Broken clavicle (collar bone)!

Well, I’ve managed to bust myself up.

I broke my left clavicle (collar bone) at the Folsom Criterium in the Masters 35+ 1/2/3 race. Start of the last lap of my second race. Some idiot clips the bars of the guy next to him, sending the guy down, directly in front of me. Curb and fence on the left and pack on the right. I was able to just avoid him but had to run over his bike. Ejected at 28mph.

I flew through the air for what felt like seconds and then hit and rolled. As I came to a stop I tucked and glanced back, expecting to be creamed by riders coming up behind. Luckily they were able to avoid.

Then I lay back and started going through the status check. Hmmm, legs, arms, shoulder… ouch, something not right up there. I reach over and feel my left shoulder and feel a bump. Uh oh, that’s not good. Just then a official comes over and asks “are you ok? Do you need help?”. I reply that “I think I’ll need help”. “Do you need an ambulance?” he asks. “Um, yes, maybe…”. He glances back down the course, “Can you walk?”. “Yes, in a second”. “Well, that would be good because the race is going to finish in a moment and it would be good to get you out of the course”. Good idea!

So, I get a hand up and walk over to the grass and lay down again. Yup, it was beginning to hurt. I never even noticed the finish of the race. As I lay there I ask if my bike is OK. Already crunched the frame once this year. Strangely enough, bike survived with only a few scratches.

After some chatting and info gathering with one of the race staff, we decide to skip an ambulance and get someone to drive me the short distance to the hospital. But first I wanted to dump my bike and gear in my truck. At the truck I decide to strip off the jersey. The guy helping me is telling me to leave it on since they will just cut it off and it’s ruined anyways and it will save me the pain. Pain? Destroying another jersey, that’s pain! As I’m peeling it off he’s looking at me like I’m crazy. Well, I get the jersey off and what looks like a lot of blood on the jersey is actually a Mocha Mocha Clif Shot that exploded on impact. Unloaded of gear and now carrying my clothes, we head over to the registration booth to enlist Will to taxi me. He’s very cool and gets me to the hospital.

I won’t go into the emergency room details but it was about 4 hours and during that time: filled out forms, waited, quick look by doctor, waited, x-rays, waited, tetnus booster shot, waited, scrapes cleaned and bandaged, waited, pee in cup, waited, final look-see, given shoulder restraint, fill exit forms, pay co-pay, done!

Broken Clavicle
Left Side Distal Clavicle Fracture

The good news is that the collar bone has a clean break, isn’t poking up, and should heal well. I went a few days later and saw Dr. Massimo Testa to have him do an examination. He’s a great doctor and understands cyclist’s needs. Along with the examination he put together a 3 week training program. I’ll be able to maintain my fitness!

A broken collar bone usually mends itself in about 6 weeks. I’ve been lucky and not had much pain. I’m wearing a figure-eight brace and a sling for the arm. The suffering now is not being able to ride and race during some great weather. Oh, and training on a stationary bike inside is torture. Good thing for DVDs.

Be careful out there.


p.s. I highly recommend Dr. Testa and also Dr. Eric Heiden (previously over at U.C. Davis Sports Medicine). If you are in Northern California and have a sport related injury, call them!

More “Broken Collar Bone” Articles

Don’t miss reading the information and comments in the other collar bone entries:

Broken Clavicle No More
What To Expect From A Broken Clavicle (collar bone)
Chad’s Broken Collar Bone Report

DISCLAIMER: The following content is for informational purposes only. The content is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Diagnosis and treatment of all health conditions should only be performed by your doctor or other licensed health care professional. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this site.

423 responses

  1. Midori Avatar

    This is for Joe, who was looking for a shoulder specialist in Akron/Cleveland area. I would recommend my ortho, Dr. Lippitt. He specializes in shoulders, clavicles, and elbow. Doc was great at explaining my options – much better than the first orthopedic surgeon that I visited.
    I broke my clavicle (in the distal third near the AC joint), elbow and ribs 4 weeks ago. (Doc advised I could get surgery for the clavicle now or try natural healing but there is a chance of nonunion due to size of displacement, or surgery later if nonunion results).
    I rolled the dice on natural healing and go back in a month to see if the glimmer of fuzz at my 4 weeks Xrays blossoms into fibrous tissue. I really hope I made the right decision in trying to heal with the sling because I am an avid swimmer and cyclist.
    On June 16, 2007 11:10 AM, Joe wrote:
    Does anyone know a good shoulder specialist in Northeast Ohio (Cleveland/Akron area)? I broke my collarbone in early January and I’m still not at 100%. The original orthopedic doctor was dead set against any type of surgery. I would like to get a second opinion from someone who knows what they are doing.

  2. Dave Avatar

    Yeah, you’re right. Thanks for helping me get refocused. Your training program does what’s needed, maintaining the cardio. It’s a good plan. My doc is ok, I just listen for what I want to hear sometimes. He is ortho with a sports therapist background.
    With my figure-8, I may have had it on too tight. It’s a lot better now. I wear a Coolmax shirt underneath it. The stretchiness of the shirt makes it easier to get it off, and having something that dries quickly is nice.
    My wounds are more than just road rash. They are 3000-pound-truck-on-top-of-me-while-road-rashing, plus some sharp cuts from the undercarriage of the truck. I have 10 stitches, 4 of them in my knee, where the cut was deep enough that it was at the fascia. Any deeper and my knee joint would’ve been busted up. The other knee has the worst spot, where they wanted to stitch but couldn’t because there was no skin to stitch to.
    I believe my collarbone got broken from the differential of the truck hitting my shoulder as the truck rolled over me. I remember something hitting it right before I came out.
    I’m 9 days out from the accident now. Feeling stronger, and every day I can do more. It’s hard to tell the difference between the muscles being tight from being held so tightly, and actual bone movement if there is any. All I can do is wait for the next appt (2 weeks from accident) and see how he reacts.

