Chad’s Broken Collar Bone Report

Here is another well done article by a 30 year old rider that broke his collar bone during a criterium bike race. It chronicles his journey from the initial break, through the ups and downs of healing, to his recovery.


DISCLAIMER: The following content is for informational purposes only. The content is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Diagnosis and treatment of all health conditions should only be performed by your doctor or other licensed health care professional. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this site.

Chad’s Broken Collar Bone Report

By Chad Crocker

First of all, let me say that this website helped me with many concerns and questions I had after my collarbone was broken. Hopefully, my detailed account will help others in the same way.

On October 15, 2005, I was racing in a criterium and broke my collarbone. As you can see from the x-ray (week 1), it was distal third “fracture”.

Chad's broken collar bone

At the hospital, they cleaned my road rash (plenty of it), put me in a figure of 8 brace, arm sling, and gave me a prescription for some wimpy Lortabs. The ER doctor said to move my arm/shoulder as little as possible, even in the shower. When I got home, I jumped on the internet and found Hans’ website which provided a wealth of knowledge and experience from others who have been through the same thing.


The first three days after the wreck were extremely painful. I had a bad bruise on my shoulder that ran down my bicep. After a few days, it turned a funny green color. This was normal. Another lady who told her story on this site had the same thing happen. I tried to sleep in a bed for two nights. Every time I tried to get up, my collarbone moved in ways that it definitely should not have moved. So, for the next 5 weeks, I slept in a recliner. Did I mention that the only clothes I had on were my boxers, figure of 8 brace and sling? Road rash sucks!!!

As for supplements, I started taking 2500 mgs of Calcium citrate and a multivitamin everyday. Calcium Citrate is supposed to help acidify the urine somewhat to help prevent kidney stones from such a high intake of Calcium.


Pretty much the same as week #1. My brother is an x-ray, CT, and MRI tech, so I had a few x-rays taken. Absolutely no change. Of course, calcification doesn’t show up for a few weeks. Didn’t know this at the time, though. Oh yeah, it is unbelievable how much crap is on TV.


I’m finally able to put on a pair of shorts. My shoulder and bicep are still several funky shades of yellow and green. Still no improvement on the x-ray that I could see. This concerned me. Especially after reading some of the horror stories people had about collarbones not healing even after 7-8 weeks. Now I’m paranoid and keep my arm and shoulder completely immobilized. Later, a friend/doctor looked at the x-ray and pointed out that the bones are not as rough as in the first x-ray and the ends have smoothed out somewhat (signs of healing). Guess I should have left reading x-rays to the professionals.

Chad's broken collar bone


Still the same old thing. My shoulder was still hurting pretty bad from where I was slammed into the pavement at 30 mph. My moral was starting to get pretty low at this point. I really wanted to go for a bike ride, but taking time to heal is best. I kept everything completely stable and only took my brace and sling off for showering. Keeping your arm completely still at your side makes taking a shower very interesting.


GREAT NEWS!!!! Went to the doctor on Tuesday and she said the fibrous bridge between the two bones had formed. The sling came off and most of the road rash has healed. Most, not all. The figure of 8 came off Saturday. Now comes the fun part… physical therapy. When the sling came off, I could not raise my arm at all. Every chance I had, I was moving my arm as much as possible. Using a broom stick works very well. You basically use your good arm to pull up and stretch the injured arm. By Saturday, I was able to lift my arm out in front of me. Good enough. Now it’s time to hop on the stationary bike. I also started sleeping in a bed. Still have some shoulder pain near the rotator cuff.


Went to see the other doctor this week. The fibrous bridge is starting to show on x-ray. This made me happy, but I was still having pain in my shoulder around the rotator cuff area. My shoulder was still bruised. Because of the location, the doctor ordered an MRI to look for any tears or other damage. I have a lot more mobility now. Mostly thanks to my chiropractor, Dr. Michael Silver in Gastonia. I have to give this guy a big “Thank you.” He helped get my full range of motion back in less than two weeks.

Chad's broken collar bone


Everything is healing up. I still have some tenderness in my shoulder and AC joint. MRI results will be back next week. Of course, I do have some pain and tightness in my shoulder and back. All the bruising has disappeared and I have almost full range of motion in my shoulder. Still working with Dr. Silver to get more flexibility and better movement. I was on the stationary bike 4 days this week and hit the gym for some good leg workouts. I was not doing any upper body exercises until the MRI results came back clean.


MRI results came back clean. It showed a bruised bone, bursitis (from smacking the pavement very hard), and a stretched AC joint. The rotator cuff was completely intact and healthy. I received the news on Tuesday and hit the pool that night. By Saturday, I was back swimming for one full hour nonstop. I have a few MRI pictures below. According to the doctor, this is what a “healthy” shoulder should look like.

Chad's broken collar bone
Chad's broken collar bone
Chad's broken collar bone
Chad's broken collar bone


My leg workouts in the gym are back to normal except for squats, hack squats, etc. No weight on the collarbone. I went to the doctor this week for more x-rays. We were able to see some calcification. The doctor said that I was 90% healed, and could start lifting weights again in about 3-4 weeks. She was surprised at the amount of flexibility and strength that I had.

Chad's broken collar bone

WEEK #15

For the past few weeks, I have been working out in the gym with light weights, swimming, and riding my stationary bike. Still too cold to be outside. Had my last set of x-rays this week. Everything looked very good and the calcification was very visible. The doctor said that my collarbone was stronger here than at any other point and cleared me to do whatever I wanted. Even ride my bike. I didn’t mention that I had already been out for a few rides.


After several doses of supplements, quality mass builders, and prohormones that are now banned by the FDA, I have regained every bit of strength plus a lot more. Several exercises still hurt my shoulder like standing curls, but military presses don’t bother it at all. Strange, but it will just take some time to learn my new shoulder. I also added glucosamine sulfate and fish oil to my daily supplements to help with joint pain from lifting heavy. This stuff works pretty well to be sold over the counter. My right shoulder is now a little bit shorter than the left, but it functions very well. The only place I really notice it is on the bench press. All I did was adjust my hand positioning. It had little effect on how much I could bench.

Take this for what it is. One guy’s story of experiencing a broken collarbone. I was very careful and did everything I needed to do for a quick recovery. All things considered, things went very well. The best advice I can give is:

1) Listen to your doctor
2) Get a second opinion (never hurts to ask)
3) Explain that you are a very active person and be treated as such. My chiropractor was the only one that treated me this way and helped my recovery more so than the other physicians.
4) Definitely take more calcium. This was recommended by all the doctors I went to.
5) Take time to recover properly the first time. It is better to lose 3 months to an injury than 6, 7, or more.

