Chad’s Broken Collar Bone Report

Here is another well done article by a 30 year old rider that broke his collar bone during a criterium bike race. It chronicles his journey from the initial break, through the ups and downs of healing, to his recovery.


DISCLAIMER: The following content is for informational purposes only. The content is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Diagnosis and treatment of all health conditions should only be performed by your doctor or other licensed health care professional. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this site.

Chad’s Broken Collar Bone Report

By Chad Crocker

First of all, let me say that this website helped me with many concerns and questions I had after my collarbone was broken. Hopefully, my detailed account will help others in the same way.

On October 15, 2005, I was racing in a criterium and broke my collarbone. As you can see from the x-ray (week 1), it was distal third “fracture”.

Chad's broken collar bone

At the hospital, they cleaned my road rash (plenty of it), put me in a figure of 8 brace, arm sling, and gave me a prescription for some wimpy Lortabs. The ER doctor said to move my arm/shoulder as little as possible, even in the shower. When I got home, I jumped on the internet and found Hans’ website which provided a wealth of knowledge and experience from others who have been through the same thing.


The first three days after the wreck were extremely painful. I had a bad bruise on my shoulder that ran down my bicep. After a few days, it turned a funny green color. This was normal. Another lady who told her story on this site had the same thing happen. I tried to sleep in a bed for two nights. Every time I tried to get up, my collarbone moved in ways that it definitely should not have moved. So, for the next 5 weeks, I slept in a recliner. Did I mention that the only clothes I had on were my boxers, figure of 8 brace and sling? Road rash sucks!!!

As for supplements, I started taking 2500 mgs of Calcium citrate and a multivitamin everyday. Calcium Citrate is supposed to help acidify the urine somewhat to help prevent kidney stones from such a high intake of Calcium.


Pretty much the same as week #1. My brother is an x-ray, CT, and MRI tech, so I had a few x-rays taken. Absolutely no change. Of course, calcification doesn’t show up for a few weeks. Didn’t know this at the time, though. Oh yeah, it is unbelievable how much crap is on TV.


I’m finally able to put on a pair of shorts. My shoulder and bicep are still several funky shades of yellow and green. Still no improvement on the x-ray that I could see. This concerned me. Especially after reading some of the horror stories people had about collarbones not healing even after 7-8 weeks. Now I’m paranoid and keep my arm and shoulder completely immobilized. Later, a friend/doctor looked at the x-ray and pointed out that the bones are not as rough as in the first x-ray and the ends have smoothed out somewhat (signs of healing). Guess I should have left reading x-rays to the professionals.

Chad's broken collar bone


Still the same old thing. My shoulder was still hurting pretty bad from where I was slammed into the pavement at 30 mph. My moral was starting to get pretty low at this point. I really wanted to go for a bike ride, but taking time to heal is best. I kept everything completely stable and only took my brace and sling off for showering. Keeping your arm completely still at your side makes taking a shower very interesting.


GREAT NEWS!!!! Went to the doctor on Tuesday and she said the fibrous bridge between the two bones had formed. The sling came off and most of the road rash has healed. Most, not all. The figure of 8 came off Saturday. Now comes the fun part… physical therapy. When the sling came off, I could not raise my arm at all. Every chance I had, I was moving my arm as much as possible. Using a broom stick works very well. You basically use your good arm to pull up and stretch the injured arm. By Saturday, I was able to lift my arm out in front of me. Good enough. Now it’s time to hop on the stationary bike. I also started sleeping in a bed. Still have some shoulder pain near the rotator cuff.


Went to see the other doctor this week. The fibrous bridge is starting to show on x-ray. This made me happy, but I was still having pain in my shoulder around the rotator cuff area. My shoulder was still bruised. Because of the location, the doctor ordered an MRI to look for any tears or other damage. I have a lot more mobility now. Mostly thanks to my chiropractor, Dr. Michael Silver in Gastonia. I have to give this guy a big “Thank you.” He helped get my full range of motion back in less than two weeks.

Chad's broken collar bone


Everything is healing up. I still have some tenderness in my shoulder and AC joint. MRI results will be back next week. Of course, I do have some pain and tightness in my shoulder and back. All the bruising has disappeared and I have almost full range of motion in my shoulder. Still working with Dr. Silver to get more flexibility and better movement. I was on the stationary bike 4 days this week and hit the gym for some good leg workouts. I was not doing any upper body exercises until the MRI results came back clean.


