws. This positioning surprised me a bit when I saw the X-Ray, as I thought it would be attached to the front. I guess it won’t be stopping any hockey pucks! The screw closest to the outside of the shoulder is about twice as long as the others and goes through the collarbone into the bone below it. The plate, when viewed edge-on from the front, is flat, while the bone is curved. This means there is a gap at the end between the plate and the bone. This was also surprising to see. It shows up as a noticeable lump from the outside. When the doctor saw that he said “Oh

  7. Randy P. Avatar
    Randy P.

    Another one bites the dust! Ok, my friends all tell me I’m not a kid anymore but at 49 I still feel 29. Well, let’s say I did until I was out riding in the desert on my Honda XR-650R on February 23, a little over two weeks ago. I went over the bars and landed on the back of my head (helmet attached)and my right shoulder. My collar bone was clearly fractured and was sticking up against my skin.
    With no insurance I opted to have some friends research a bit before running to the emergency room. General consensus seemed to be there is no real rush or anything that really needed to be done immediately except address the pain and try to keep the bone in place. Well, I downed a lot of Ibuprofen between that Fri. and Tue when I saw the Ortho. A friend loaned me a regular sling and tried to buy me a 8-sling but couldn’t find one anywhere. I had to sleep sitting up, I couldn’t begin to lay down. The bone was moving around a lot and it scared the crap out of me when it would poke up against the skin or pop back in and out of the opposing side of the fracture and I thought I’d pass out from the pain when it did.
    On Monday I went to get X-rays at an imaging center. With no insurance, I was extremely nervous about needing surgery. Well, the young lady walked out of the developing room and slid the x-rays up on the light. A little under her breath she said, “crap, that thing is shattered!”. Uhggg! All my hopes were just shattered as well. I asked her if it was really that bad and if she thought I’d need surgery. She looked over her shoulder and said, “Oh I’m sorry, I really can’t comment on the x-rays, you’ll need to talk to your Dr. about them” Oh, thanks!!! So off we go feeling a little bit less optimistic to say the least. Another very long night of trying to sleep sitting up.
    Tuesday at 4:30 pm I saw the Dr. The pain was bad, I was crouched over trying to keep the bone in place as I walked into the examination room. The Dr. walks in, throws the x-rays up on the light for 5 seconds and says, “Oh that doesn’t look too bad” Calls for the nurse to bring in a figure 8, he puts it on me, says don’t take it off for a month and come back then with new X-ray. Then asks, “anything else I can do for you?” Wow, I was so shocked! He didn’t even examine me. Nothing! The visit actually was over in 3-4 minutes and a minute of that he was chit-chatting with my lady friend about her German accent. I was like, Ah! Well could you give me something for the pain? His reply was, “Oh sure, isn’t that what people actually come to Drs. for?” Wow, I was so shocked! I couldn’t believe my ears. He gave me a prescription, and out I went, no instructions on what to do, what not to do, Nothing!
    After I had some time to get over the shock, think and do some investigation I called the Drs. office that Thursday with a couple of my most pressing questions. They wanted me to make another appointment to answer a couple questions, but later agreed to have the Dr. call me that afternoon. Well it’s Monday and I haven’t heard a thing. Does anyone know a good Ortho anywhere near Lake Havasu City, Arizona?
    Here’s my question:
    Will the bone just fuse one day? That boggles me. One day it’s flopping around the next day it’s not? I mean the bone is loose right now (17 days), but I have a lot less pain and when the bone is matched up to where I think it fits together there is no real gap. So do I try to hold it there this early in the game? It usually sticks overnight but always breaks loose after I’m up about 15-30 minutes. I’ve tried staying as still as I can for about 36 hours but I live alone and I just cant stay that still. Gotta eat, drink, and… Is it just to early to grab. I haven’t really heard anyone talk about this.
    Anyway, I made myself resourceful on the internet with all this time on my hands. I have found some interesting information that I hope will be helpful to the rest of you.
    1) Do not use anti-inflammatory over the counter painkillers for pain from fractured bones There is much research that shows (NSAIDs) impede healing of bones, drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen.
    2) If you smoke, quit! Smokers heal up to 60% slower than nonsmokers and in some cases never heal properly at all.
    3) Nutrition plays a big part in the healing process. Along with calcium there are other important enzymes vitamins and minerals that help the tissue and bones heal.
    I’ll keep you updated. Good luck to everyone!

  8. tommy Avatar

    I am a 54 year old male ,slightly overweight!I had a fall from my bike about a year ago,treatment was a brace and painkillers,the doc at the hospital I went to here in Thailand was’nt really interested!so after a year and still feeling movement at the break I went to the government hospital in chiangmai,they recommended a plate and a bone graft,that was two weeks ago now I can feel movement at the plate,is that normal?by the way the care for a foreigner in the state hospital is wonderful,very caring!fantastic staff!but you have to pay!