  3. becky Avatar

    I was trail riding my horse back aug 14th,she got scared and i woke up in a field,getting dark 1/2 mile from the road all i could do to get there. needless to say i was drug about 30yards through the woods. got to the er with broke clavicle 6-8 broke ribs, nerve damage down my right side, bruised kidney, abrasions all down my back they didnt see for 3 days! they wanted to do em surgery, but no insurance. maybe thats a good thing!still hurts really bad,my bone is sticking out and rubbing swelled up and still bruised. doctor wants to give me 6 months before surgery.

    i just cant do anything with my right side.

    any suggestions?

    thank you

    You might want to get a second doctor’s opinion. Also, if surgery is necessary it’s always better having it sooner rather than later.


  4. Dave Avatar

    Wow, that’s quite a story Eric. I’ll include you in my prayers.

    I got an appt with an ortho on Thursday about my truck accident, and things look promising. It doesn’t look like I have a complete separation of the break. I got fitted for a figure 8, and that felt great. But lately I seem to get sharp pains near my underarm right where the brace touches. It may be skin irritation, pulling hair, whatever. It’s not near my actual break. Is this normal? Maybe I had it too tight at one point or something.

    Hans, thank you for the training schedule. Why is the mileage/time so low though? My doc said that I can’t do anymore damage to my break. Maybe it’s the type of break I have. But he was more concerned with my wounds from the accident getting infected with me sweating. My knees are torn up pretty bad.

    Underarm irritation is common with figure-8 braces. I partially solved that by placing a washcloth between the strap and my underarm. Also, adjusting the strap tension and position may also help.
    The training plan is meant to maintain fitness and not over tax the body. Remember that your body is trying to recover from a serious injury. Diverting energy from recovering to training isn’t what you want to do.

    I think the comment your doctor made about not doing any more damage to the break is misleading. You might not damage it more but you may hinder it’s recovery. Imagine having the bones just beginning to fuse together and then you jolt your shoulder and break the new bond. Others have posted their experiences making this mistake.

    Also, the concern about infection is interesting. You must have some serious open wounds. I’ve had plenty of road rash and cuts in my life and continued to exercise. I would think that if I am clean before exercising and then clean up (shower, bath) afterwards that my risk of infection would be low. You might consider finding another doctor for a second opinion. Hopefully one that is familiar with athletes.