MRI results came back clean. It showed a bruised bone, bursitis (from smacking the pavement very hard), and a stretched AC joint. The rotator cuff was completely intact and healthy. I received the news on Tuesday and hit the pool that night. By Saturday, I was back swimming for one full hour nonstop. I have a few MRI pictures below. According to the doctor, this is what a “healthy” shoulder should look like.

Chad's broken collar bone
Chad's broken collar bone
Chad's broken collar bone
Chad's broken collar bone


My leg workouts in the gym are back to normal except for squats, hack squats, etc. No weight on the collarbone. I went to the doctor this week for more x-rays. We were able to see some calcification. The doctor said that I was 90% healed, and could start lifting weights again in about 3-4 weeks. She was surprised at the amount of flexibility and strength that I had.

Chad's broken collar bone

WEEK #15

For the past few weeks, I have been working out in the gym with light weights, swimming, and riding my stationary bike. Still too cold to be outside. Had my last set of x-rays this week. Everything looked very good and the calcification was very visible. The doctor said that my collarbone was stronger here than at any other point and cleared me to do whatever I wanted. Even ride my bike. I didn’t mention that I had already been out for a few rides.


After several doses of supplements, quality mass builders, and prohormones that are now banned by the FDA, I have regained every bit of strength plus a lot more. Several exercises still hurt my shoulder like standing curls, but military presses don’t bother it at all. Strange, but it will just take some time to learn my new shoulder. I also added glucosamine sulfate and fish oil to my daily supplements to help with joint pain from lifting heavy. This stuff works pretty well to be sold over the counter. My right shoulder is now a little bit shorter than the left, but it functions very well. The only place I really notice it is on the bench press. All I did was adjust my hand positioning. It had little effect on how much I could bench.

Take this for what it is. One guy’s story of experiencing a broken collarbone. I was very careful and did everything I needed to do for a quick recovery. All things considered, things went very well. The best advice I can give is:

1) Listen to your doctor
2) Get a second opinion (never hurts to ask)
3) Explain that you are a very active person and be treated as such. My chiropractor was the only one that treated me this way and helped my recovery more so than the other physicians.
4) Definitely take more calcium. This was recommended by all the doctors I went to.
5) Take time to recover properly the first time. It is better to lose 3 months to an injury than 6, 7, or more.

Hope this info helps others out there going through the same thing.

UPDATE (2012-04-23):

In March 2011, I started to develop severe pain in my upper back and neck that ran down my arm.  It got to the point where I couldn’t swim 500 yards which is significant because my Ironman swims were around 1 hour.  I had xrays, MRI’s, and spent 8 months in physical therapy.  The Ortho couldn’t find anything and the PT kept saying I had a muscle imbalance.  I always felt that my collarbone didn’t heal quite right and believed that was the problem.  Unfortunately, the Ortho did not think that was it.    After 7 full Ironman triathlons, I would have to say that I’m more in tune with my body than a doctor looking at pictures.  So, I started searching for a new doctor and my former motocross buddies pointed me to a surgeon in Texas (Dr. Mark Sanders).  I did a LOT of homework on this guy before making a decision to have surgery.  In January 2012, he broke my collarbone in two places and plated it back together.  He said it had healed 1.5 cm short and rotated forward.  Within a day after surgery, my pain was almost completely gone.  It actually felt so good, I walked into the doctor’s office for follow up without the sling.  I wouldn’t advise this, as the tongue lashing was extreme.  I am currently 12 weeks post-op and well on the road to recovery.  Three weeks ago, I went to the same PT who treated me last year and she was completely amazed at my range of motion and how the mechanics of my shoulder/scapula had changed (for the better).  After seeing me, she said having that surgery was the right thing to do.  Things still aren’t perfect, but are much better than before surgery.  My shoulder and scapula were in the wrong position for 6 years of intense Ironman training before giving out.  It’s going to take time to retrain it.  Time for the disclaimer.  I probably would not have had this much trouble if it wasn’t for the amount of overhead exercises I do.  Lifting weights and the repetitive overhead motion of swimming took its toll on a misaligned collarbone/shoulder.  Pushing through pain, hoping it will get better is obviously the wrong thing to do.  Especially pain that lasts for months.

My personal opinion, and that’s what it is, is to get a collarbone fixed if you are an active person.  I’ve been in both situations, and I will get it plated every time from now on.  Zero doubt.