Hope this info helps others out there going through the same thing.

UPDATE (2012-04-23):

In March 2011, I started to develop severe pain in my upper back and neck that ran down my arm.  It got to the point where I couldnโ€™t swim 500 yards which is significant because my Ironman swims were around 1 hour.  I had xrays, MRIโ€™s, and spent 8 months in physical therapy.  The Ortho couldnโ€™t find anything and the PT kept saying I had a muscle imbalance.  I always felt that my collarbone didnโ€™t heal quite right and believed that was the problem.  Unfortunately, the Ortho did not think that was it.    After 7 full Ironman triathlons, I would have to say that Iโ€™m more in tune with my body than a doctor looking at pictures.  So, I started searching for a new doctor and my former motocross buddies pointed me to a surgeon in Texas (Dr. Mark Sanders).  I did a LOT of homework on this guy before making a decision to have surgery.  In January 2012, he broke my collarbone in two places and plated it back together.  He said it had healed 1.5 cm short and rotated forward.  Within a day after surgery, my pain was almost completely gone.  It actually felt so good, I walked into the doctorโ€™s office for follow up without the sling.  I wouldnโ€™t advise this, as the tongue lashing was extreme.  I am currently 12 weeks post-op and well on the road to recovery.  Three weeks ago, I went to the same PT who treated me last year and she was completely amazed at my range of motion and how the mechanics of my shoulder/scapula had changed (for the better).  After seeing me, she said having that surgery was the right thing to do.  Things still arenโ€™t perfect, but are much better than before surgery.  My shoulder and scapula were in the wrong position for 6 years of intense Ironman training before giving out.  Itโ€™s going to take time to retrain it.  Time for the disclaimer.  I probably would not have had this much trouble if it wasnโ€™t for the amount of overhead exercises I do.  Lifting weights and the repetitive overhead motion of swimming took its toll on a misaligned collarbone/shoulder.  Pushing through pain, hoping it will get better is obviously the wrong thing to do.  Especially pain that lasts for months.

My personal opinion, and thatโ€™s what it is, is to get a collarbone fixed if you are an active person.  Iโ€™ve been in both situations, and I will get it plated every time from now on.  Zero doubt.

More “Broken Collar Bone” Articles

Don’t miss reading the information and comments in my other collar bone entries:

Broken Clavicle (collar bone)
Broken Clavicle No More
What to Expect From a Broken Clavicle

339 responses

  1. HP Avatar

    Some nutrition info to add:
    Muscle Repair: Yes, muscles were torn or strained during the injury, and if you have a large bruise it’s likely due to ruptured blood vessels in the muscle. My advice (note: I am not a physician, just a nutrition/health enthusiast) is the following:
    #1) Standard Multivitamin, any brand(ish). Many metabolic processes require certain vitamins to operate – the more in your bloodstream, the better. Warning: Certain vitamins cause problems when you overdose – do NOT take more than one standard multivitamin per day.
    #2) Glutamine – I have come to love this supplement (google it!). It is often given for surgery recovery to help muscles repair faster. It is over the counter with no known side effects, I took 500mg daily while lifting 3x a week, I’m taking 1500mg daily trying to heal this bone (and the muscle around it!). Glutamine has definitely improved my muscle recovery time in the past (lifting, sports) so I heartily recommend it!
    #3) Protein – Essential building block! Question above was animal vs. whey – whey tends to be faster to absorb into the bloodstream. Generally speaking, neither is bad. The important part is to try to keep a lot of it in your bloodstream when you’re trying to heal – don’t stick to three meals a day, and you don’t need to overeat, just try to space your meals out.
    #4) Fat & Carbs! Your body NEEDS them, don’t skimp when you’re trying to recover. Skimping on them is when you’re trying to cut weight =)
    #5) Water. Water. Water. Water. Water. As much as possible. Detailed below.
    #6) SLEEP. Lack of stress. General rest. The day after my break was pretty hilarious, I went and bought six trashy books, and my day from 11am to 4am was: Read 1-2 hrs, eat, get drowsy, sleep, wake up in 1-2 hrs, repeat. I know from lifting that proper sleep is very important to muscle recovery, and it is no stretch of the imagination to assume that bone recovery is similar.
    Bone Repair: I’m no expert in this field but naturally I asked my doc immediately for nutrition advice and read as much as I could.
    #1) Calcium: Material used to rebuild bones. WARNING: Overdose (>1500mg) can result in Kidney Stones (A Bad Thing). I am taking 900mg (3 pills, w/meals) + my daily multivitamin + a half a quart or so of Skim Milk per day, plus whatever’s in my food.
    #2) Vitamin D: Helps bind Calcium to bones – this is the vitamin that enables the process to happen. WARNING: Sustained intake of over 2500 IU/day (for adults, less for kids) can result in Vitamin D toxicity (wikipedia it). I’m taking whatever’s in my milk & multivitamin + 300 IU in my calcium pills.
    #3) Vitamin C: Helps prevent kidney stones from forming & does a bunch of other good things for your immune system & body in general. I take 1000mg in two pills + multivitamin. IIRC it is very hard to overdose on Vitamin C!
    #4) Protein, Fat & Carbs – all three are required to rebuild bone. General eating habits in a second…
    #5) Water! WATER! WATER! Think of your body as a water-based system. Water comes in, removes waste, brings new nutrients. If you get a second, go to and read the article on the single most important nutrient – WATER! I personally _hate_ plain water, aside from when I am working out I always prefer beer, soda, tea, anything with taste to water… but when I’m serious about my health, I know that I need to be drinking as much of it as possible to keep nutrients constantly flowing through my body.
    #6) Sleep. It’s just good for you. See above!
    That’s my non-physician take on nutrients for speeding up the healing process. Exercise will increase various hormone levels in your body, which will also help boost recovery – essentially your body realizes “oh wait, I have a bone and the muscle around it AND these other muscles to heal!!!” – and if properly fed and given enough rest, it should take that load in stride.
    Again, _I am not a doctor_; this is what is working for me ~2 weeks in and in my previous experience with muscle repair. I have no lasting pain past the first week beyond and have regained near full range of motion. The broken ends are noticeably less sharp and no longer cutting into my muscles when I move them too far. I’m still looking for ways to get this bone to heal faster (I want to be back in my flag football team’s finals game!) but so far it’s been more inconvenience than injury.
    – HP in VA

  2. Randall Avatar

    Wow…lots of different stories on healing times and proper treatment! My 11-year old son broke his collar bone 2 days ago playing neighborhood football in the backyard. His xray shows a clean snap…as if you hold a wooden pencil out and break it in half. There is no overlapping of the bone. The emergency room doctors intially evalutated it and an orthopedic doctor also reviewed the xrays. He was sent home with a sling and Tylonel w/codiene with an expected healing time of 4-6 weeks. He has a follow up with orthopedics this coming Friday. So far he hasn’t experienced much pain and we only give him the Tylonel before bedtime. More thoughts on wearing just a sling?