  5. Eric Avatar

    Well I broke my right clavicle 3 MONTHS ago. I wont bore you with all the details of the accident, I’ll just sum it up. I broke it on turn 7 at Virginia International Raceway on my GSXR 750 Sport Bike.
    MY first thought as I woke up and felt the bone sticking up was “well I guess I am headed for surgery” But The doctor said “No surgery, No big deal just leave it and it will find the other end and heal up”.
    Week one:
    What the heck happened????????? Did a truck just run over me?
    Along with the collar bone I hurt my right hip both wrists and had a concussion. Due to the hip I couldn’t even get up to go pee on my own. ( so much for any self esteem I once had )
    On top of that they didn’t tell me that the narcotics I was taking for pain would make me feel like I was craping a tree. (Read the warnings)
    But all in all I had good Moral on the first week because the Doctor made out like there was nothing really wrong with me at all. So I figured I was just a sissy and needed to get up and start going. (Helpful hint,,,,,, Sit Down and take it easy,,, you aint goin nowhere for a while)
    On a scale from one to ten the pain was about 8 all week.
    Week two:
    I got up long enough to get online and find this forum which gave me great hope.
    The hip was healing and I could now get up for short periods of time.
    My whole right upper half was green? My mood was still fair, although In my mind I figured I would be back to work in a couple weeks. (I am a heavy equipment tech, so heavy lifting is required) the pain had become more intermittent, but those Spasms hurt like crazy.
    My friends bought me a recliner at a local Good Will and I began sleeping in it. (I couldn’t get out of the bed on my own, so I had to wake my wife every time.) In the recliner I now had the freedom to get up and down as I pleased.
    Week three:
    Went back to the Doctor Who showed that the Xray looked worse than before.
    “Don’t worry, this is not unusual” He said. “we will tighten up the figure 8 and give you a sonic bone healing machine to use everyday” and said “see you in 3 weeks.”
    Week 3 brought on my first of many Mass depression episodes. They would last from a few minutes to several hours. I am the main provider for my family and this was looking bad. How long before I could return to work? You can’t get help for a short term problem, It has to last at least 3 months. 3 Months!!!!!! I’ll be on a corner with a homeless sign.
    I increased my Calcium, Lysine, Boron and started really watching my diet. Only good foods, no junk food, little sugar and no Soda’s
    Week four:
    The Bone is still moving around freely. Most of the posts I read indicated less or no movement of the bone by week 4 so I was beginning to worry about the dreaded NONUNION.
    I focused on keeping the bone a still as possible all the time. My left hands only job was to monitor the broken bone and if it moved I was to quit doing whatever I was doing . I found that even walking caused some movement of the bone. (Because of the way my bone was sticking up you could feel even slight movement)
    Week five:
    The pain level was down. It was time to get the old heart rate up. I figured I can’t heal well if the blood isn’t pumping.
    So break out the stationary Bike and lets put some miles on, only about 10 miles a day at moderate tension for the first week while I get back into shape.
    The bone moved even when on the bike, but the doctor said it would not slow my healing if I didn’t do it too much.
    I could tell the bone still moved, but it wasn’t sliding around like it had been. It felt like it was at least trying to stick. Though I could feel it stick up and set back down. I thought it must be trying to heal.
    Week 6:
    Back to the Doctor
    I felt sure he would tell me it was healing and that I could return to work in a week or two.
    But the Xray showed no healing. I told him that I needed to get back to work soon, and if it was not going to heal we needed to do surgery.
    He sent me to have a ct scan on it to see if there was healing that the Xray couldn’t show.
    And the ct scan showed no real healing. Only a tiny callous trying to form (that was why it wasn’t moving quite as much)
    I said “Pin it” He said “No” Wait. He said most will show union by 12 weeks so keep using the bone healer and come see me in 4 weeks.
    Week seven:
    Put me out of my misery. I now focused on staying sane. Selling stuff on Ebay and doing anything I could.
    Still very careful not to move the bone around I started being MR. Mom. I could now drive because the Doctor took off the figure 8 brace. This was freedom that I loved.
    I took my son anywhere he wanted to go ( hey it gets me out of the house) But gas is high so after one week of that I saw I needed to stay home more.
    Week eight:
    Off for a second opinion. I went to sports medicine doctor that my supervisor set up for me.
    Hoping for a fresh perspective. He took more Xrays and looked at the ct scan, felt the bone and then said “Nope, there is no healing going on there.”
    I said “is it time for surgery?” He said “probably, but wait until the 12 week mark before condemning it to not heal on its own.”
    I asked “what do you think the odds are at this point that it will suddenly start healing?”
    He said “Its not impossible, but I am not holding my breath.”
    I went home now feeling hopeless. All agreed it probably wont heal, but none want to go ahead with the surgery.
    I really thought it was healing, but the evidence said no. It was not moving as much, and I was now doing light work with that arm. But I latter found out that most of the stability I felt in the bone was due to the muscle pulling it together and helping it hold. The only real healing I had was a tiny spot of callus growing on one end of the bone.
    Week nine: D Day
    I went back to my original orthopedic doctor. I kept him because he would be able to do the type of surgery I wanted If I had to have surgery.
    I had read here where there was a doctor here At Duke Medical center that had invented a new way to pin collar bones and had been having great success with it. People were flying in from all over the country to get him to do it. I tried to get him but the wait was another 2 months for him.
    I latter found out that my local surgeon had been at Duke when this doctor came up with this procedure and he knew how to do it.
    Anyway I went back to him and much to my surprise , he did not even flinch. He looked at my Xrays and felt the bone again, and said “well you can continue to wait if you want, but I think its time to pin it”
    “lets get on with it” I shouted, “the sooner the better”
    They set me up for surgery in 2 weeks.
    Week eleven:
    Tuesday Sept 11 2007
    Yes, my surgery was to be on the dreaded day of 9-11 but I just wanted it over so I could get on with life.
    The surgery was supposed to start at 11 a.m. Started at 2 p.m. I was supposed to be in my room by 3 p.m. but was left in corners and halls until 11:30 p.m.
    The initial pain was worse than the accident, but finally the next day at 11 a.m. They gave my some really good shot that dropped the pain way down so I could rest.
    My first bed didn’t work so they had to move me to another, and all the moving made me very sick, so the first 24 hrs was terrible, but I went home Wednesday at 4 p.m. And things got better.
    Week twelve:
    It has been a week since the surgery, and I am feeling better. I rode my stationary bike yesterday and again this morning. I was not able to do that for a few days due to feeling dizzy and having a low grade fever. The spot where they did the bone graft from hurts, but it is not as bad as some have said theirs were.
    I feel a renewed sense of positive moral. I hope the graft takes and soon I will be back to work.
    I will keep you posted, but I mostly wanted those few out there to know. If for some reason you are one of the unlucky ones that it doesn’t heal , or doesn’t heal right,
    There is a light at the end of the tunnel and it’s not a train!
    By the way. The Xray looks great. The shoulder is just like it should be now.
    If you have the option, I would do the surgery sooner if possible.
    The worse part of mine has been that I felt fair before the surgery, but then they had to undo all the muscles that had healed and cut and stretch everything back out to the way it should have been. That puts you right back to ground zero . but, I have recovered faster than I did before.
    My thumb and index finger are a little numb, I will ask him about that tomorrow when I go in for my first post opp appointment.
    The Next day
    I just got back from my first follow up, and he has already taken me out of my sling and given me some simple therapy exercises to loosen the shoulder up.
    I hope this is nearing the end of this ordeal.
    I will re-post in a few weeks and let you know if the graft takes and how long.

    Great writeup of your experience. And what an ordeal! Glad to hear you are now on the road to recovery.

    – Hans

  6. David Hopkins Avatar
    David Hopkins

    Wow, this is nice reading for when we’re laid up. Thank you!!
    I was run over by a truck during a bicycle accident, now 3 days ago. You’d think that getting run over by a truck would get you an appt with your family doc and ortho, but apparently not, I don’t see anyone until next week. The ER doc was great though. I am just in a sling though. I am a triathlete, and am 7 weeks out from what was supposed to be my very first Ironman triathlon. Everyone pretty much counts me out for the Ironman, but I am still holding onto secret hope to do it. I don’t have to do well; I just have to finish under the cutoff times for each event. I was already ready before this occurred. The event is 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, 26.2 mile run. Am I being unreasonable in holding even the slightest hope for this? Has anyone been able to do such a thing after 7 weeks? I know the doc is the only one that can tell how I’m doing, but I am really grabbing for any hope right now.
    I have the extra concern in that I have lacerations, bruises, and muscles strains on every part of my body from ear to ankle. So infection is a concern.
    I feel pretty good right now, I’ve done really well with keeping the shoulder still, and I am sleeping more comfortably now, with just Ibuprofen. The xrays from the event day look decent, like the bones butting, though certainly angled.
    I was supposed to do a half marathon (13.1 miles) this weekend (1 week out from injury). I would like to still do it, even if I have to almost walk it. I need to continue some type of fitness to have even the slightest chance at this IM. I read somewhere about someone duct taping their shoulder to run. That sounds like a decent idea but I don’t think I’ll do it even if only to avoid scathing remarks by family and friends.
    I think I can swim 2.4 miles even if I miss all swimming during the 7 weeks. So the issue will be the one time 2.4 mile swim, and the running/cycling til then.
    Any thoughts are appreciated. Thank you!