More “Broken Collar Bone” Articles

Don’t miss reading the information and comments in my other collar bone entries:

Broken Clavicle (collar bone)
Broken Clavicle No More
What to Expect From a Broken Clavicle

339 responses

  1. Michaela Avatar

    I have resently fractured my collar bone and i found that when you are in bed prop up pillows around you and try to get up out of bed quite early the earlier the better and get your shoulder moving it will prevent pain has anyone else got any tips about sleep with
    a fractured collar

  2. David Avatar

    Rob: I had similar advise, but after 8 weeks I had the surgery partly because I didn’t want to wait any longer. I think some benefits of surgery is that you get a better aligned collarbone. I also think that whether you try to live with a non-union is a function of your lifestyle. The more active your lifestyle the more you should consider surgery. I had surgery about 8 weeks after breaking my collarbone in a cycling accident. I was 51 yrs. old at the time, and I had a compound overlapping mid-clavicle break. 4 weeks after surgery I was able to start light exercise, and 8 weeks after surgery I was able to exercise with some vigor. 12 weeks after surgery I was back to full exercise with the exception of heavylifting. I concluded a full season of serious recreational cycling(about 2,500 miles), and just had my 1-year post-op visit with my orthopod. My shoulder feels great, and there are no plans to remove the plate. I do have some very minor numbness in the chest area which was a result of cutting through some nerves during surgery. The scar has healed quite well, and I have no limitations. I made the initial mistake of seeing an orthopod who was not a specialist on upper extremities. This led to a frozen shoulder which complicated my recovery, so my advise is to be sure you’re getting good medical advise. Good luck.

  3. Rob Avatar

    I broke my clavicle 4 weeks ago now. The broken ends overlap by about 3cm. The surgeon said that he thought there was a 50-50 chance of the bones healing without intervention. I see him again tomorrow and we are going to discuss alternatives. He has expressed a strong view that if the bones do not heal to leave them broken as opposed to plating them; he expressed the view that I would have a full range of motion and it should not affect its strength. I was somewhat suprised by this but if it works then it saves any risks that surgery entails; I don’t care what it looks like as long as it works. has anyone had such advice, or have any views on that advice?

  4. Hans Avatar

    Karim – I would recommend that you see a physical therapist or an orthopedic doctor. Three years is a long time since the original accident. It’s difficult to know what may be causing you problems. It may have been caused by the original accident and you have developed degenerative condition. It would be wise to have it checked out now rather than waiting any longer.
    Nick – Listen to your doctor. He’s correct that you don’t want to risk injuring it again. That would delay your recovery and may cause more extreme damage. I do think 3 months seems long. I was able to begin bike racing 2 months after my break. But, everyone heals differently. So follow up with your doctor in 3 weeks and listen to what he says. By then it might be good news and he will recommend a quicker return to sports.

  5. Nick Avatar

    I broke my collar bone on September 21 , 2006. I play hockey. I was going down the ice and i was hit. i broke it near the shoulder ( ” hairline fracture ” said doctor ). so i have been out for awile. The first time i saw the orthopedic he said it is healing fine ( about 1 week after ) he said stay out of sports for 3 months. I saw him the next time ( 3 weeks later, last Thursday ), he had an x-ray taken. He told me it was connecting and something about something ” Sticky “. I said OK, and he told my parents i can’t go back out on the ice, because if i fall i might hurt it more. He said if i was an all- star kid then it would be fine going out there but you have to take a RISK of not hurting it.Then he told me around 3 months AGAIN untill i can be in games. Do you think i will be fine going to practice this week, with no contact, or do you think i should wait 3 weeks untill i see the orthopedic.

  6. Karim Avatar

    I broke my collar bone a bout three years ago and i have had tighnes in the area since, latley i have had pain and crepitus with movement, mostly circumduction etc, does anyone else have these problems?? i have been doing rotator cuff exercises due to thought problems in this area, but not much effect!!

  7. Hans Avatar

    Anthony – It’s an ongoing joke about how most people that break their collar bone will return from the hospital with only a sling and some Tylenol at a cost of several hundred dollars and several hours of time. If you didn’t even get a sling then I think you were really shorted! :’) And yes it’s odd that you didn’t even get a sling.
    Tasha – A figure-8 should be snug but not so tight it’s cutting off circulation or causing chafing. It’s meant to help hold your shoulders steady and aligned while you recover. Wearing a sling in addition helps to take of the stress of the weight of arm on the shoulder. It also helps a bit ro reduce movement which is so important during the first two weeks after a break.
    It’s important to note that stretching and moving your arm to excercise the joints should be done during the recovery. Not using your joints can lead to problems. If you read through the comments on my various “broken collar bone” pages you will find more information about this.
    david – You are actually healing at a good rate and should feel lucky. Just give it a little more time. It’s also not possible to give you answer as to when you will be healed. That can only be done by a qualified doctor that examines you.