  10. cheryl Avatar

    My 17 yr old son broke his right collar bone a week ago. He was running full speed in a baseball drill and was plowed over by another player. He has alot of bruising and swelling. At first look from the specialist he was recommending surgury. Four days after the accident they have put him in a figure 8 and took another x-ray. Our doctor says he leans toward surgury 55% and not doing surgury 45%. He also went to other specialists one of which is the best in our area. Both of the other specialists say not to do surgury just let it heal. He is very active (plays 3rd base and pitches) we want to do what is best for long term continued playing. Any suggestions who to believe. We need to make our decision by tomorrow if we want to do surgery, as they want to fix it on Friday if we decide.

  11. Peter Lloyd Avatar
    Peter Lloyd

    An update from the post above. It’s now four weeks since I had my collar bone plated. I’m now out of the sling although I get small twinges every now and again, nothing big though. The collar bone now feels quite solid. The dressing came off a week ago and the incision was a neat 20cm long. Dissolvable stitches have made it look very neat. I’ve got a good range of motion – the Doc was impressed. So much so he said that I didn’t need physiotherapy – I’m not sure about this. I get an X-ray in 4 weeks when I’ll know if the bone is knitting together. Fingers crossed. :-))

  12. Annette Avatar

    Sam the horse bucked me off in the woods and slam dunked me like an arrow into the ground, creating a hairline fracture in the clavicle. I was given the brace to wear for a few days, then told to switch to a sling. (?) Do hairline fractures heal more quickly? Or slowly? Could there be torn ligaments not yet identified? Sam is fine- he galloped home, leaving me in the woods to painfully trudge home.

    Ouch! I bet there were no oats for Sam after that little maneuver. A hairline fracture may heal faster because the bone is still connected. But care should still be taken not to place stress on the collar bone as that might hinder recovery. As the bone is weakened another impact or strain may further break the bone.

    It’s always possible that there is unidentified ligament damage. If you are concerned about possible damage then I recommend you speak with your doctor and express your concern.


  13. Ky Avatar

    Im 14 and I was playing football at school during lunch…..long story short..I got sandwiched by a strong and fat kid… The strong kid was like a truck and the fat kid was a wall. I felt and heard it break az soon as i got hit. I knew i wuznt gonna be playing anything 4 a while. I tried putting my shirt on and all this pain shot to my shoulder. It turns out I broke my right collar bone. I cant do anything 4 about 8 weeks but I’m gonna take a little more time 4 it 2 heal so i dont hurt it during high school football. its barely my first week and it hrts alot but Im just glad that Ill be able 2 ply football again…eventualy. And Im sorry 2 all og u who were less fortunate than me…get better soon

  14. Peter Lloyd Avatar
    Peter Lloyd

    I broke my collar bone five years ago after falling off a mountain bike. It never knitted back together although I only recently found out that it was a non-union. I’ve lived with it quite happily with no decrease in strength or mobility but over the years I noticed my posture was becoming worse, with the shoulder dropping, and I’d get aching towards the end of the working day, driving, and curiously just standing around not doing much (art galleries were particularly painful). Last year I went to see the Doc about it who told me an operation was possible, but not without risks. Two weeks ago I had an operation to plate the bone back together and here I sit. It seems to be getting better day by day and movement is quite free and painless, I can see that my posture is better, and the big bump I had is gone. So fingers crossed it knits back together!
    I remember when I broke it the Doctor expressed some concern about a bone fragment on the X-ray and sought advice, although in the end she put me in a figure of eight and a sling. When I got back to Holland, still in some pain, the doctor there threw away the figure of eight, told me there would be a bump, and that was that. So I guess the moral is that you never know if it will knit back together. I would say if it doesn’t knit get it plated as soon as possible.

    I wonder what effect throwing away the figure-8 had on your original recovery? It’s funny how some doctors feel it’s not worthwhile and just remove it. I have heard no strong arguments for not using it.


  15. Anila Avatar

    Hi, My mom – she is 58 yrs – had a fracture in collar bone last week, and she has difficulty in sleeping – Any ideas on how to sleep so that pain is reduced?

    Try using several pillows so that you can form a cradle around her. Some have found propping themselves up sitting style helps to reduce the pain. Use the pillows for this or find a good “easy-chair”.