  3. HP Avatar

    I broke my collarbone two weeks ago in a flag football game. Jumped over a tiny girl that suicidally hopped in front of me when I was rushing with the ball; that innocent “GOTCHA!” face of hers will be etched in my mind forever. Thought nothing of a 5′ fall (did Aikido for a while years back) but didn’t land properly, was paying too much attention to the ball and the girl and not enough to my safety.
    Break is typical, the two pieces of the bone in my left clavicle are about 1/2″ apart and overlapping. There was only pain when I tried to lift my left arm above shoulder height, and that was pretty intense. Drove myself to a doctor (at that point I thought it was merely dislocated) and found out it was broken (x-ray : Saw a specialist the next morning, was given Vicodin and Naproxen. I didn’t need any past the first night – the break is pretty well behaved as long as I’m careful with it. The annoying part is when the sharp edge of the bones cut into muscle around the shoulder, but keeping the arm where a sling would prevents that.
    Recovery plans: I’m not so hot on being stuck with a weak left side, so I want advice. I did some body building in college, so I’ve taken an aggressive approach thusfar: Trying to keep my testosterone levels up from regular exercise (stationary bike) and some windsprints/basketball drills. Supplements: 900mg Calcium (3 pills w/meals) & 100 IU Vitamin D per pill. 1500mg Glutamine (muscle rebuilding) in 3 pills (between meals), 1 general multivitamin w/meal, 1200mg Omega-3’s w/meal, 1000mg vitamin C (2 pills w/meals). I try to eat many meals (when possible, hectic work life) spread out over the day, and keep my protein high. Trying to eat regularly, more than I need – packing on an extra pound or two but it’s important to me to keep my bloodstream saturated with nutrients. Sleep: It’s so important. Last week I had several 15 hour days (2nd full week after broken bone) and I really felt the drag. I feel at this point that getting as much food and sleep (potentially in small quantities at a time, but lots!) is really helpful.
    Recovery thusfar is going well, but I’m only two weeks in. I practiced with my flag football team today (as long as the ball’s on my right side, I can try for a one handed catch!) with no issues. Bruise is still on the left side, but fading. It aches occasionally, but my doctor said “let pain be your guide” … I jostle it occasionally but I haven’t experienced any SHARP pain, just discomfort. I went for a 5 mile run on Sunday, after 2 miles the jostling went from ok to uncomfortable, and I walked the rest.
    That’s been my experience – any and all tips on rebuilding, please let me know! The bone is still definitely in two separate, moving pieces – no fusing yet, but it’s 2 weeks in. Good luck to everyone out there and thanks for your stories!

  4. judi Avatar

    I was working with a young horse (jumping) and he mis-judged the height of the jump and fell. When he hit the ground I was thrown onto my left shoulder – broken 1/3 distal. From previous experience breaking and healing that left collarbone (non-union, but usable and pain-free) I knew what I was in for.
    I’m now working on my third month with a bone stimulator, figure of 8 brace and constant pain. Tingling down to my ring and middle finger and redness at the base of those fingers. I don’t remember having this problem in my prior breaks. Anyone?
    Finally, physical therapy should be done carefully by a trained professional who has experience with clavicle fractures. I had a bad experience with an intern who was measuring my ROM and let go of my arm to write the measurements down. OUCH! and more tingling since that time. I’m looking for a second opinion regarding this, not sure if I’m up to surgery . . .
    Best of luck to all of you, and thanks for the great place to write down woes and concerns. Keep up the great work Hans!

    The tingling you are experiencing may be caused by a nerve being impinged. I had a small amount that eventually went away. But I had no redness at the fingers. You might want to get that second opinion. Especially since you are three months into the recovery.



  6. Kyle Weaver Avatar
    Kyle Weaver

    Hey, I broke my left clavicle 3 weeks ago and i am playing football. I have no pain at all and i was wondering should i play next week or wait another week. You guys tell me. The doctors said wait 6 weeks. SCREW THAT. someone please tell me to wait or play.

    I know it sucks but you need to listen to your doc. There’s no way anyone that’s not a doctor and hasn’t examined you can give you the best advice.
    Also, think long term. If you ignore your doctor’s advice, go out and play, then injure yourself you will then set yourself back even farther. Why risk it and have to wait even longer to heal? Or injure yourself even worse?

  7. oopsmike Avatar

    I did a triathlon today after breaking my collar bone in a bike wreck and having surgery back in July. July, August, September. That’s a long time to be out but now that I’m racing again it doesn’t seem that long. My range of motion in my right shoulder isn’t what it used to be but it gets better every day. The day after I had my wreck I started looking forward to the day I would race again and it seemed so far away. Today was that day. Hope y’all find similar days in the near future ..

    Congrats! Glad to hear you are healthy and racing again. Ride strong.


  8. Andy Avatar

    Here Here on the narcotics and digesting food. The doc gave me lortab and after about 5 days of no bowel movements, I thought the end ofthe world had come. I am 42, a police sergeant and fell off my horse at mounted patrol training. Broke collar bone, and 3 ribs. The ribs were way worse, the collar bone is only starting to hurt now. I imagine that it is healing. I wore the sling for the first three weeks and really just move around normal now (well minus the laughing,caughing, and sneezing). have a lot of atrophy to the shoulder i broke, and imagine it will be a time before I can start building that muscle back. I am only at 4 weeks now, and taking a multivitamin, I see I probably need to get some calcium supps too. This is a great web site and a lot of encouragement. Hey, anyone fall from higher than a 16 hand horse? about 5.5 feet at the saddle.

    Heh, yup, I’ve had a couple of good falls from my horse riding days. Luckily nothing broken but ego. For a good horse related collar bone story check out Barb’s entry (April 8, 2005)

    “… when my horse jumped out of his stall-over the door- and crushed me against the door jam …”

    That one still makes me wince!

  9. victor Avatar

    I just broke a bone for the first time 2 days ago and i cant sleep due to discomfort and pain. thank you for sharing your experience since i was getting depressed with all of this pain. Vicodin can only help so much.