  8. david Avatar

    im 15 and im a golie i fractured my collar bone 4 weeks ago today by screwing around in pe. its happened to me before so i just went to the nurse and they called my dad to pick me up, since he is a doctor he took me to the hospital he was seeing patients at i didnt go to the er i just took x rays and i didnt even see them they said i could go and my dad would see them when he was done working. my dad said it was a clean break and i need a sling so i gotone at the pharmacy. by 3 weeks i had full range of arm motion but a small pain when i lifted it up straight up, i was hoping to be healed by this week but obviously im not, about how much more time should it take me 2 heal because soccer season starts in a week

  9. Tasha Avatar

    I broke my R clavical on Sept 30 when I went over the bars of my dirtbike while at a motocross track. I packed up my bike and drove the hour drive home thinking everything was fine. I decided to go to the ER just incase and after 4 hours of waiting the doc walked in, said I broke my collar bone, and walked out. He barely would have the time of day for me. I went back to the hospital on monday as the sling was giving me grief. The head nurse took off the sling and put on the 8 brace. She didn’t seem to know to much about them. Does anyone know how tight I should have the brace? Also, should I be wearing the sling as well?
    After reading this forum I have decided to try for a second opinion plus request to see the xray so that I know where exactly it is broke.

  10. Anthony Avatar

    I find it intresting that no one has mentioned how difficult it is to type with one hand. Anyway, I’m about two and a half weeks out from a break to the middle of my left clavicle. Two things make my experience worth writing about. One, I no longer get along with geese. One decided to take flight 15 feet ahead of me on the bike path and I was doing 18-19 mph. Knocked me off. It happened so fast. X-ray shows a clean break. Orthopedic doc says “how does it feel?” I reply pretty good as long as I hold it like this. He asked me I would be comfortable with that and with a “yes” reply I sent away with no support at all. So far I think everything is okay. I was wondering if anyone else has been sent home with niether a sling nor x-brace?

  11. Graham Anscombe Avatar
    Graham Anscombe

    Hi Andy
    I really think a second opinion would be good although I did actually see two different people when I first broke the bone. The first guy I saw the day after the accident was a really old chap who looked like he was probably a consultant filling in for the normal guy. He basically said go home and do nothing and come back in two weeks. When I went back I saw a different chap who said that the x-ray showed a slight increase in the distance between the ends of the bone, but nothing much else, again go away and come back in three weeks.
    Well during week 5 I got rid of the sling and actually felt okay. I wasn’t in pain and was able to move the arm gently and my slumped shoulder had returned to normal upright stature. I went for my 5 week checkup and saw the second normal guy again who pressed my bump very firmly and then lifted my arm up to 90

  12. Andy Babington Avatar
    Andy Babington

    Thanks everyone for sharing experiences.
    Graham, like you I am from the UK,and also have a fracture in 2 places, which I did on the 7th September. I you are considering getting a second opinion, which my doctors, in the NHS, offered, find out who the shoulder specialist is and ask for them. I wish that I had got a second opinion earlier in my treatment, I’m seeing the shoulder specialist on Thursday 5th October.
    I’m making progress with movement, I can now reach both my arm pits which is also good news for those around me.

  13. Graham Anscombe Avatar
    Graham Anscombe

    Hi, very interesting this. I’m from the UK and 5 weeks ago I broke my right clavicle in two places in a bad fall leaving a fragment in the middle. I’m a bit concerned about my progress even though the hospital has told me there’s no need to come back now. They only took 2 x-rays, one on the day of the accident and one two weeks later. They didn’t bother x-raying in the 5th week.
    In the UK they don’t give you a figure of 8 brace, just a sling. I am out of the sling now, but my shoulder is very weak. I don’t have any pain in my shoulder, but the clavicle itself still feels funny even though the doctor said that it had united (after pressing the lump quite firmly). I don’t “feel” like I can really exercise the shoulder that much due to the wierd feeling in my clavicle.
    I may decide to go and get another opinion.

  14. fortezza Avatar

    I slammed into an opponent during a soccer match a week ago, fracturing my clavicle. I am feeling a lot better now, but of course I am very careful not to stress my shoulder/arm where the break is. As far as exercise, I am doing limited weight exercises that do not involve my upper body, and lots of cardio on using the recumbent bike machine. Hopefully I will be back to soccer in a few weeks, when the next season starts.

  15. Hans Avatar

    Nick – The color change is a sign your bruise is going away. That’s all it means and is independent of how your collar bone is healing.

  16. Nick Avatar

    I have a Bruse by my left shoulder. It is purple and when i woke up today it is getting green. What does that Mean? Am i healing Fast ?