  16. Steve W Avatar
    Steve W

    I broke my right collar bone a week and a half ago (Super Bowl Sunday!) while rollerblading. I was on a greenway path and had to swerve to avoid a little kid coming straight at me on a scooter. I bailed out on the grass, but slammed my shoulder into the ground. Apparently that was enough for my 55-year-old bones. Fortunately, no road rash or any other injuries. Initially my orthopedist said I wouldn’t need surgery, but yesterday, after a second X-Ray, he said I would. I’m going in tomorrow to have a plate put in. I was encouraged to read David’s post of Oct 16 above regarding surgery. He and I are of a similar vintage. If I have to have surgery, I’d rather do it early in the process, rather than lose 8 weeks as he did. I hope to have as good a recovery as David seems to have had.
    The funny thing is, I’m not in a lot of pain right now. I took a generic form of Vicodin for about 2 days after the accident. But, I’ve watched too many episodes of “House’ to want to get hooked on that stuff. I switched to 2-3 Aleve a day for most of last week. Yesterday and today, I’ve been on nothing (except a couple of Tylenol last night), since I can’t have any blood thinners going into the operation. The pain level is only about a 2 out of 10 (it was at least 9 out of 10 the night of the accident). My arm’s been in a sling the whole time. Haven’t had trouble sleeping.
    By the way, the ER doctor put me in a figure-8 brace and an arm sling. The next day, the orthopedist said “Well, the first thing we’re gonna do is get you out of that brace. It’s not doing a thing for you.” I’m not sure whether it would have helped, but I was glad to be rid of it, since I couldn’t adjust it without outside help (all of the adjustments were in the middle of my back). I’ve been wearing just the arm sling. I can shower, shave, and get dressed without any help.
    I was hopeful going into yesterday’s meeting with the doctor that I wouldn’t need surgery. I’m well aware of the risks of infection and general anesthesia. The lack of pain, the fact that it looked “OK’ from the outside, and the fact that I had read that 98% of collar bone breaks don’t require surgeries, had me hopeful. The X-Ray presented a convincing case, though. However, now that I see Chad’s X-Ray above, it didn’t look any worse than that (looking at those pictures, it’s amazing that the bone can heal across that gap). I’ve been going to this orthopedist for 25 years and this is the first time he’s recommended surgery for anything, so he’s not knife happy. I have to assume he thinks this is my best chance for full recovery. He mentioned arthritis as a possibility down the road if I didn’t have surgery.
    Anyway, as they say, minor surgery is somebody else’s surgery. Wish me luck. I’ll try to report back to provide another data point as to whether surgery is worth the trouble.
    Aside: I had to laugh (in a cringing misery-loves-company kind of way) at austin’s post of Jan 22 above. Jeeze-oh-man, you got hit by a freakin’ hockey puck right on your plate? I can barely stand to think about how much that must have hurt. I assume you’re OK, since I didn’t see any follow up. Maybe that plate provided protection.

  17. Marty Avatar

    I crashed my road bike October 9, 2006. My right clavicle broke in the third nearest the shoulder. (yes, I am right handed) The ends overlap by about 1/2 inch. I was given a figure 8 brace, sling, and pain pills to help me sleep. The Doc said I shouldn’t have any real problems as long as I kept it immobile for a few weeks. It was a simple break with a sliver broken out. The brace was nearly impossible to wear because it put pressure right on the end of the piece that was laying on top of the other. The sling tended to pull my shoulder toward my chest. This aggravated the break and pulled my bruised back crooked and out of align. This pain was worse than the impacted rotator cuff, which was really sore. I made slings out of two large hankies. They pulled straight on my neck, didn’t pull my shoulder in, and were much more comfortable. It seems the only long term problem I am having is that the overlapping bones healed shorter, and made my shoulder turn in. Now it has to be trained to a new position it hasn’t seen in 63 years. I was on a recumbent tricycle after two weeks. I was on a two wheel recumbent after three weeks. In seven weeks, back on my regular bike. I think that the biggest concern should be to keep the shoulder pulled out and back so the ends of the clavicle are just together, not overlapping. My shoulder muscle tension wouldn’t allow that. Yes, I healed well enough, but I can tell my old shoulder is still going to take a long time to be normal. The doctor didn’t seem the least bit concerned. He was right when he said it would heal up just fine. A friend my same age said his shoulder took three years to adjust. After nearly four months I can do anything I want. It just hurts like hell. Us old folks apparently have problems youngsters don’t.

  18. Jenny Avatar

    oh crap, I meant his right clavicle, not his arm, I don’t know why I typed arm. guess I am delirious from all the care he is needing……

    I corrected your typo for you. Also, don’t forget to take care of yourself. That’s also important.


  19. Jenny Avatar

    My husband (age 29) broke his clavicle when he fell off his ATV during ice fishing on Jan 27th. The ER people were nice, but the Ortho sent a nurse to tell us about the break. I like the medical field and detailed information, so I was a bit disappointed not to be shown the x-rays or be told the exact specifics of his break. He has a follow-up appointment with a different ortho this friday so I hope to learn more. anyway, they sent us home with a simple crappy sling. I managed to find a brace that goes around his bicep, his hand, and his abdomen. He says it is helping, but I still am curious about the figure of 8 brace…I read conflicting reports. It just seems like he is in an awful lot of pain despite immobilizing his arm…he can barely get up/move around. It just seems like other people report being a bit more mobile vs completely reduced to laying on the couch…I guess I am just a bit worried that the ortho/nurse didn’t tell us enough and that his break is worse than we think.