    I fully relate with your desire to keep fit and to remain active. But you need to think long term and avoid those thoughts of half marathons, runs, etc. while you are healing. Just one event like the half marathon (duct taped!) might set you back months.
    Luckily you don’t have to be totally sedentary to heal. My sports doc put together a stationary bike training plan. Take a look at the schedule here:
    Broken Clavicle No More!
    I’m a cyclist (Cat 3 road, Expert MTB, Masters A CX) and the workout kept me fit and able to continue racing a short time after the accident. Use the schedule as a reference and adjust it to your needs.
    My other recommendations are to get in to talk with a ortho doc. Fully explain your situation and that you are a triathlete. Explain what your expectations are when fully healed. It just might come down to an operation rather than trying to heal on your own. Finally, go to a physical therapist that has a good understanding of an athletes requirements.
    Let us know how it goes.


  7. Gary Avatar

    I am 12 weeks into very slow healing from a broken left clavicle – overlapping bone segments with a gap between them. X-ray last week shows a small area of bone formation/healing between the overlap at one end. Doctor says he is hoping that sliver of healing eventually spreads across the entire range of the gap and wants me to check back in six weeks. Question: he has instructed me to continue doing therapy for my shoulder by climbing a wall with my fingers/outstretched arm as high as I can go (about 80-85 percent of normal). I’ve been going up to a 90 degree angle with my shoulder but am concerned about doing this exercise any higher (raising my arm above my neck/head) as I have read that lifting your arm above your head can impede healing. Also, when I try to go higher, I get pain and feel pressure on the two overlapping bone segments. Should I avoid doing this exercise with my arm raised any higher than 90 degrees or should I go ahead and do it, as my doctor recommends? I’m confused and don’t want to do anything that might reverse the small progress I’ve made and impede future possibility of complete healing.

    The finger wall walk is a common therapy for shoulder injuries. I haven’t heard that raising your arm higher than 90 degrees will impede healing. But movement that leads to pain might be a problem. I recommend that you chat with your doctor about the pain you are feeling. Be clear about what you are experiencing and your concerns.


  8. Robert Bestor III Avatar
    Robert Bestor III

    I broke my right clavicle 6 weeks ago. Front tire on my road bike blew out on a corner going downhill at about 37 mph. Not sure what type of break it was but six-plus weeks later I feel pretty good. I am 44 years old. I have almost 100% range of motion. In a few directions however I get some pain at about 95%. My question is this. How do I know when this thing is healed and I can go back to biking and soccer?

    The only way to know for sure is to have a doctor examine you. You may reach a point where you feel 100% but the bone hasn’t fully healed. But it sounds like you are close to being healed. Head to the doctor so you can get the a-ok to get back on the bike and to play soccer.


  9. COJ Avatar

    Broke my collar bone, 2 1/2 weeks i was better and back to doing everything i once did .. Im 15 …. The doctor said it would be 6 to 8 weeks so theres hope for everyone dont matter what the doctor says

  10. Mike O'Day Avatar
    Mike O’Day

    Thanks so much Hans…Mike O’Day here, an earlier poster from early 2007…surprise, actually a physican myself 34 years..never wanted to prosletize/preach on your webpage in any way as a doc but only as a member of BCC…only wanted human experience from the BCC help my recovery..and it did and gave me hope…I’m healed (bony union solid)..tho of course with about 95% range of motion at the left shoulder and normal strength..tx to dumbells and ROM exercises, vitamins D C Glucosame etc,luck and whoever cares to look at my earlier posts…THANKS HANS…OVER AND OUT

  11. COJ Avatar

    I am 15 years old and broke my left collar bone on a biking accident . I went to the Doctor and he put me in a sling and figure eight brace and tould me it would be 6-8 weeks befour it was healed. After 2 and a half weeks it felt fine so I went to the see the Doctor for a check up and he said that it was fine to take the brace off and I was healing fine. Now I am supposed to just take it easy for about 2 more weeks . I feel fine now just by times it is a bit tinder does anyone know how long this will take befour it feels complety normal ?

  12. Heidi Avatar

    Hi-I’m a 41 yr.old single mom. Back in 2004 while riding my then 10 yr. old daughter’s bike to meet her at bus stop WITH her scooter across the handle-bars(DUH),the scooter hit a telephone pole I’d passed a zillion times(LESS the scooter of course)stopping the bike-and shooting me about 10 feet thru the air where I landed in the street on my right shoulder.(I was coasting pretty FAST when it hit) OUCH! Being a mom, I was more concerned with getting the rest of the way to bus stop than with the agonizing pain I felt. Daughter and I went to E.R.,had Xrays(break very close to AC),got numbed,got the LOVELY figure-of-8(with NO instructions), was told to go home and rest. HA. Follow-up visits resulted in referral to Ortho, who insisted I should be feeling NO PAIN, and that if it was simply the “bump” that I did’t like, there really wasn’t much he could do. Saw several other Dr.s from same Ortho Dept.(This was County Hosp. as I was self employed and had no ins.,other than Medicaid) over a period of about a year. All the while, research, research…and hope and prayed my Provider directory would soon spit out ANY Orthopedic Dr! Finally I saw a surgeon who sent me for MRI-the next week I was having arthroscopic surgery to repair my SHREDDED Glenoid Labrum! Same Dr. said we’d address the obvious NON-Union after healing from surgery,and most likely would pin the bone…I was given 4 WHOLE visits w/ a phys.therapist who did NOT even want to provide therapy,due to the non-union,and stated such to Dr. Ins “politics” and expired referrals kept me from seeing this Dr.for some six months…when finally I did, he informed me that “it had been TOO long since the break, and that the ends of the bones at the break had rounded, making it impossible for him to repair” and that if I still had pain-it had to be NERVE damage.(!?)SO, he ref’d me to Neurologist. Neuro did EMG. NO damage at all. PERIOD.The END. Haven’t seen another Dr. since.I have absolutely NO CONFIDENCE in any Dr.s after this experience, which has left me unable to work and live any kind of normal life…I feel like MOST of the PAIN I feel daily comes from my SCAPULA, or under it or around it? All it takes to have it pop out(protrude) is a little housekeeping..wash a few dishes, etc…(Strangly-my daughter had argued with me in the E.R. as to WHAT should be hurting MOST-as she pointed out the PROTRUDING bloody scapula…I of course said WHAT SCAPULA?! Its my Clavicle!) I really don’t feel PAIN at the site of the break other that the horrific feeling I get when the two overlapped pieces PINCH the flesh inside.So use to all the pain I can’t really even rate it w/a # from 1-10. I have read WAY too many books in an attempt to Self-diagnose, and have a clear understanding of the shoulder and how it works…I am convinced that one or more of the muscles that attach to the scapula were torn in the accident…could this be possible? And if so, what TEST would show this type of damage? I was suppose to have a CT scan WAY back, but did not… What eases the pain for me(don’t laugh)I stand on my right foot only w/my back against a wall,lean in putting pressure on the scapula, and WALAAA!!(this also SEEMS to align the wacked clavicle SOMEWHAT. ANY BODY-any help would be appreciated! I live in Northern Cal, East Bay, and now have SSDI and Medi-Care(At 41!? :-() Supposedly – this should open up a whole SLEW of Docs for me to see…Thanks in advance-hope I didn’t put anyone to sleep! (Darn SCOOTER!)