  10. Scott Avatar

    Hi folks,
    Great site, thanks Hans, good to see some of the comments made from others.
    God I’m bored stupid………33yr old, single, UK (god that was like a dating ad). Broke left clavicle very close to A/C joint exactly two weeks ago when I slipped in the shower of all places (yes I was alone, no I wasn’t drunk – seems to be the first two questions from people :)). I didn’t realise how bad it was for the first week so drove the 150 miles to work (stay in hotels during week) and did most of the usual day to day stuff including sitting in front of a PC all day typing with both hands.
    After work pestered me to go to A&E on Thursday last week, I finally did and the x-ray showed the break, diagonal upwards break about 2cm away from AC joint. Got sling (full arm support and very adjustable, actually very good though got back & neck pain)
    Apart from sling, no pain meds from hospital which surprised me. Question (and actually only 1 of 2 questions in post, the rest is just a rant/bored observation): doc said that smokers are 50% more likely to need surgery than non-smokers (yes I smoke), anybody know why, anything to do with some of the 5000 chemicals in them that stops the body from healing?

    Check out this article on Wikipedia that describes the bone healing process:

    Note the smoking comments in the complications section in the article.

    Saving grace: it’s less painful than last year’s fall from a bike that ended in torn rib ligaments (I think it was that anyway, felt similar to that level of pain, didn’t get myself checked out as I was abroad), reading site though, sounds like this will take a lot longer to heal…
    Since I was using arm for that first week of hell, I didn’t do myself any favours, as far as I’m concerned, recuperation started when I got the sling and stopped using the arm.
    Can’t drive, doc said that my insurance wouldn’t cover me in result of accident and I would be liable to prosecution. Car is now in work car park, besides it really hurt trying to turn the steering wheel! How long before you can drive again?

    Tough question because everyone heals differently. Can only be answered by you and/or your doctor.

    I’m at home after catching a lift from work colleague, back to public transport & taxis for now, next x-ray in one week to check for ligament damage/progress, just sent mail to Bupa to ask about appt for 2nd opinion.
    Finally managing to get some sleep at night as pain subsides. Best position I’ve found is to have a pillow down your side of the break, allow shoulder to rest on the edge of it whilst partially sleeping on other shoulder/back, also stops you accidentally rolling onto bad side. Getting up is still not pain free but getting easier.
    Not using left arm at all, no easy feat being left handed, right handed typing, shaving, washing hair and brushing teeth, that’s just plain strange to do. Forget cooking, it’s takeout and microwave meals so far.
    Miss the car, can’t play the xbox or battlefield 2142, no shops nearby, no mates nearby (thats what I get for living centrally for work). Thank god for online food shopping, bored of daytime tv (thank you peer to peer networks for some relief), bored of the internet and generally just feeling sorry for myself…
    Drinking lots of milk to get the calcium and protein up, some oily fish such as mackerel for the omega 3.
    Other things noted from the 1st week:
    Do as little as possible
    Use leg power for getting up/bending down, takes strain off upper body
    Allow yourself to smell for the first few days, showers may hurt
    Don’t try a bath, it’s hard to get into and even harder to get out of and yes it hurts!
    Keep the sling on whenever possible (or figure of 8 if it applies)
    Sneezing hurts
    Coughing hurts
    Waking up hurts
    People bumping you in shops hurts
    Ironing hurts
    Attempting to open tins, jars and bottles hurts
    Phobia of wasps SOOOO hurts
    Sitting in car when seatbelt rubs on broken collarbone hurts
    Having nothing to do means you may type too much on…..


    Anyway, friends picking me up tomorrow and I’m off to stay with them until Monday. Visits to family arranged for after then, no more need to do stuff for myself yay, looking forward to being pampered…

  11. kelly Avatar

    HANS Hi, I broke my collar bone 1/3, on the right on august 5th…this happened on the beach..happily enjoying my swim a rather large wave washed over me, producing a washing machine effect, when it was finished with the spin, it smashed me against the sea bed, causing at first a fracture that at that point both ends were together, they put a flimsy arm sling which obviously was not enough because at 3am the next morning ……WOW…it snapped completley, in the x ray you can see that one side completley overlaps the other 2.5 cm..they put the figure of 8, and that was that …i am english, but living in canary islands and i wanted your opinion hans on whether you think that this type of fracture should be operated on? It will be 3 weeks on sunday and i now have more movement however i get alot of pain in the right shoulder blade, due to the scoliosis that was already there….im feeling very low as sleeping is the worst…i always have slept on my side , will i be able to do this in the future without feeling the snapping sensation??? and pain. A lump has started to form now, I am 30 yrs old…HELP!!! and thanks

    I can’t tell you if an operation would be the correct approach to take. A doctor that has examined you will be the best person to answer your question. From what you describe, your break is similar to many that have written in here. Some have gone the route of getting an operation but most have let it heal on its own. Talk to your doctor and possibly a second doctor for the best option for you.

  12. Dave Wilkins Avatar

    sorry before of unpleasant desc. of vicodin.
    i’m just trying to offer a warning.
    i’d always thought myself immune from any drug side-effects.
    on that note:
    any suggestion of what is optimal diet?
    i was told the 3 most important:
    (1) calcium citrade (1500-mg)
    (2) protein (max)
    (3) water (max)
    does anyone know if “whey” protein or “animal” protein better?
    i only eat whey, but don’t know what it is.
    what else to consume in large quantities for complete recovery?

  13. Mike Avatar

    But, i am getting knitted. Problem is that my shoulder muscles are always hurting me. I am going for an MRI to check on tears. Did you guys tear any muscles?

  14. Dave Wilkins Avatar

    THANKS so much the inspiration i find in this article.
    i am in week #2 of recovery.
    chad, you have escaped me from an abyss of self pity.
    i am overcome with positive energy.
    today, i had assumed my golf passion was forever over,
    and my dream of dreams, to race hawaii ironman, had ended.
    how could my life change so much, so quickly, because a dog
    ran in front of my bike.
    [note]: rather than kill the dog, i bailed to the left…
    i woke-up and knew my clavicle was broken.
    and i knew there is no way to put a cast on a shoulder.
    so, if i could just tough-out the pain, why call an ambulance?
    well, i did make the call, and
    as expected in the er, i got an x-ray, a shot of morphine,
    a 3-days perscription for “pre poxypene”, and a list of doctors
    in the area.
    oh. and a $1600 medical bill…
    and lost my $160 heart rate monitor….
    and lost my $120 iPod ……….
    and lost my $200 “good luck” necklace …..
    my recovery has been 95% the same as chad’s.
    even down to the colouring of the bruising.
    i feel so much better.
    i had assumed calcification had started.
    i liberally used Vicodin for first 6 days.
    this destroyed my ability to digest food.
    i had about 4 days of undigested food in me before
    i realized this.
    “passing” undigested pasta, salad, etc. hurt as much as the
    clavicle break.
    for 4 days now. i have no desire to eat.
    for the time being, i only drink fruit smoothies,
    gatorade, tea, etc.
    please, be very wary of VICODIN…….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Steven Avatar