    It’s only been a short time after your husband crashed. I wouldn’t worry too much. The amount of mobility is very specific to the individual. There can be other injuries involved that limit it. The muscle strain and soreness from my crash limited my mobility more than the break.

    The type of brace you purchased I also used. It helped since it kept me from moving my arm and shoulder. I used it in addition to the figure-8. The figure-8 is great since it immobilizes the shoulder and keeps it held back so that there’s no slumping. Not moving the shoulder is very important for recovery.


  20. Lee from Sydney Avatar
    Lee from Sydney

    since my question on 23 Jan, my GP explained that surgery is a good option, BUT they won’t normally operate if there is broken skin nearby [eg shoulder laceration, as I had] because of the fear of infection and, when the laceration has healed after a couple of weeks, the bone is already knitting and – why bother? There is also the concern about a major artery lying just under or behind the clavicle. It seems that for most of us, the new situation leaves us with almost 100% mobility as before, so it’s not seen as a big issue. Claire, thanks for your reply and I hope yours has worked out really well. x

  21. Claire Benson, Cumbria, England Avatar
    Claire Benson, Cumbria, England

    Lee, I broke my left clavicle 2 months ago, (was hit by a drunk driver). Mine snapped right through the middle & I was told surgery was the best option. I’m not an expert about it, but if you’re not happy I’d definately get a second opinion from another doctor. At the end of the day you’re the one who’s gotta live with how it heals. Good luck x

  22. Charles Avatar

    I broke my coller bone 3 weeks ago while jibing…I still have a figure 8 sling so my bones heal correctly but i have no pain what so ever…I can rotate my arm (up, down, etc) I can lift a 30 pound weight without pain…people really do heal differently

  23. Lee Avatar

    I broke my left clavicle in a mtb prang in the Snowy Mountains ten days ago, plus extensive lacerations. Broke my helmet, but no head wounds AT ALL. The collar bone has a complete break, off centre. Action has been to keep it in a cuff and collar sling or similar position, though I often have the sling off. I have found GPs to be laid-back about it – keep it in a sling for 3-6 weeks and let it heal itself. I have wondered why surgery to align the two sides of the bone is not adopted as a norm – it wouldn’t seem to be a hard job? What do others think?

  24. austin hamilton Avatar
    austin hamilton

    I broke my collar bone about 5 years ago. Had surgery, and I still have the plate and screws attached to my collar bone.
    Last night a puck hit my collar bone/metal plate. It is sore this morning, I still have the same range of motion as before I got hit. It is sore when I move it. There are no bulges, grinding noises etc. Should I be getting this checked out, or should I wait a couple of days?

    It might just be sore and bruised from the impact. Keep watch for any changes for the worse, such as bleeding or increased pain. If it doesn’t begin to feel better after a few days then follow up with a doctor visit.

  25. Tracy Wilkins Avatar
    Tracy Wilkins

    I hit a dog on my road bike on November 26th (nearly 8 weeks ago) and ended up with a compound fracture of my right collarbone. Saw the Ortho doc a few days later, and he recommended that I stay in a sling and let it heal, but was a little concerned about all the sharp points sticking out everywhere (it wasn’t a clean fracture by any sense of imagination).
    During my follow-up at nearly 4 weeks, he showed me the fiber bridge that had formed, and told me I could lose the sling, and start as much physical activity as I could without it hurting, so I started running and riding the spin bike. I started some stretching exercises the following week, and added light handweights the next week.
    I’m slowly getting my wind and legs back, but from the shoulder perspective, things aren’t healing nearly as fast as I would prefer. I’m predicting that it will be 12 or more weeks before I have reasonable range of motion and relative freedom from pain. At this point, any stretching motion across my chest is very constricted, and I can still feel the huge lump where the breaks are grating on themselves and other bones/tendons.
    I tried a push-up the other day just to see what would happen, and had a lot of pain and could still feel flexing in my shoulder that shouldn’t be there. Needless to say, I stopped that in a hurry.
    At 47, I was in the best physical condition of my life, so I was hoping my recovery would be quick, but unfortunately that is not the case. As others have mentioned, this injury is no fun at all. I wouldn’t wish the pain I’ve had on anyone!