  13. Nadav Avatar

    Hello, I’m a 17 years old male, I broke my collarbone 1.5 years ago while playing basketball, it was a clean break, in midshaft, it was cut into two, I think the break was severely displaced as I didn’t even see the bones from the outside, umlike the right side, my dominant side which you cansee the bones clearly, The doctor told me to wear a sling and that’s what I did, I don’t remember taking an xray righr before the break, I got an xray a week after it and the xray shows a 2cm overlapping and dislocation of the calvicle.
    I’m a sportman, my main sport is basketball, I really care about the cosmetics and broken side really looks bad, it has a bump and the shoulder looks real different from the right side, it’s shorter by 2 cm and it looks bad.
    The doctors didn’t even suggested a surgery, now I feel discomfort, I think about the shoulder 24/7. I feel stiffness, and I just want to be opted for surgery, is it a more complicated surgery to make at the moment after the bone has healed, than what it was before? before the two boned made a union? is it worth it? I just want to fix it, like it were before, is it possible? Guys, I really need your help, i’m young and I don’t wanna think about it whole my life… :(thank you.

  14. COJ Avatar

    I am sitting here with broken clav because of a bike accident and as I sit here and read alot of these broken clav bones are form people crashing a bike like me. Who would of thought doing something so easy could be so dangrous ??

  15. mike Avatar

    Its been 3 days now. First time in the morning that it has felt set. last night it felt like spaghety in the wind(always moving) dang the morning pain. I still dont know how to properly hold my arm. currently 50 degree angle w/ palm just above belly button. Cant see edge of elbow..tucked a little to the right…right clav broke

  16. mike Avatar

    broke my yesterday. Doc says that it is not a clean break…one of the ugliest ones that he has seen. Does this mean surgery for me? If I wait a week and it feels somewhat ok ..that means I am good to go?

  17. COJ Avatar

    I am 15 and havent had any pain and i can move my arm now its only been a week and a half.

  18. Randy Avatar

    I wouldn’t count on the 3 weeks unless you’re younger than 18 and it’s only a slight break with no overlapping or displacement. And even after the bone pieces heal back together you have to work on rehabbing the joint and muscles which have locked up in muscle guarding and gone through some atrophy from disuse.

  19. COJ Avatar

    3 weeks?

  20. COJ Avatar

    How long will it take to heal a broken collar bone?

    If you take a look through the comments and replies above and those on the other pages linked at the top you will find your answer. You question has been asked many times. Sorry to tell you but there’s no way to know for sure. Each person is unique in how they have been injured and how they manage healing. It might take you two or three weeks or it might be a year. Your doctor is going to be the best person to answer your question. On a good note, since you are young there’s a good chance you will heal quick.


  21. Randy Avatar

    I broke my left clavicle 11 days ago while bike riding. I recently switched my offroad tires for smooth tires. A car was coming up behind me and when I moved over to the gravel on the side of the road, my new tires were extremely unhappy about it and I subsequently went tumbling. From the Xrays the break hardly looks displaced at all though there is one fragment piece of bone broken off. The hospital sent me home with a sling and a vicodin prescription. I wore the sling and hardly moved the arm for the first week. Over the past 3 or so days I’ve been wearing the sling some and going without it some. I guess I was hoping to keep it from getting too stiff and keeping mobility in the shoulder. I hope I don’t end up messing up the knitting together of the bones by trying to use it too much. Maybe I should go back to hardly using it at all again for the next week or so?

    I hate not being able to do physical things. I was bike riding a lot before the fall and doing lots of push ups. Also I am a massage therapist, so threats to my livelihood like this are bad. I also like to play rugby but I have a feeling that it would be best to wait quite a while before trying to make a comeback to that … Something I am curious about and interested in is how much massage work of the muscles and shoulder area would be ok for me to perform on myself. It’s kind of fascinating and an opportunity for a learning experience in some ways because I get instant feedback for myself as far as discomfort or pain in response to massage techniques I do on myself. I might wait another week or so before trying anything else, but I am thinking that doing what massage that I can could be a big benefit for the nutrition of the areas and in keeping better muscle and joint range of motion and mobility. Not to mention the kinked up fascial sheaths and muscle tightness and knots I am able to work out in my back and shoulder which seems to help a ton with my comfort levels and posture.

    I am really concerned with when I will be able to get back to being able to give deep pressure, sustained massage again. I love massage and am extremely passionate about it and am really bummed out about not being able to work on people for a while.