    Thanks Mike

  16. Mike Avatar

    Hey Steven, I am not sure many people are looking at this anymore but I am. Don’t you have a Long term Disability Plan? Is it not enough to cover your families expenses? I have a Short Term Co plan and then a long term kicks in after 3 Months. The LTerm pays 62% or something and I bought it up in my benefits pckge to about 75% of my salary(Avg past 3 Yrs I think) Anyway, there is a disability policy for all people. You first check your company, then Health insurance, the state, you know the deal. Do the calls and you will find benefits for you. It sounds as though you are a little worse off than me. I just had no idea it was this tough to get right back to things. My Collar Bone is still in a good amt of pain after the 3 weeks but my Dr didnt say anything about it not knitting up.

  17. Steven Avatar

    It is curious to me that out of all the comments I have read here almost no one is talking about finacial hardships due to this.
    I am a heavy Equipment Mechanic and So I have not been able to work.
    Its been 7 weeks, and still no sign of Bone union. Only a small callus in the ct scan. and the bone is still quite loose.
    the doctor took me out of the Figure 8 brace last week and said it just wasn’t doing anything.
    I have to get back to work.
    Has anyone else went seven weeks with no healing and then went on and healed?
    The Doctor wants to wait until 12 weeks and see, but if I get to 12 weeks and it still hasn’t healed, that means surgery and another 8 to 10 weeks before I can go back to work. As you can imagine that would be devastating to me and my family because I am the main income at home.
    Any thoughts?

  18. Mike Avatar

    Well, I guess you didnt expect all these comments but thanks for taking the action and getting some information for people like us on the web. I have googled and found you guys chatting it up and feel better about feeling so crappy. I broke my collar bone clean, 2 Fridays ago in a Friday Night Race Series, going about 27MPH. Hit the ground off the road so minimal Road Rash, nice for that but this sucks.
    So, I went and got certified as a Spin Instructor the day after, it is amazing what Pain meds can let you do, and since have been in pain. First week was just all Pain and immobility.
    The amazing aspect of this whole ordeal was the absolute lack of urgency and concern from the medical community for this injury. I am in the Healthcare Field and it took me lotsa calls and a few different offices before I was set up with a great Dr. It seems he is right on, says no surgery or pins are necessary and I need to srop moving now that I can move my arm. I really think I can ride but the risk of what could happen on a fall is trememndous. Cut arteries, punctured lungs and bad further damage. I can ride on the stationary bike but will give it a little more time before I get going. This is the beginning of the third week and I am still hurting with many different movements. I will check out your exercise routine and think keeping Aerobic capacity, leg weight lifting and some riding stationary is a good short term plan. How does that sound? What happens if I keep moving around and working with little concern? Anybody have long term concerns now?
    Thank again!

  19. oopsmike Avatar

    It’s been about two weeks since I broke my collar bone in a bicycle accident. The ER doctor told me that the break would resolve on its own and that I should wear the figure 8 and sling for 4-6 weeks and then go see an ortho for rehab. My primary care physician told me to go see an ortho right away. The pain in my shoulder had diminished and I was starting to get some mobility back. I even started riding the stationary bike at the gym. But I still had severe pain in my upper back even though spinal x-rays showed no damage. It hurt a LOT to lay down and sit up. I figured it was best to see an ortho sooner than later. My first ortho appointment was yesterday morning. He took follow-up x-rays that showed a complete clavical break and the ens of the bone weren’t even close to touching. It would never had healed on its own and my shoulder instability was causing my upper back pain. He scheduled me for surgery yesterday afternoon. I now have a long plate screwed in at several points along the break. The bone was broken in four places. So from what I’ve heard and read, upwards of 90% of clavical breaks resolve on their own. In some bases (e.g., compound fractures) it’s obvious that surgery is needed. But I guess in some cases like mine, people tell you to give it time but time won’t help. It’s just a question of how soon you find out thast surgery is needed after all. I can’t imagine enduring that kind of pain for a few more weeks before going in to see an ortho and finding out that I needed surgery all along. My advice is to see an ortho sooner than later, especially if you have a feeling that something isn’t right ..

  20. Adele Avatar

    Hello. Been reading all of the comments as im interested on how other people are dealing with a broken collar bone.
    This is the second time I have broken my collar bone. The first time it was my left hand side and didn’t take that long to heal as it was just cracked. However this time it is my right hand side, and the pain im getting is unreal! I live on the Isle of Skye. I have a cg 125cc as I am only learning, however I wanted to prove a point to my boyfriend (who also rides) that I coiuld ride my 125 to inverness and back. I made it to inverness but when back on the island, the roads where wet and my back tyre slipped away from me. I didn’t know what to do and put on the brakes, this did not help.
    it’s been just over a month and my doctors have not really told me anything, apart from when I will get an xray. I have had no advice from them. I am going to physio as I can not move my arm whithout holding it myself and even when I do that my arm isn’t moving that much. I don’t know what to do, any advice on what I should say to the doctors?
    Also how long where you or anyone off work? Iv been sighned off for 6 weeks which is nearly up and like I said I can’t really move my arm. I was told by physio that I should be off for three months untill it is healed.
    I work in a local supermarket and management are not understanding at all and iv had a bit of hassle from them, quote the words my manager used to me ” you have fucked me about! I would have been asking for a death wish if I was going 90mph on wet roads” which my reply was ” Im sorry but my 125cc only goes 60mph and I wasn’t even doing that speed”
    They also pulled me up as I was spotted in a pub, however I explained that I went in to let my brother know what happend to me. They decided to ignore the that statement. Im 20 years old and was hoping that someone could give me some advice on what to do in this situation?
    Thanks Adele

  21. John Avatar

    Hans – I just broke my collarbone yesterday (was suppose to go MTBing today so very bummed). It appears to have been one fracture and a chip out the backside – not to bad pain/mobility wise. I can move it around a bit. Anyways, the ER doc gave me a figure 8, no sling. Should I have a sling in conjunction with the figure 8? Also I took the 8 off last night when sleeping as it was just too darn uncomfortable as well as took it off in the shower. I just made sure to keep my arm at me side at 90 angle. Is this really bad? Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  22. David S. Avatar
    David S.