  26. Steve Finnan Avatar
    Steve Finnan

    I came off a mountain bike 5 weeks ago. Had surgery 3 days later. Broke my right collar bone in 3 places, had 7 screws and 3 plates to try and put back in shape. I find the movement to be maybe 50%. I find the nerves around the area are herting. eg over the plates.
    Is fish oil and calcium really all that good? I got told if it doesnt get fixed this time it wont get fixed.
    what are the pros?cons of having the plates and pscrews removed?

  27. Drew Avatar

    Firstly, love this site! Thank you Hans. Words cannot describe how much better i feel having read these comments.
    I’ve allegedly shattered my clavicle 5 days ago in the terrain park at whistler blackcomb. I say allegedly because I never felt any pain. I’ve broken many bones over the years through various extreme sports and am very familiar with that distinct feeling, but all i experienced was slight numbness and my common sense telling me to get it checked out.
    So i went to the hospital and $700 bought me a jar of tylenol and a sling. I didn’t even get to see the xray!! No explanation whatsoever, 6 weeks, see you later.

    I just had to emphasize your comment since what you experienced appears to be the norm. Oh, but I would also add the several hours of waiting around in the emergency room.

    – H

    looking in the mirror, the bones are clearly broken and appear to be overlapping by 20cm. Will they still knit together like this? I have full movement in my shoulder, but i’m keeping it in the sling for now. I can feel it moving and grinding when i walk – no pain, but it does psyche me out a bit.

    There’s no way to know if your bones will join. Each person’s ability to heal is unique. A doc that examines you will give you the best information.

    Movement of the shoulder isn’t good early in the healing process. If you are feeling the bones moving and grinding then you are hindering the healing. You should do what you can to immobilize your shoulder. A figure-8 brace is great for that purpose. And even though it doesn’t hurt you should still take it seriously. Otherwise, living with a non-union or surgery may be your future.

    I know i should get a second opinion, but i’m in a resort town in a foreign country. i doubt there is a specialist here i can trust. Thanks for letting me tell my story. Will go buy calcium tablets right away. I almost wish this injury did hurt, so i would take it seriously. At the moment i’ll be back up the mountain in 2 weeks (i’ll be staying well clear of the jumps though!)

  28. Meghann Avatar

    Hey folks, here’s an update on my broken clavicle (Sept. 12, 2006)…. So, it seems that some people just DO NOT HEAL. lol At 7 weeks my regular doctor ex-rayed my clavicle and told me it was healing, that he didn’t need to see me again unless I had a major problem with it, and to continue to take it easy. Now, I’m no doctor but I saw that x-ray, and to me it looked just like the FIRST x-ray, plus I still had some discomfort and I could tell the bones were still shifting around (my break is widely separated)…. so I called a specialist and made my own appointment, regular doctor be damned.
    The specialist takes one glance at my x-rays, pokes around at the (still slightly swollen, very tender) break and says “We can’t tell anything from these x-rays, you need a CT Scan.” Okay, fine… so I have the CT scan and guess what? The specialist actually called me in to look at the CT on the computer, just to make sure I understood there was ABSOLUTELY NO SIGN OF HEALING. This is at 13 weeks, folks…. 13 WEEKS & NO HEALING! Apparently, some peoples bodies just don’t produce the “bone callous” that it takes to heal a separated bone like this, and lucky me, I’m one of them! lol So now I have a machine called an OrthoFix Physio Stym…. basically a harnassed unit that emits an electrical pulse/magnetic field, and is supposed to stimulate the bones to regrow. I have to wear it every day for 3 hours, anywhere from 6 weeks to 9 months, but hopefully it will start to cause the bones to heal. I go back to the specialist for re-eval at the 6-week mark, but hopefully I’ll still avoid surgery.
    Moral of this story…. GET A SECOND OPINION! And not just from another general practitioner. If you have doubts about how you’re healing, (and let’s face it, you know your body best) don’t be afraid to see a specialist and have it evaluated by someone who deals with these things everyday. While you can live with a broken clavicle, and ultimately deal with it not healing, if your lifestyle demands a higher level of strength or activity, you REALLY want to get this taken care of, and there are other alternatives to surgery out there! So, be well and happy healing to all of you…. I’ll keep you posted on the machines’ progress! ๐Ÿ™‚

  29. Harris Avatar

    here is a link to my initial break
    note the little piece near the end of the bottom bone
    sorry for the bad quality

  30. Claire Benson Avatar
    Claire Benson

    YEY for this bonding-broken-bone site, I don’t feel so alone now. *s* I’m a cheeky 35 year old biker chick from the UK & was in my mates car 4 weeks ago & we were unfortunately hit by a drunk driver (insert numerous swear words & huge sigh of relief I wasn’t on my bike). I broke my left clavicle (& a few ribs for extra measure) & had to have a plate & pins put in my shoulder three days after the crash.
    I’ve been given 3 exercises to do by the surgeon & I see him again on the 15th Jan to find out how things are going. X-rays one week after surgery showed everything inline but with a gap of atleast a cm. Hopefully it’ll all heal up ok & the gap will fill up. After reading some of your comments I feel pretty lucky as I have no loss of feeling and have a pretty good range of motion already. I’m dying to go to the gym but am concerned on what’s ok to do. Sitting on the stationary bicycle is ok I’m sure. Unfortunately it won’t be my Yamaha Fazer 600!
    Anyway, healing thoughts going out to you all. Take care x