    I guess what you are asking boils down to asking ‘when you will be healed’. And that’s the tough question. It took me a month before I could start applying any kind of heavy pressure to my shoulder. And even then it felt weak. I would recommend talking with your doctor about this concern. You might also consider a consultation with a physical therapist.


  22. John Avatar

    Broke my collar bone after flying over the handle bars of my bike. Blasting down a hill while trying to put my water bottle back in its cage I feathered the brake but it locked up. Stupid me front brake. In one second The bike flipped me breaking my clavicle and fracturing three ribs. Lots of pain. Three weeks passed right arm in a sling but feeling much better. But move the wrong way and your body reminds you its not feeling to well.

  23. Danny Avatar

    I just broke my left clavical yesterday the 26. i broke it doing karate hit the ground really hard with some of the weight from my partner on me. (its no fun typing with one hand or doing anything with one hand) at the hospital they gave me a sling and some pain killers. im 16 this is my first bone break it doesnt really hurt but its un coforatable. im a very let me stress very athletic person. so its very difficult for me to sit around all day. so please let me know what i should expect.

  24. COJ Avatar

    I recently broke my collar bone on Sunday and so far have not had harldy any pain only one the first night i had some and none sence then. I am 15 does any one know how long it will take to heal? I am wering a sling and a figur 8 brace.

  25. Charles Avatar

    Hi my name is Charles. I broke my left clavicle while doing some MMA (Mixed Martial Arts). I was going over a wrestling move with this kid. He landed on me the wrong way and I heard a loud snap and I knew something was wrong with my shoulder.

    My first question was, when is this crap gunna heal so I can train some more. I love cage fighting. Ive been doing it for 2 1/2 years and this is the first time I’ve ever been injured.

    Went to the hospital, said it was a clean break (non-union). Xrays looked scary, one part was under another. Went to the ortho and he said I needed surgery… what a bummer. Said 6-8weeks maybe more. I was so pissed. I was in the best shape of my life and I was helping other people at my school train for their fights.
    So had the surgery was kinda nice… doc said count to 10-1. I made it to 8. Then I woke up and it was done! Too bad it isn’t the same for the healing process.

    Its about 2 weeks after the surgery. Haven’t used pain meds since the first couple of days after the surgery. However, now I am getting feeling back in my shoulder and it feels like the bone doesn’t belong there. It just feels foreign. ANYONE else have this feeling???

    Also I’m nervous about breaking the plate. I’ve been pretty good about keeping it in the sling. Just DON’T want to get surgery again… post surgery SUCKS! I wanna get back to training as soon as I can and as strong as I can. SO i want the bone to heal.

    kinda hard to sleep sometimes, cause Im a side sleeper…

    Any advice on the plate breaking? I just don’t want it to happen, but Im paranoid that it has happened for no real good reason… lol

    There have been a few mentions on this site from folks breaking their plates. The most likely culprit is movement and flexing of the plate. Sort of like when you bend the wire of a paperclip back-and-forth. It weakens and finally breaks.

    I would recommend you talk with your doctor about your concerns about your plate breaking. That will be the best person for information about your specific plate and concerns.


  26. Ted Avatar

    LISTEN UP! 40 years ago I had my collar bone broke. Back then it was placed in a cast that went around the back and chest and under and over the shoulder etc. It healed perfect. They don’t do this anymore.Why? They let the shoulder heal disformed. Why? Because they don’t give a damn that’s why. You tell me. They should be ashamed to call themselves doctors.

  27. lisa Avatar

    hey there i broke my collar bone 2 days ago in a major car ccıdent the car flipped 6 times im lucky to be alive i have broke the bone completly in half an cracked my shoulda, i am currently in the TRNC but i am british they sed they will not opperate for cosmetic reasons because im only 16 they put a clavical bandage on me but i m scared it will not heal and it is very painfull do i do exercises or what please let me know many thanks lisa.

  28. LD Avatar

    Hans, your site is great. I posted earlier about my son who broke his collar bone on April 2/07. He had surgery April 18th to have the collar bone plated. His surgeon has now given him the all clear and he has the option to have the plate removed down the road. I would appreciate any advice re the pros and cons to removal of the plate. Thanks.

  29. Mike Avatar

    Hi & thanks to Hans and all contributors here…I have learned so much from all of you. I broke my right collarbone 12 days ago on 6/9/07 when my road bike disappeared from under me on a moderatley high speed 90+ degree turn…best guess is that my front tire was worn…first crash in 17,000 miles / 3 years so I know I’m lucky. I’m 52.
    I’m at the point after emergency room & 2 very good docs reviews that I’ve decided to get plated & screwed (all innuendo intended). Break is displaced by over an inch from several angles with 2 or 3 floating chunks o’ bone…middle section. Like all of you I really want the fastest but most accurate recovery. Surgery is 50:50, my choice, with one doc and preferred by the other.
    Current issue is that I have to choose the doctor… the surgery methods don’t seem to be a differentiating factor….post op treatment seems to be the biggest difference:
    One, extremely highly regarded shoulder specialist who helped me with a very successful elbow repair a couple of years ago says I’ll be in a sling for 4-6 weeks…no use!…and won’t do any significant sporting activity…bike, golf, ski…for 6 months after surgery (operation will be 3 weeks after crash and I’m already crazy with inactivity).
    The other doc, new guy to me but seems smart…cuz you all helped me be smarter… with a little less experience and reputation, says I’ll go home with no sling or figure 8 and might be biking in 4-6 weeks. I like his perspective…exercise/use based recovery, let pain be your guide. Plus, I live alone and drive 2 hrs / day to work.
    To the best of my knowledge, the 1st doc has done more shoulder work than new guy.
    I want to do the fast track, thinking that I can always slow down…while speeding up the conservative approach is less likely. In the long run, how stupid, risky, careless is the faster method than the slower one?
    Any and all advice, experiences and opinions are welcome (although I have to make a decision within days).