  17. Hans Avatar

    Nick – For broken bones, the younger you are the better and quicker you will heal. Since you are 13 there is a good chance you will heal sooner. But it’s not possible to give you a fair answer to how long you will take to heal. Only a doctor that has examined you will be able to give you a fair answer.

  18. Nick Avatar

    Is there something eles i can have my arm in to keep it healing ? WHAT WOULD U SAY IT A ESTAMATION ABOUT HOW LONG FOR A 13 YEAR OLD TO HEAL ?

  19. Hans Avatar

    Andy – Conflicting advice is the norm for collar bones. I don’t know if your injury will lead to a joint problem. You should specifically ask your doctor about that. I would recommend that you be very clear with your doctor(s) about what your expectations are for healing. Make sure that your doctor understands the type of activity you want to be able to perform and what problems might occur with one treatment vs. the other. Also write down a list of questions for your doctor before you go. It’s easy to forget once you are there.
    Nick – It’s possible your ortho doc had a chance to better evaluate your x-rays or received advice from another specialist about your injury and recovery time. But, three months does sound like a long time for someone your age. No matter what, now is the most important time for you to work on your recovery. Keep your shoulder immobilized. Use a sling and figure-8 brace. The first two weeks of healing are when your body is working hard to heal. If you move your shoulder or your arm too much then you risk setting back the healing. If all goes well you will begin to feel better in a couple of weeks. If you don’t make an effort to let yourself heal then your doc’s second estimate of three months might come true.

  20. Nick Avatar

    Hi i am 13 years old. I was play hockey. I was at practice when i got hit into the boards. I fractured my Collar Bone on SEPTEMBER 21, 2006 . When i was at the ER the doctor told me i was out of gym and contact sports for 6 weeks. I have my arm in a sling right now. I went to the Orthoprdic ( THE SAME ER DOCTER ) and he told me that i am out for 3 MONTHS ! He did NO tests to me when i was at the orthopedics,all he had was the same X-Rays.

  21. Andy Babington Avatar
    Andy Babington

    I also broke my collar bone in 2 places in a mountain bike spill, the bone is now shortened and displaced by about 3/4 inch, making a Z shape. I am concerned that it will effect my strength and movement, my other sport is kayaking. I have seen 2 doctors but I am getting conflicting advice, one is recomending plating, the other rest and support. I am going to see a third doctor tommorow. I am concerned that if the bone heals in the Z shape that it may lead to joint problems in the future especially with the kayaking.

  22. Ana Duiic Avatar
    Ana Duiic

    Thanks Hans i went to a sports therapist and got an amazing exercise programe as well as PHYSIO which is my life right now i’m beginning to play flag football slowly but that isn’t working out too well for me. However my recovery is just golden, well compared to what it was before so thanks for the advice!

  23. Hans Avatar

    mac – Sorry but there are no easy answers to your questions. Each injury and person’s ability to heal is unique. You might get lucky and be healed in 4 weeks. Or you might be 3 month person. There are many factors that influence healing. If you haven’t already, look through the comments on each of the collar bone pages I have published. There’s others around your age that have commented. That might give you more insight.

  24. mac Avatar

    I took a nice fall off my moped(yes, i’m ashamed) and gave myself a hell of a scare. Wife drove me to er and found a real clean break of clavical, almost thru the skin. The PA in the ER put me on darvocet and a 8 brace. The first night sucks, the broken bone is moving and the figure 8 is about as fun as a punch in the nose. I finally gave in and took a darvocet around 3 am since I was keeping my wife up. Went to ortho today and he basically tightened the figure 8 and told me to have fun doing nothing for the next few weeks. I am 39 and in good shape, How long will this bone wiggle? How long after accident did those of you start to drive a car again? I need to drive for my job. Any ideas on a realistic expectation?

  25. Blake Avatar

    Sounds painful. I’m a goalie that uses a fairly small chest pad. I hadn’t sinched it up in a while I guess, and it slipped down just enough that my collarbone was exposed. Took a shot that I estimate at about 80 mph right off the left side. Impact of the ball split the bone in two. I kept playing for a bit, as even though it broke, it did not come apart immediately. It just felt like a really bad bruise. I even took one more shot. About a minute later I started to chase a shot that went behind the cage, and the running motion caused the cleavage that was created by the shot to actually snap. That…hurt…bad…
    Good news is that it was the championship game of a tournament, and I was able to make it back from the ER with five minutes to go and watch my team win in a tight one.