  31. Harris Avatar

    i broke my colar bone about 8 weeks ago and i have no pain from range of motion moving. But the thing is iam a breakdancer and it requires me to put alot of weight on my arm, which is still hurting. I am scheduled to travel to the yukon for the canada winter games around Feb 20 and i need to start training soon. When do you expect i will be able to put my full weight on my 1 arm with no worries? how can i speed this process?

    It’s not possible to give you an honest value on when you will be fully healed. It varies with each person and depends on many factors. Your doctor is going to be the most reliable for that information.

    To help speed your recovery you can focus on letting your shoulder heal. Don’t use it or stress it too soon. Listen to your body. Pain is not a good thing. Also, taking supplements such as calcium has been recommended. If you search through the comments on the broken collar bone pages here you will find more information that others have left.

    – Hans

  32. Mark Avatar

    I broke mt right collarbone while bicycling on Nov 30. Hit a wet, slick spot on a piece of pavement that was banked the wrong way, and landed HARD on my right side, snapping the clavicle in the middle. The two pieces were separated by 2 or 3 cm, but the first two doctors I saw said it would be fine, the ends would find each other eventually and would mend with a bit of a lump in the center. I didn’t like that answer, so I found the best shoulder specialist I could on short notice and sent him the xrays — he said it needs surgery, no question, so two days later he put in a pin. Three weeks out now, it seems to be going well — so glad I had it pinned up, as before my shoulder was sagging down and I didn’t look symmetrical. Now things feel pretty good, and I’m out of the sling, able to dress and shower with no help.
    I’ll heed the advice here and try not to push things too quickly, but walking seems pretty boring in comparison to biking and tennis. At least it’s not spring/summer!
    Strange thing about my injury is, the collarbone never really hurt much at all. The road rash and general bruising was much more painful, and I didn’t have to take any pain medication for the fracture itself (I took a little for my hip and elbow which were bruised pretty good).

  33. Hans Avatar

    Mark – I would recommend reading through the various posts on this page and on the other collar bone pages linked at the top of the article. There’s lots of information about what to do to recover.
    Quickly though, the best thing to do right after the break is to keep your shoulder immobilized for two weeks. Wearing a figure-8 brace in addition to the sling really helps for this. Movements during the first two weeks can negatively influence the healing.
    Oh, and since you indicate being involved in various sports, I would also recommend you get a second opinion from a doctor that understands and recognizes your physical needs once healed. If you require surgery you will be able to have it sooner rather than later.

  34. mark f. pickels Avatar
    mark f. pickels


  35. Jeff Avatar

    Jeff – My eleven year old daughter is now 8 weeks into this. X-ray still shows small line, doctor says she needs to wait two more weeks before she can resume contact sports. This surprised us, since x-ray at ten days in showed it was well aligned and we expected fast healing. Doesn’t this seem long for someone her age? Now I’m wondering if the roller coasters she rode in Orlando (small ones, but coasters nonetheless) at 7 weeks in could have reinjured her (although she’s had no pain for several weeks and didn’t have any pain on coasters).

  36. KM Avatar

    Broke my collarbone three weeks ago in a road bike accident. Snapped off the end of the collarbone such that it is ‘nonaligned.’ Had surgery and a plate inserted immediately. Since then, I am a little better every day. On the trainer 5 days after surgery. Physical therapy the following week. Raked leaves yesterday. Will be riding outside 6 weeks after surgery.
    My ortho doc and several folks in his office ride and are sympathetic to my need to get back on the bike. Of the @150/year broken clavicles he sees, only @ one requires surgery. The post-surgery is *very* painful, but at least I don’t have to wait and wonder about whether or not I will acheive a union.

