2012 CCCX Race 1 Singlespeed A Men

Race Report

Ok, well yes this is a race report…  Wasn’t meant to be one.  But I was sitting at Cole coffee sipping my nicely done cappuccino when I spotted two CX bikes.  They were the bikes of Team Jortz.  I asked about what ride they were planning on doing.  ‘Ride?  No, we’re off to CCCX to race.  Aren’t you?’ they said.  ‘Nope.  I’m a little fried from too much work and too little riding this week’ I replied.  So off they went leaving little ‘ole loser me to drown my guilt in my coffee.  As I sat there my mind began to spin and I recalled that my buddy Phil had called Friday to ask about car pooling to the race.  So I called with thoughts that he would already be on the road.  It wouldn’t hurt to call.  But he answers and he’s just getting in his car to head to the race.  ‘Let’s go race!’ he says.  I waffle a moment then decide what the heck!  A quick walk home to gather things and figure out the state of my singlespeed cx bike.  The state is 2 flat tires, 1 of which is tubeless and the other tubed, no pedals, and a dirty chain.  Argh.  Ok, I start running around finding pedals, looking for sealant, and getting the bike running.  Phil arrives just as both tires are filled and, knock on wood, holding air.  Find the pedals and attach them.  Then Phil begins loading my other gear as I make final adjustments.  And then we are off to the races!

We arrive at Fort Ord in Monterey with plenty of time to prep and warmup.  I take the bike out and spin around the course a few times.  Oops, over geared for the long (cx long) sandy hill.  Oh well, will have to suffer that one.  The women’s race starts and watch for a moment then head over to the road and spin some more.  It’s soon time for the Elite and SS A men’s race.  I grab the GoPro, attach it using my new chest mount, then roll up to the starting line.  Tweeeet!!!  Off we go, heading up the hill.  It’s tricky since there’s only one good line.  Lots of jostling for position then settling into the conga line.  From the top it’s fast rolling single track and double track back down to the starting area.  Pace is rocket fast as usual.  I hang on at the back but over several laps begin to drop back a little by little.  I feel good technically, hit the corners well, bunny hop the log barrier, but am slow on the dismounts/mounts at the three barriers.  But the hill is where I lose most of my time.  Better gearing would have saved me there, maybe a 19 or 20 rather than the 18.  Around 2 laps to go I am caught by the Elite leader.  Then soon after a few more Elites.  On the last lap the lead SS race catches me.  New guy that’s extremely strong.  A couple more SS racers catch me but no more.

I roll into the finish last (woohoo!) in the SS field at 9 laps with a time of 1:10’44”.  The SS winner was the new guy Kurt who had a time of 10 laps 1:09’19”.   Second place, always fast Cesar, was 9 laps 1.03’08”.  Afterwards I warm down and note that I’m not that beat up from the race.  My legs feel good.  Wish I had placed better, but considering how crappy my ride/training/etc week was and racing last minute, I feel good about how I rode technically and how my body felt during and after.

This was the first cyclocross race I’ve filmed using the chest mount. Different perspective that I haven’t decided if I like or not.

Race series info here: cccxcycling.com

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