  26. Hans Avatar

    Blake – Ah, I remember my Lacrosse days. Luckily, the worst I had was getting clocked in the helmet by a shot as I crossed the crease. Hit me so hard I spun in place for a bit then came back to the real world. At that point I see guys charging right at me since the ball ricocheted off my helmet, straight up in the air, and then was dropping back down on top of me. Ended up getting clipped and knocked on my butt before I had a chance to react.
    But, enough of those memories and back to your question. I recommend that you leave the sling off. I went through what you described. But by having the sling off you will force yourself to begin using your range-of-motion and strengthening your arm and shoulder. Just be extra vigilant not to overdure moving your arm.

  27. Blake Avatar

    I broke mine during a lacrosse game two weeks ago. After one week my doctor told me to take the sling off and just use the figure 8. I can already lift my arm until it is about level with my shoulder, but anything further isn’t possible.
    One thing that concerns me about not having the sling is that I will sometimes forget that there is anything wrong with the arm. I will then start to use it and that will cause some discomfort. Also, with the arm more or less hanging around, my shoulder gets extremely tired. Should I be back in the sling with the brace?

  28. dud Avatar

    great to read other responses

  29. Hans Avatar

    Christie – I recommend you speak with a physical therapist about how soon and what therapy to perform. You want to be bery careful not to perform movement that will inhibit your healing. Also, since everyone’s injury is unique there is no set time as to when to begin PT.
    Loss of range of motion can occur when recovering from a broken collar bone. Performing hanging arm rotations and elbow bends can help reduce that problem. Speak with a qualified physical therapist and that will be your best route towards recovery.

  30. Christie Avatar

    Broke my clavical (shoulder area) exactly 2 weeks ago. Does anyone know how soon after the break should a plan of physical therapy begin? I am a dancer and need to regain full range of motion. My doctor told me to see him in three more weeks, but until then I cannot raise my arm either forward or out to the side.
    A friend of mine who is a nurse says I should already be involved in physical therapy for my range of motion. What has been your experience?

  31. rachel Avatar

    Am now in week 10 after breaking clavicle – bones still haven’t joined – 2 more weeks and they will decide if they are going to plate it. So very bored now !!

  32. Hans Avatar

    Ana – I recommend that you find a good sports oriented physical therapist to help you setup a recovery training plan. It’s important to find one that works with atheletes and will understand your needs.
    Also, surgery for a broken collar bone isn’t rare. It’s actually a commonly performed procedure. If you read through the comments here and on the other broken collar bone pages you will see others having surgery. But, surgery has its risks so you should always be sure that’s the best option.

  33. Ana Dujic Avatar
    Ana Dujic

    I broke my collar bone exactly 4 weeks yesterday and i feel the doctor i have really couldn’t care less about how mine is healing. All he keeps saying is oh 3 more weeks 5 more 10 more. I mean it must not be healing properly. I broke it directly in half and was told that it’ll never go back together again because of the position it’s in. However surgery is very rare on collar bones and i was told i needed one but they could not perform that procedure because of the lack of blood flow i have in that area. I’m very interested in the athletic program for collar bones because i’m quite the athlete with rugby, soccer, wrestling etc. and need to stay in shape without it affecting my healing process.

  34. Hans Avatar

    janice – Riding indoors on a trainer is fine as long as you are not placing weight on your shoulder. I started a training program soon after my break (follow the link “Broken Clavicle No More” near the top of this page to see the workout plan). Initially I would ride with my hands off the bars. Over time, as my shoulder healed, I would lean forward and use my good arm for some support. Eventually I was able to lightly rest my other arm on bars.
    So don’t let your break keep you from excercising. Just train smart and don’t do anything that causes pain in your shoulder.

  35. janice Avatar

    Ask and you shall receive. I came across this site while searching the Internet for medical documentation re: fractured clavicle. Almost two wks ago while road riding I fractured my right clavicle, a few ribs and suffered a concussion. My ortho MD did not put me in a figure 8 brace, he told me to wear a simple brace and to “do nothing with my right arm”. I wanted to find out more about what, if anything, I could do to facilitate a rapid and anatomically correct recovery. Sorry to learn that many others have also suffered as I am. I have found this site inspiring to say the least. Pedalling is my passion and trust that in time, before winter arrives in the northeast, I will be back bicycling. Although I had to cancel my plans for a Century ride in VT to celebrate my 46th birthday I am grateful that my injuries were not worse and that the weeks rains kept me from picking up my brand new bike from the bike shop and my crash was on my old bike, which really did not suffer much damage considering. So I know have a new bike to look forward to and of course typing with two hands.
    I have a life fitness cycle that I intend to use in the meantime. Pros and cons on biking indoors during this healing process?
    Id rather be biking!