  37. jigz Avatar

    ahoy.just got my r collar bone fractured 3 days ago on a scooter while practicing for a race.i was shocked to see the xray and demanded to make a surgery said no coz it has the same tenure of recovery and possibly much longer to heal if surgery takes place.put me on a fig 8 brace no arm sling(provided myself when i got home)bills, medications, bye bye doc.
    1st day is pain day,but able to sleep on bed(shallow),drive(w one hand),put shorts n shirt(shrt sleeve shirt),take shower on my own.
    2nd day, getting the hang of it.learn what position doesnt hurts my shoulder.oh yeah, getting up on bed really needs a lot of practicing to do(i’ve overcome that)push your good side of the body on the side of the bed then take off in sitting position.whoa!does it hurt?practice.
    3RD DAY,i’ve found out that people really heals’s up to you how to approach the situation or the trauma.traumatic or positive got medications, Doctor, supplement, also the web for info.what more could u get to heal

  38. Hans Avatar

    Veronica – I highly recommend that you have her see a doctor. It might be better having her get a second opinion from another doctor. The injury may be impairing her circulation and pinching nerves.
    Also, wearing a brace such as a figure-8 may cause some discomfort but it will help in the long term. If it helps to allow the broken bone(s) to heal faster and aligned better than it is worth the slight discomfort. Having the figure-8 properly adjusted will also reduce or remove any discomfort. I used one and believe it worked for me.

  39. veronica Avatar

    My boyfriends daughter broke her left clavicle about 5 weeks ago then just friday broke her right she is slumped forward and her shoulders seem to not be aligned they didnt put a brace on her like last time because they said it would cause her discomfort but it seems to be healing incorrectly . The nurse at her school is even concerned .her fingers were swollen and dry and there seemed to be no circulation in her arm ….help

  40. Hans Avatar

    Orph – Once your clavicle fully heals it should be as strong as before the break.

  41. Orph Avatar

    hi i have recently broken my collar bone for the second time in the space of about four months, the docters said i could start to play rugby in november 06 wen i broke it in july or towards the end of july 06 will the bone be weaker and would i be able to caryy on playing rugby once it is healed? thanks

  42. Trace Avatar

    Another Reid update. Went to doc yesterday and he was able to take off the sling and the figure 8. He can start hockey practice on the 10th of this month and his first game will be the 25th (which would be exactly 6 weeks). Reid is happy. He said the collarbone is healing very nicely. Kids heal fast. Im just worried about how he will do with the body contact but only time will tell I guess. Thanks to everyone here who gave me some useful information…….
    Apparently Reid is proof that the young are very resilient.

  43. Hans Avatar

    Jeff – There are some basic physical therapy excercises for recovery after a broken collar bone. But each individual’s injury is unique and one excercise might not be right for another’s. I recommend a visit to a physical therapist.

  44. Tracey Avatar

    Just an update on Reid……he saw Doc today and he said keep figure 8 and sling on for another week for sure. He is sending Reid for x-rays on Thursday morning and we have to see him in his office Thursday afternoon. Sounds to me like he is thinking 6 weeks for sure…..but who knows. Doc said he will not give any guidelines about returning too hockey until he sees what the bone is doing. Doc said we must be sure he is healed or else he could go out on the ice and break it again just by doing a slapshot. Would not want that!!! He said if it broke again it would more than likely require surgery.
    I’ll keep you updated….

  45. Jeff Avatar

    My 11 year old daughter broke her collarbone four weeks ago. The figure eight and sling are now off, she has no pain, and doctor said she can start “range of motion exercises.” But, he didn’t give her any, and I’ve read conflicting info on when to begin what. Any suggestions on good exercises to do between now and the next four weeks (when she’s supposed to be cleared to begin sports again)?

  46. Hans Avatar

    Meghann – I haven’t heard of anyone having their collar bone “set” without surgery. I’ve had friends with their collar bones broken in two places with the inner piece perpindicular to the two attached ends. Each friend’s doc told them they could just leave it to “heal”. That’s the nature of the collar bone. You can actually get along just fine with your collar bone not healed back together. BUT, it can cause issues with your lifestyle. Someone that is physically active and requires the additional stabilization the collar bone provides should want to be treated more aggressively.
    I always recommend getting a second opinion, especially if you are not satisfied with your first doctor’s advice. But be sure you are providing your doctor with enough information about your lifestyle and how you use your shoulder.
    Mark – Thanks for writing your story and enforcing the advice about wearing a helmet. I’ve had my share of split helmets and lucky to have been wearing them.
    Tracey – Yes, it can take some time to heal. But, it varies greatly with the person, the injury, and how well the person makes an effort to heal. Luckily, the younger the quicker to heal. It’s very important though to let the injury heal. As Nick wrote, it’s not wise to push it too soon and risk re-injuring (good job Nick!). A 2-3 month recovery may turn into a 6 month recovery by not being careful. Thinking long term when young can be difficult to do.

  47. Nick Avatar

    I play hockey 2. I am 13 years old & i got hit in practice and ” Fracture ” collar bone. Near the tip by my shoulder. The orthopedic said i am goin 2 be out for 3 months as of Septermer 21, 2006. I am in about 2 months my hockey season. As of right now i see the doctor on November 1, 2006. Tomorrow i am goin on the ice and just shooting and skating NO HITTING ( can cause serious injury ). I am probley goin to play in my first game on probley in November i will only play about 3 shifts in the game. I would guess he would be out for about 9 weeks.( BUT I AM 13 & I AM NOT AN ORTHOPEDIC ) I am out longer because i broke it near the shoulder.