    Great site, love the race vids!
    After reading all of the collar bone break stories, I’ll throw mine in for consideration. Last fall during the first CX race of the season I got clipped by another rider on a fast downhill on the last lap and went down hard on my left shoulder and head in some 2-3″ rock (yeah a crazy course). When I got up I knew something was wrong, but smacked my brifters back into place and got back to racing (I was sitting third wheel before the hit). During hard breaking (at barriers) I would feel things ‘shift’ and lots of pain. Finished seventh, “talked” to the jerk who clipped me, and went to see the on site Doc. He was actually excited to see my injury!? He’s an ER doctor. The good news, I have really strong bones (no clavical break). The bad news, my ligaments aren’t as strong as my bones. I had an anterior sterno-calvicular dislocation, in other words my collar bone was torn from my breast bone. Ouch! The Doc said that he had only seen 5 or 6 in his entire career. I have since learned that these are fairly rare. My Ortho said that they only opperate on the worst cases or for ‘posterior’ dislocations. So just let the tendons heal. With the joint not being a weight bearing joint it should be close to new with time. The recovery and therapy was very painful. I had very limited ROM. I had a really tough time sleeping for about a month. There were days that I wish I had broken it instead. So if any of you are feeling down about your break, it could have been worse. Heal well.

  23. oopsmike Avatar

    I’m a triathlete and just broke my right collar bone this past Monday night in a bike fall. Ambulance, ER, Primary Care Physician follow-up, more X-Rays, pain meds, Motrin, etc. I’m wearing the figure 8 and waist wrap. Reading this site and y’all’s stories have been very helpful and encouraging (though sobering at the same time). So thanks! I’m at the very beginning of the recovery process. Could have been a lot worse but I’ll miss most of the season ..

  24. Josie Avatar

    First off.. this website was great.. now to my story.
    Playing tennis, i took a nasty fall on my left shoulder and found out at the hospital that it was a clean break. Doc says it should be healed in 3-6 but i wonder. Now this all happened a day ago. They sent me home in a sling and i was left to tough it the way i am 13. So the first night was excruciating and felt awkward. The bones weren’t aligned and it was very weird. So eventually i went to sleep on a soft bed on my back… now i didn’t get much sleep that night. I woke up in more pain then i went to sleep in. So getting up and dressed was a challenge but i went in the hot tub and that took the pressure off my shoulder. But getting out was bad. i was so tense.. so now ive been reading and watching movies.. so im wondering when ill be back at tennis and loosen up.. any help

    Lucky for you you’re still young. Generally the younger you are the faster you heal. But, each person’s break is unique. So there’s no way to tell you exactly when you will be healed. It also depends on how well you make an effort to recover. Listen to your doctor and give it time so it can heal. You will probably be ripping top spin serves in no time.

  25. Dawn Avatar

    wow, what a great site! i have to say, i think i have a unique situation, as i’ve managed to break both clavicles during one biking accident 4 weeks ago. yes, both. ๐Ÿ™‚ i thought the right one was worse off because i’d landed on that side, had road rash on my shoulder blade and it hurt a lot more, but as it turns out, i broke the left one in two places.
    the first few days were comical hell as i had to wear a zipper up muumuu type nighty so that i could use the washroom by myself! so much for wearing slings… so i just basically did nothing for the first week but sit propped up in bed watching movies and wondering what forces of nature required me to learn this lesson! one collar bone would have been tolerable, but 2 is a bit ridiculous, let me tell you!
    after about 10 days i could dress the bottom half of me on my own, the top half still requires me to wear things that slip up feet first or zip up, haha. and since i thought my left arm was doing so well because it hurt less than the right, i used it more in doing everyday things. well, back to get more xrays after 10 days and it showed a displacement and a potential non union happening on the left side. crap. doc seems to think it would still heal on it’s own. but i had more xrays last week, and no change… it’s been 4 weeks. i’m frustrated, for sure, but hopeful that i will still achieve a union. i came on here looking for an answer to the figure 8 vs sling question, as i was given two slings, said they don’t use figure 8’s anymore. trying to keep my shoulders in proper alignment felt like they needed to be held back. do you think it’s too late to try a figure 8 after 4 weeks? there’s apparently not much calcification showing up on my xrays yet, but i wonder if this could have something to do with my body having to deal with two clavicles as opposed to one, so maybe my healing will be slower in general? any thoughts???
    wishing you all a speedy recovery!

  26. Margaret Avatar

    Hi reader!
    I just want to reiterate the value of finding this site – so comforting, informative and up-lifting! Go Google, thanks Hans!
    To the broken and mended, thank you all for your contributions. I have learned so much sharing your experiences and find it so interesting to read what adventurous sports you are all up to at such different ages.
    At 42 years old, I bought my first mountain bike on Saturday and took to the beautiful residential streets on Sunday with my boyfriend. Enjoying every minute, I approached a speed bump in the road and thought it a good idea to not ramp it but slow down a touch and pressed both brakes (no one told me about the flying effects of applied front brakes), found myself hitting the tar with a thump and crack and watched the bike land on me. &%#@! I couldn’t believe what had just happened

  27. Duncan Avatar

    HI. heres my story atm its been 12hrs since the incident. Last night i was play rugby in the under 16’s and there was about 5mins left and we needed to score to win and i toke a run straight at a guy and hit him hard shoulder on shoulder and i felt something click i thought it was just my shoulder and i kept going. about 10 seconds l8er i couldn’t move my arm s i went off and felt my collar bone and it was sticking out about half a cm and i said to the coach i had broken it, him and every1 else tells me it be in a lot more pain if i had. Mum then took me to emergency and after 30mins the lady gave me 4 pannadols like 1.5x what you’d take for a headache and said it wasn’t to bad. 1hr later they xray me and they said “WOW we had know idea it was that much out” and gave me adrenaline for the pain, xray showed my left clavicle snapped in half in the centre and displaced by about 1.1cm. thy they put my in a clavicle brace just a figure 8 around each shoulder to pull then back, worst thing is its long weekend and i gotta wait 3 till Tuesday before the surgeon decides to operate and put the bones back or not. At the moment in sitting here in a lotta pain trying to pass time. anyway I’ll post again in a week with the news if any1 wants to know lol.

  28. Jason Avatar

    Ok so the doc reckons it’s ok, just to slow down physio. he does think I very possibly may get non-union. How bad is non-union really (as a musician and sportsman) – it feels like its just plate time. Anyone have non-union and are living with it fine?

  29. Jason Avatar

    Ok saw the doc and it’s ok (ish), been told to slow down the physio. He did say I’m quite likely to have non-union though and so maybe an operation. Some people seem to think non-union’s the end of the world, is it possible to live with it (as a musician and a sportsman) or is it simply plate time? Basically how bad is non-union really? Anybody else have non-union and are ok?