  30. Joe Avatar

    Does anyone know a good shoulder specialist in Northeast Ohio (Cleveland/Akron area)? I broke my collarbone in early January and I’m still not at 100%. The original orthopedic doctor was dead set against any type of surgery. I would like to get a second opinion from someone who knows what they are doing.

  31. Lucy Avatar

    Hey any advice gratefully received! I broke my right clavicle on the 11.11.06 ( run in with cow) and have been in a fair bit of pain and weakened ever since. Had a x ray 2 weeks ago which shows ‘fracture midshaft clavicle. Position has deteriorated since last x ray of 11.11.06 with considerable overlap apparent now. Healing (scar tissue) is occuring.’
    Interstingly I was given the all clear at the fracture clinic and then went on to have physio throughout December/Jan.
    Orphadic specialist now says it needs plating, possible graft etc… As I need strength to help on the farm ( feeding cattle/ tractor driving etc) and also play footie it is apparently the only way I will recover strength.
    Please can anyone advise on their experinces of similar operations, recovery etc? All sounds v scary at the moment.

  32. Arieh Avatar

    I joined the club three weeks ago when i had a mishap paragliding. I tried to take off from a hill near my house when a back wind blew me down forward and my shoulder dug into the earth. i thought the crack was my helmet busting, but alas after two weeks, the surgeons said the break was so traumatic that it was not likely to heal properly. we decided to give it another 4 weeks.

    my question is this. what are the effects of having a non union? does it prevent movement? does it feel uncomfortable? do we need the clavicle as one piece? please let me know, because i can already feel the pain leaving me and my motion returning. Arieh

    According to what I have heard and read, it’s possible to have a non-union and have a no problems. But it also depends on your lifestyle. If you are very active and require the support and use that the collar bone provides then it’s possible you will have problems or be hindered by the non-union. For example, if you perform physical activities like rock climbing, swimming, or perform heavy manual labor. That is why it’s very important to be clear with your doctor about your lifestyle and what your expectations are when healed.


  33. Mark V Avatar
    Mark V

    I became a member on November 18 2006 around 10:30 am. A friend and I were on our way to Lookout Mountain MT.for the first day of snowboarding. The first few runs were ok, the snow was a bit crusty on top,but was softening as the sun rose. On the fifth run we took a somewhat steep run and I usually tend not to go as insanely fast as possible so I kinda got out of my “comfy zone” at least as far as speed goes, I caught an edge on my left and it dumpped me on my right shoulder (I ride goofy foot.) Nonetheless, I heard not one crack/snap, but lucky me I got two for the money! When I tried to get up to where I had lost my hat and glasses I found that there was absolutely no strength in my right shoulder area and the pain that followed from trying to push myself up was intollerable, however we made the almost 2 hour ride home. Finally in the emergency room they take X-rays and tell me that this is a very bad break,(one doctor said this was the worst he’d ever seen.) As I have read here its probably no surprise that I was given the usual 6 week recovery time. I couldn’t wait that long to go back to work, so I went back 1 1/2 weeks later. At first I was stuck in our warehouse unboxing furniture, but within 3 months I was back out delivering some of the heaviest furniture man can make. My right clavical is quite strong, but I decided not to go boarding the rest of the season to allow it to fully heal. As for physical therapy, the doctor didn’t see the need unless I felt it would benefit me, I didn’t. I still don’t have 100% range of motion, more like 85-90% still not bad for a double break.

  34. LORNE Avatar


  35. Val Avatar

    I broke my collarbone 12 days ago after my horse fell down in wet grass(first ride on him after just bringing him home…figures!!) On days 9 & 10 it was feeling much better but it was still moving around. (I am in a sling, but wrapped pantyhose around my wrist too make it less mobile.) I was more active on those two days (cleaning, walking etc). Yesterday I slept with my head leaning to the right and for all day I felt like I had a HUGE painful muscle spasm. It started hurting ALL over again to the point of tears. I went back to barely sleeping in the chair and using the vicodin. Today the muscle spasm is gone but it hurts like during the first week but it isn’t moving around. Like whenever I take a deep breath. Has anyone healed this way?? I feel like I did too much but also, maybe it found a better spot and stopped moving. I hope I still have a window to heal in still. I am not doing anything…just watching them build my new riding arena…….THIS SUCKS!!!!!!!

    Muscle spasms are common. I would have them on and off as I healed. Give yourself time to heal. Yes, waiting “sucks” but prolonging the injury is worse.


  36. Toby Stoneburner Avatar
    Toby Stoneburner

    Hey everyone just posting on my last visit to the doctor, he said after a long period of time looking at my collar bone xrays he said that i didn’t break my collar bone just dislocated it. It was hard to tell if i broke it for them because my collar bone was pointing into my chest. He also said that if i don’t move it and keep wearing my sling i will avoid surgery and should be back to about 90-95% of what i was. also said i can ride motorcycles still. But he said that i have to turn my adrenline and speed knobe down a bit. So to everyone that gave advice thank you and everyone else take care. I see the doctor again in 3 weeks and start physical therpy hopefully and i will post on how my vist went.SEE YA

  37. ron keith Avatar
    ron keith

    My story is this. I broke my clavicle in a biking accident in April/05 and it tented in the shoulder. It was visible through a shirt. Eventually there was complete dissocation of the AC Joint which resulted in great pain to the muscles of the shoulder. One physio said that it was the most damaged clavicle in 30 years. I had a great surgeon who only agreed to operate when the AC Joint became useless.
    Physio took a long time and it is boring but it so important to find a good physio and conscientously do the exercises that she/he assigns. Although I have kept the plate the shoulder is comfortable.

  38. ron keith Avatar
    ron keith

    I had clavicle surgery 18 months ago. I had a plate installed. the outcome of the surgery has been good. I experience little discomfort in that shoulder. But the manufacturer of the plate recommends having it removed. Should I undergo a fairly simple operation to have it removed or should I be content to leave well enough alone?