  48. Tracey Avatar

    HI there. My 8 year old son broke his collar bone last week in an exhibition hockey game. Got checked by the boards….it was a clean hit. He is very eager to get back on the ice. I’ve been telling him six weeks. He sees his doctor on Friday. It sounds from all I have read here that it could be much longer….is that right?? He would be crushed if he is out for 3 months. That would only leave him with the last month of hockey…….he would not like that. He is in a figure 8 and a sling…..which the ER doc said he really only needs (the sling) for 24 hours…..but my son feels much better with it on so I’ve been leaving it on……..though at night now he takes it off to watch tv and moves his arm from the elbow down around. Anyway, Im rambling……any input would be appreciated….thanks

  49. Mark Avatar

    I don’t see one to quite compare with my story.
    July 15th I was riding MTB with my two sons who are 14 and 16. I am 45 and was a little rusty, but I try not to get to carried away!
    We were riding at Wisp resort in Maryland and on the second run down an intermediate trail I got slightly off track in some high grass. No big deal I thought, I’ll just ride it out. Well when the slope leveled out I hit something in the grass, Never figured out what! Next thing I know I’m over the bars rolling on the ground try to catch my breath. I knew I hit hard and should lay still till I assessed the damage, but I just couldn’t grab any air. So I slowly roll over and manage to squeeze in a breath or two. My sons are there asking if I’m OK, I tell them I think so give me a minute and then I move again. At that point I get the sharpest pain in my right colarbone I’ve ever felt! “Crap, This hurts, get me a ride I ain’t going anywhere”. So off one kid goes to get help.
    I take my helmet off and it is shattered, Not a good sign as I disscovered later! It took over an hour for them to slap me in a neck brace, tie me to a backboard and haul me off for many Xrays and Ct scans.
    The verdict, Fractured C7, T3, T4, T5 Vertabrae! [stable thankfully], Fractured right collarbone. 2 days in the hospital, released with a whole stock of pain killers :] and a miserable Minerva back and neck brace holding my neck and back stationary.
    Two weeks later I went in for follow ups, my back and neck look fine. The orthopaedic doc takes a look at the clavicle xrays and says, “You’re going to want that pinned, It’s a mess”! It was scattered and not even close to being together, wonderfull.
    They had to work out special OR procedures to hold my neck immoble during surgery and on August 22 they put a pin through the center of the bone lengthwise. Dr said it would take him about 20 minutes to do it. It took him an hour and 45 minutes! He thought the bone was in 3 pieces when in fact it was in four. He could not get the pieces lined up without doubling the size of the front inscision. It was supposed to be about an inch or so long, in fact it is about three inches long, but he did a nice job sewing it up and the scar is not nearly so wicked looking as the ones I’ve seen of people who had the plates. I’ll take the pin!
    I went back at 5 weeks and he sees signs of the fibrous healing, but still some big gaps. I go back at 9 weeks and hopefully it will be at the point the pin can be removed. I’ve been told to be very carefull as the pin is narrow and will bend. If it bends it is in there for ever! The plan is they leave the end of the pin out at the shoulder end, under the skin, then they take out two retaining screws and pull it out when the bone is healed. I can’t wait!
    The back brace I wear has been on three months and comes off in 4 days. The following week the pin may be ready. So sometimes this stuff can take a long time to heal.
    I would be happy to have only broken my collarbone!
    Don’t land on your head!!! Always wear the helmet, Please! I’d be sitting in a corner babbling and drooling if I had not been wearing it! Or boxed and planted!

  50. Meghann Avatar

    I broke my left collar bone 5 weeks ago in a biking accident (went over the handle-bars, direct impact to the top and front of the shoulder). The break is in the outside third of the bone, towards the shoulder. It still has about a 1/2 inch separation with no evidence of a fibrous bridge beginning to form. My doctor seems pretty casual about it… he just keeps telling me to wait and come back in two weeks for more x-rays. I was given a figure 8 brace at the ER but no sling, and I stopped wearing the figure 8 brace about a week ago (with my doctor’s permission) because I had persistent pain and numbness in my arm from the shoulder to wrist, and even some in the hand. The pain seems to be MUCH worse when I wear the figure 8 brace. I saw my chiropractor today to get another opinion, of sorts, and he seemed to think they should have “set” the break within the first few days. Does this sound right to anyone? I’m becoming VERY frustrated because I don’t seem to be healing and my regular doctor doesn’t seem concerned by this. The Chiro put me on a calcium supplement and Diothermy therapy every day for the next two weeks. Any ideas?

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