  30. Jonathan Avatar

    Hey sorry i have a question though,
    do you have any problems with your collar bone now? and have you broken it again and do you have full motion?

    No problems with my collar bone. And I had full range of motion after it healed.

    But I don’t have full range of motion now because of another crash. I injured my shoulder and that has only healed to around 95% range of motion.

  31. Jonathan Avatar

    HEY, im 14 turning 15 i broke my right collar bone about three and a half weeks ago. first week was pretty bad, i was in a figure 8 brace and couldn’t do much myself. rested it for the week after that ( was able to put on clothes , take shower, etc.)
    week three almost full motion of my arm. today got my figure 8 brace taken off. hopefully it’ll heal soon

  32. ivan Avatar

    Hi, wow didn’t know so many people break their collarbones.
    I broke my clavicle 1 week and 2 days ago.
    The doctors here dont give much information.I broke it while playing soccer,fell awkwardly on my left shoulder.
    The doctor just told me to go home and the bone will heal itself. Ask me to come back in a week, atleast they gave me the x-ray copy. Gave me some pain killers and magnesium. The triangular arm sling they gave was horrid. I looked like a injured soldier from battle. So I went to a pharmacy and bought my own sling which cost about 5usd.
    Anyway the first 2 days was hell. I could not even step out of the car with my left side, cos everytime i stretch my leg, my shoulder would be in absolute pain. Even they had to slow down if they went over a speed bump, or i just grip my arm in fear make sure my shoulder doesnt move a muscle.
    3-4 days was much better, not much pain apart from accidently moving my arm in the wrong direction. I started driving, its automatic ok! Still feel the soreness. putting on a shirt was a torture…slow and painful
    5-7 day i could wake up in the morning without having someone pull me out of bed. i stopped taking painkillers which is bad for your liver but i still take salmon omega and calcium.
    i can move my arm half way up and forward and back slowly and only to a certain extent….could button up my own 501’s
    8-9 day i can take the sling off and stretch my arms. Wearing the sling to long now makes my arm tired. sometimes i take it off and then put it on again.I still have sore neck and shoulders. Putting on clothes has become a little easier. But i can still feel my shoulders has not really healed fully.i can walk without the sling but my shoulders get tired very fast. But im still not doing any kind of physical activites.
    ok then be going to the doctor tomorro,hopefully my bones have started to unify…. wil b updating later. thnks for all the info guys.

  33. Jason Avatar

    This site should be prescribed by doctors!
    I’m 18 and I broke my left collar bone (right handed luckily), skiing, over 8 weeks ago. Here’s my story:
    Day 1: French Doctor gives me figure of 8, tells me it”ll be about 4 weeks.
    Day 3: London Doctor gets rid of my figure of 8, puts me in a collar and cuff (just supporting the wrist – I now realise how **** that is)
    Week 4: Begin physio – as this is ‘normal’ according to the physio.
    Week 5: Doc looks at x ray and puts me back in sling, blames me for starting physio too soon (I was advised by the physio).
    Week 6: Screw this, go to a specialist, puts me in broad arm sling (supprots whole arm) for 2 weeks.
    Week 8: Specialist feels its going well enough to (re)start physio (I go to a new physio!)
    Week 9: Feels like my shoulder’s dropping – ‘cliff edge’ feels like its getting even bigger. Back in sling, going back to the doctor.
    Sorry there isn’t really a point, I’ll update, but this is just to emphasize the importance of the early stages of healing. Thank you for this reassuring forum, it has really helped. Any advice? I just want to re-break it and start over/surgery, but I’ve got exams for a month now and I need to be conscious!!

  34. Nick Avatar

    After Breaking my collar bone in Late September. I want to start lifting weights so this does not happen again. When ever i start to lift it feel like ” someone stabbing a knife into where i broke my collar bone ” even when i stretch. Why would this happen ?
    – Nick

    It’s hard to say what might be causing the pain. The break might not have completely healed. Or there’s a nerve that’s being impinged.

    I would recommend you follow up with a doctor regarding the pain you are experiencing. Having someone examine you will be the only way to know for sure.

  35. jai Avatar

    hello hans,broke my right clavicle 18 months ago. it has never healed and after a third opinion i will go under the knife in august this year.The planned procedure is for bone grafting with the iliac crest bone and fixing it with a distal clavicle plate or if distal fragment isnt large enough they will use a hook plate.If there is still a non union they will do a procedure called a Weaver dunn.When the initial fracture occured they found out i had osteoporosis.They only gave me a sling and told me to come back in six weeks.On my second consultation there was no healing of the bones and talk about plating,”come back in four weeks,keep the sling on”.on my return they said i was ok even though there was a spurr nearly piercing my eh!

  36. Orph Avatar

    Hi just saying thanx for answering my questions i am going back to play rugger in about 2 months and i am looking faward to getting back i have left it 6 months in total after breaking and the excess bone around the break has worn away leave a nice kink in my collar bone but it is normal width again, thanks

  37. Paul Avatar

    Hello all,
    I broke my left clavicle (i’m right handed, thank God) 4 weeks ago yesterday. I’ll try to be detailed. I am very active, 25 yrs old, and in a serious fitness re-lifestyling.
    Was in a MTB race, just a couple miles from the finish, and just hauled a little too much ass through a very fast and rough section. Came off the pedals, then over the bars, flew for a good while, then landed hard directly on my shoulder. There was a course worker manning this notorious spot, and he said he heard it snap. I didn’t believe him at first, but after a 30 min walk pushing the bike through the Texas hills I was about to cry. Luckilly the aid cart came around. Stayed around the course without pain killers, just a makeshift sling and cold packs, for another 6 hrs to watch my buddies race. That hurt, but at least i finally won in the raffle!:)
    So, X-rayed the same day, had to cut my new jersey off. No horizontal overlapping or too much separation, but a vertical separation of about an inch. One clean break. Doc put me in a fig-8 brace, vicodin, said check back every 2 weeks.
    First 2 days are the worst. As stated, getting out of bed in the morning will likely be the roughest part. Showering is interesting. Hurt pretty good.
    Week 1: I bought a recumbant stationary on day 3 and had ridden 52 miles in a week. figured out how to do the fig-8 myself. drove on day 4, manual to boot. just had to shift when i didn’t need to turn.
    I am in the process of training for a marathon on June 23, so getting back to running was paramount for me.
    Week 2: Off the vicodin, it was making me act weird. As soon as i felt able i was walking a couple miles at the track. Tried jogging a couple times with no luck. Learned to lock my hands together at my chest, so my upper body would move as one, and i could run with little or no pain for a couple miles. This was tiresome and hard to maintain with sweat pouring down.
    Got my 2 week X-ray. Looked largely the same, even though i thought i felt the bones were together. However my range of motion and lack of pain were very surprising to my doc. The break had stabilized. Told him i was training for a marathon and had been running, he was surprised. said if it didn’t hurt i was good to try. he is a fellow runner, so he knows my dire need to get out there. got a nice sling which allowed me to run without pain as long as i wanted. said come back in a month.
    week 3: Vitamins and supplements paying off. Taking a multi, calium/magnesium, glucosamine/chondroitin, various energy and recovery drinks. Running with the sling and fig-8, working my milage back up. very little pain unless i forget i’m hurt and move wrong.
    week 4: (present) i ran 36 miles last week. just wearing the fig-8, no sling needed anymore. i can use my left arm for alot of stuff. to help get dressed, do hair, light lifting. feel very good. no pain hardly ever.
    I am in no rush to ditch the fig-8. i have 2 actually. i don’t see why someone wouldn’t want to wear it unless it was actually on the break. I might wear it forever! ok not really. but i feel naked without it. will finish the 8 weeks with it.
    Almost back on track for marathon training.
    Won’t try the MTB till after the run, should be good to go by then.
    I expect to see some progress in 2 weeks on the next X-ray.