    Any surgery has its risks. If the plate isn’t bothering you then I would leave it alone. If at a later time something changes then consider having it removed.


  39. Gary Avatar

    Just updating my March 13 post. I’ve had a bone stimulator now for two months. Unfortunately, the xrays are showing little if any improvement (still a small gap between the bones). On the other hand, the doctor was surprised that there was no decay in the bone or the plate either. He’s never run into this situation before and suggests that I keep up with the bone stimulator and avoid surgery (with bone graft) until necessary (i.e., the plate breaks). My arm itself feels fine (outside of direct pressure on the break), so its frustrating to continue to be told to take it easy and not participate in group sports. Anybody know of any other things I should be looking into?

  40. David Jones Avatar
    David Jones

    5 days ago I was 75.6 miles into a century when I became a club member. We had a pace line going because of a very stiff head wind. I went over the handlebars when the guy in front slowed down and I clipped his rear wheel on a narrow path..Left oblige clavicle Fx. 2/3rds in the middle.

    I’m fortunate to have found this site, it has helped me so much. I’m 65 years old… am I the oldest so far?
    Hans, do you Know where I can find a sling like you had… with velcro straps for the upper and lower arm. I’m not having much luck searching the Internet. Thanks

    Sorry to reply late. Just back on-line after a long vacation.

    I found the follow site doing a google search:

    They have many styles of supports including the type you are looking for. I haven’t dealt with the company so I can’t vouch for it.

  41. LORNE Avatar


  42. Jason D Avatar
    Jason D

    Hi, just popping in to give some information.
    My break is slowly healing well, but needs a further 6 months to fill in and a year to become strong.
    I wasn’t able to have surgery, but would have opted for it if I had this information. So, this is for those living in Melbourne, Australia visiting this site.
    This surgeon should be able to help you with pinning or plating.
    Best of luck!

  43. Rupert Morgan Avatar
    Rupert Morgan

    i smashed my collarbone in to 3 when i dropped my bsa scrambler at a meeting ,i got back on and started my bike and rode half the track to get to the saint johns medic ,i had it plated a few days latter ,my recovery has been very good and quick i would say get it plated if you can ,like some one else on the forum i have had burning pain on my chest ???? my only question is im wanting to get back on my bike and i also ski what will happen to my collarbone if i fall on it again ,my doctor has toll me the plate is approx 125mm long !

  44. Melanie Avatar

    Surgery went well yesterday. Still doing a bit of recovering today, but feel much better. Doctor said it will be 6-8 weeks before I can start lifting in the gym again…a fact I’m NOT happy with, but what are you gonna do? They were able to go in through the same incision as before, so now I have a sexy scar and a cool chick-on-a-dirtbike story to go along with it! 🙂
    Hope everyone is doing okay and starting to feel a little better each day.

  45. Toby Stoneburner Avatar
    Toby Stoneburner

    My break is pretty bad if you haven’t read my last login. But mine has been broke for almost 2 weeks now and i feel 100%. I think your problem is that you have been moving your shoulder to much, your actually not suppose to move it at all so your collar bone can heal properly. Also make sure that you get calcium and vitimin D, I’ve been drinking Florida Orange Juice with Calcium and Vitimin D. Just try to help another Bro in motocross. GO BIG OR GO HOME.

  46. Steven Avatar

    I broke my collar bone three weeks ago in a motocross accident. I have only been able to see a doctor one time and that was at the time of the accident. this is the good military medicine treatment here. Anyways like i said its been three weeks and i do have a decent amount of motion in my arm just not about the shoulder. there is a steady grinding of where the bone fracture is and i do not feel like it is healing. I have been in a sling for the most part of the time. Is there any suggestions or comments that anyone has on my healing process.

  47. Toby Stoneburner Avatar
    Toby Stoneburner

    TO Melanie and anyone else,
    I hope your surgery goes perfect for you, as for me I’m going to be down for the rest of the season hopefully not forever I’m only 24. The big problem with my break is the dislocated collar bone by my chest only because I blown out all my tendons, ligiments, and cartilige that hold my bone in place. The doctor said that the only thing that will hold it in there is scaring tissue and one more bad crash could hit my aorata and kill me because i really have nothing strong enough to keep it it place. Hopefully I can work it enough to build up some stronger tissue. The thing that really sucks is I just dumped over $800 into my CRF 450R for this season and and doing really well in the B class of AMA D14. So if anyone has advice for me please email me @, and I will reply as soon as posible because doctors arn’t always right.THANKS EVERYONE

  48. Melanie Avatar

    Hi all…posted back in Sept when I had my 2nd surgery on my severly broken collar bone. Posting again because I go in for surgery tomorrow to have the plate and screws removed!! Yay!! So excited. AND…doctor’s gonna shave the bone down to make it flatter like my other side is. (I’m a pretty thin girl, that’s why they didn’t just let it heal on it’s own)
    Of course, I can’t wait to get back on the dirtbike, although I may stay away from the combination of alcohol + car ramps…hmm….anyway, another story for another time. Thanks to everyone who’s posted on here – nice to know I’m not the only one!
    TO TOBY – Don’t let them tell you you can’t ever ride moto again!! A lot of healing is mental, don’t forget that.

  49. Toby Stoneburner Avatar
    Toby Stoneburner

    On april 29 I broke my right collarbone and dislocated it by my chest blowing out my joint and nearly hitting my aorta vessal, i have a hemotoma between my chest plate and heart, poped blood vessals, broke a bone in my left hand and a bunch of road rash. from jumping a 85 ft. tripple for practice in motocross. The doctor said as of right now I will not be able to ride again. If and one has had this same break and dislocation by the chest please let me know so my passion for motocross isn’t down the hole in one day from a crash.

  50. LORNE PRINCE Avatar


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