  36. Caryn Avatar

    Matt, I am in almost the exact position as you. I’m 17 and my break is 17.01mm (3/4″) apart and is not looking good. I was recommended by the ortho to wait 5-6 weeks and see how the healing process goes. If it is not healing well, surgery is a scary but realisitic posibility. He however did not recommend a figure 8 brace. But a couple of people (including the emerg doctor who first saw me) said that I should be wearing one. So I went out and picked one up. And despite the immense uncomfortability I’m going to see what happens with it.
    *Crossing fingers!*
    Caryn, Ontario, Canada

  37. Matt Avatar

    Hi; Just back from Pismo, Oceano Dunes.
    I hit a “kid’s figure 8” hidden in the dunes & went over the handle bars 4th gear pinned… Broke my collar bone & x-rays show overlap of about 1 1/2 inch. They gave me a sling @ Grover hospital. I’m 17, Should they have given me a figure 8? Can I just buy one w/out going back to my ortho since our insurance won’t pay for second opinion..
    Matt Wills, Calimesa CA

  38. Hans Avatar

    Brian – I encountered similar pain for a short time after my break. My ortho indicated if it persisted after a couple of weeks then I would need to follow up with him. Luckily, it soon went away.
    (Re: C & A… Small world!)

  39. Brian Beach Avatar
    Brian Beach

    Hans and Chad,
    Great site. I’m 6 weeks into bike race related clavicle fx just like Chad’s X Ray but with no bony callous and I also have had one weeks duration of nerve pain from my left upper arm to wrist. This is intermittent but severe possibly from bracial plexus pressure. Anyone with similar symptoms? Outcome?
    Hans, Courtney and Abbie say hello.
    Brian Beach,Tioga Velo Club, Owego, NY

  40. Hans Avatar

    Kel – I haven’t met anyone that wears shoulder protection for that reason. It would make sense if the collar bone hasn’t healed properly. Although I’m not sure there are any braces or pads that would be comfortable to ride with and help if you were to take another fall.
    Jill – Hiking should be fine. But jarring the bone and any activity that causes you to jar or move your collar bone is not good. Movement, escpecially jarring, can set your recovery back. Also, your body is attempting to heal and is using resources to do so. If you deplete your resource because of extreme or intense activites then your body has less resources to devote towards recovery. So I would recommend scaling back a bit and giving your body some rest and time to recover.

  41. Jill Avatar

    I fractured my left clavicle (middle, maybe slightly proximal break) 3 weeks ago in a MTB race. Some fellow racer friends who have broken c-bones in the past keep telling me how quickly they were back on the bike while my doc tells me to rest, rest, rest. I am very active like the rest of you and have been wondering if the hiking I have been doing on weekends (starting one week after the break) is OK – I have been doing 6-7hr hikes in the mtns of Colorado. IS THIS OK or is it somehow stopping my bone growth. For the most part, it does not hurt to hike, but once or twice a hike I seem to somehow stumble and jar the bone, which does hurt quite a bit. The thing is, I seem to jar the bone doing SOMETHING every day (just living)! I also started on the trainer 1 week after the break and was able to rest both hands on the bars 12 days after the break but had to take another week off due to surgery on my right hand (also from the MTB wreck). I will start on the trainer again tonight. Can anywone tell me if my activity level is stopping my bone from healing ((esp the hiking)?????? Thanks!!!!

  42. Kel Avatar

    I have just broken my collar bone for the 2nd time and had it plated for the 2nd time. I had complications with the first break that resulted in requiring surgury to plate it back together.
    Anyways, I was wondering if anyone who has broken their collar bone now wears a shoulder brace or similar protection when they ride?

  43. Hans Avatar

    Vicki – Luckily, your son is young and that helps for a quick recovery. As for how soon, well it’s not possible for anyone that has not examined your son to give you a time frame. Since your son is very active, especially with swimming and tennis, I would highly recommend you have another doctor evaluate him. One that understands the needs of an athelete. The ER doctor’s advice about figure-8 braces was incorrect. I used one and had great success with it. If it is worn incorrectly then it can be uncomfortable. Also, it’s really only needed for the initial few weeks when the bones are beginning to fuse back together. It’s at that time that it’s very important to keep the shoulder aligned and not to move the collar bone.
    You will find that opinions on the use of the figure-8 vary widely among doctors. I heard both sides and decided to follow the advice of my doctor and use it. I realized that using it would either help or do nothing but it wouldn’t hinder the process. Therefore, since it offered a chance of helping the healing process I went with it.
    There are many more comments about using the figure-8 on the site here. Read through a few of the other pages linked back at the top of the page to find them.

  44. Vicki Martin Avatar
    Vicki Martin

    My 12 yr. old fractured his clavicle last night. Being an athlete like the rest of you, he’s devastated. He has a 4-day long course swim meet this weekend and forget tennis camp for the next 5 weeks and scout camp the 1st week of July. I guess he’s in for a long boring summer. My question is…does anyone have any sense of when he might be able to get back to swim practice or tennis again and is the fgure 8 brace helpful? The ER doc said they’re extremely painful and not that helpful so he sent him home with a sling and pain meds. The ortho can’t see him for a week, of course, but the nurse said they don’t use it either.

  45. Chad Crocker Avatar
    Chad Crocker

    For Dana (May 17), my fibrous bridge was very stable when I came out of the brace. My doctor was able to push on it without any movement. My AC joint is a different story. It was very loose and that has not changed much at all. If the fibrous bridge has formed, give it time and take extra calcium. You are on the road to recovery.

  46. Dick Avatar

    …just another clavicle story. I am writing this with a simple sling on my right arm. Last night I decided I’d try out my 17 year old son’s mountain bike for the first time. Followed my older son (a wild man) through an overgrown trail next to a creek. Plowing through some vegetation, I didn’t see a small drop-off ahead. Found out how touchy the front disk brakes were. Did a flip forwards over the handle bars and landed on the right shoulder. Landed with a big thunk like meat hitting the locker floor…or an All-Star Wrestler being slammed into the concrete outside the ring. Fortunately the helmet did it’s job. Didn’t know what hit me. Got up, shook myself off, and continued riding for about another half hour, even though the shoulder was sore. Thought I could just “shake it off”. Couldn’t sleep last night very well. Sore this morning, so I went to see the Doc. X-ray confirmed a very clean 90 degree brake through the right clavicle. The ends are in place and stable. …Thinking I might be doing too much risky stuff for an old f*rt, (almost 54). What’s worse, I have to get up and practice dentistry in the morning. What gets me is that in the last 12 months I have road biked about 4500 miles without ever falling off my bike. I was on an unfamiliar bike for about 10 minutes and broke something…. bummer….

  47. Dana Avatar

    Eric D./Chad/Hans-
    I seem to be in the same boat as you two. I am at 5.5 weeks and was just released from the figure of eight yesterday. The x-rays showed the fibrous bridge holding the bone ends together. However, now that the brace is off I can feel some “play” in the bones. Doc said don’t worry, they’ll stick. I don’t want to put the brace back on (almost 100 degrees here and 3 inches of foam makes it feel like the seventh circle of hell) but I can’t figure how the bones will continue to heal if not absolutely still. Doc said kids hang from monkey bars at this point. Thats great and all except I am 35 (wow, when did that happen?). Anyway, I guess my question is did you feel the same thing when coming out of the brace? How strong is the fibrous bridge?

  48. Doug Avatar

    Broke my clavicle on 4/15/06 riding my bike. X rays looked exactly like those pictured, I was out of the sling in the second week (never had a figure 8 brace) and currently have no pain with full range of motion. Sometimes when I pick things up with my arm I have a sharp pain, but nothing else. Still bruised in my chest though 🙁 I feel sorry for this poor guy that was in a figure 8 for 5 weeks! I guess people heal differently.

  49. Hans Avatar

    If you haven’t checked out my helmet cam videos, then click the Videos link in the top menu then click in the Cycling Videos section. Download the videos and watch them on your computer while you ride your trainer. Helps kill the boredom and it’s just like being there! :’)

  50. Eric D. Avatar
    Eric D.

    I busted my clavicle 6 1/2 weeks ago bike racing and seem to be on the exact timeline as Chad. Range of motion is almost normal, I do have some posterior shoulder pain, but it’s improving daily. I’m still not riding outside, and am going crazy being limited to the trainer. It’s May the weather is beautiful and all I can do is stare at it through my window while going nowhere on my trainer.(Thank you to World Cycling Productions for Tour, and Giro DVD’s!)
    For all those out there with new fracture- Hang in there they do heal eventually. You will get paranoid but try not to. Try to stay active. I rode a stationary recumbant bike from the first week on with my exercise sling on. (get 2 slings, wear it in the shower after exercise to clean it and for comfort) I know the pain is horrible, but hang in, it gets better! Ignore any information on the web that says clavicles heal in 2-4 weeks. I work in the medical field and bones do not heal in 2-4 weeks. It’s a complicated process that takes time. The best medication is a tincture of time, apply liberally.

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