  38. Burry Avatar

    I love this site! I broke my collar bone in February and had a ton of questions identical to the ones above. My experience was a little difference by the sounds of it….
    I broke my left collar bone (and I’m left handed) and separated my shoulder snowboarding. There was about one inch separation between the bones and it hurt like hell when I first did it. However, I was not put on a figure 8 brace and I was out of a sling after 6 days. The more I moved my arm, the better it felt. If I went a day without moving it, I would be up all night from the pain. It is so important to keep those muscles in motion. After only 5 or 6 weeks I had a good bridge formed and for some reason, the only time it hurts is when I do my makeup or drink coffee with that arm (odd). But I’ve een doing yoga, running and had full range of motion after only 4 weeks. The point to this is DON’T immobilize your arm too much and don’t sit around and let your muscles deteriorate. My doctor was impressed because I ended up not even needing physio and my recovery time sounded much shorter. I hope this helps anyone else, because I hated having to learn this stuff on my own!

  39. Michele Avatar

    My son broke his collar bone Friday while playing football with some friends. He is a typical teenager, no patience and crabby as all get out and it has only been 1 day!! He is wearing the 8 brace constantly and the sling occasionally. We have found his arm gets red if it hangs down, so he has to keep it bent or in the sling. I was not shown the proper way to use the brace but I think I figured it out although it seems tighter under his arm pit. I would appreciate some advice on the proper brace positioning and what is the best position to sleep in.
    Also, what you do about school, did the other children stay home or continue to go during the healing process?

    You might refer your son to some of the other comments from teenagers that were also too rushed to start activity before fully healed. One re-broke the healing bones and damaged the shoulder even more so that he has nerve damage. Ah, but getting a teen to listen is something I can’t help with! :’)

    The figure-8 brace is a tricky contraption to adjust. Especially by yourself as I learned after a few attempts. As all figure-8 braces are not the same my advice may or may not work with the one your son is using. But, with mine I would have it adjusted so that it was not over tightened. It doesn’t require extreme constriction. Adding additionally padding between the straps and body can help with irritation. Too much movement can also work against the brace and cause irritation.

    For sleeping try using extra pillows to restrict movement (rolling around) and to prop up the arm/shoulder. Some have found using a reclining chair to be easier to sleep in.

    – Hans

  40. Claire Benson, Cumbria, England Avatar
    Claire Benson, Cumbria, England

    Michael McMurray wrote:
    “Use this experience to make changes you never considered about fitness or how you care about your body.”
    This has definately happened to me as I turned the negative situation of being in a car-crash with a drunk-driver last November & having surgery to fit a plate to my left clavicle, into something totally positive & have made changes to my life.
    The healing’s going really well & the whole crash was a definate reality check. I’m probably fitter now than I have been in a few years. I’m taking part in sponsored runs to raise money for cancer-charities & I’ve also decided to sign up for the London Marathon next year. Something I’d probably never have done if I hadn’t been in the crash. I hope you’re all able to make a positive change to your lives in some way & not let a bad experience get ya’s down.
    Happy healing vibes coming across the pond to you all xxx

  41. Michael McMurray Avatar
    Michael McMurray

    Update from the April 11th post – Cat3 Cervelo wanna be…..;)
    2 weeks after surgery – 17 staples out on 4/16 and they also took the cast off my broken hand. It’s amazing how much you take for granted being able to use your good hand/arm – I will never look at a person with prosthetics the same again. Prognisis is good – healing well. I now have a plate with 7 screws – 3 on each side of the break, and one to attach the “floater bone”. The wound is really sore, like a sunburn, and the nerve sensation around the area is slowly coming back. I apply Aquafor and Aloe Vera everyday and it helps. Bruising is significant but fading. Shoulder and chest is really sore as my Ortho said I was “really busted up in there”. The large fragment torn into my pec muscle, he also retreived a thin chip and removed it. Also had to sew two stitches in my pec. The good news, riding my trainer since 4/16…yes, the Videos and Techno music help me spin and recently I have been incorporating intervals and climbing into the routine. Riding up to 2 hours now and it’s all good. From the waist up I have about 80% range of motion which allows for some effective cord stretching and light resistance work. Minimal atrophy thank God but my shoulder is weak. I have personal trainer that is helping me through a very specific program for stregthening/stretching – not only for that area but for total body for balance. I am eating higher protein, taking calcium & glucosamine, and am on Celebrex for a month which is awesome stuff(not for everyone….). For those of you considering surgery don’t be afraid of it too much – I was busted up pretty bad. Most fractures do not require it. I am 47, and it also was a personal decision to do so…I wanted my body back the way it was…..well, sort of.
    Follow-up on the 14th of May and hopefully I will have the healing in place to start some outdoor riding then. However, like an earlier post reads, and as Hans recommends, rather sacrifice 3 months of patience and allowing the healing to be complete, than start back too soon and lose 6 months to your ego. I will update you all again later in May – to Hans and everyone out there stay the course. Use this experience to make changes you never considered about fitness or how you care about your body. Good luck.



  43. Jo Johnson Avatar
    Jo Johnson

    I broke my clavicle while on an airport shuttle bus on Easter Sunday. Stood up to zip my suitcase shut and at that moment the driver had to slam on his brakes to prevent a collision. Slammed hard against the dashboard and then dropped to the floor like a rag doll. A SLOW trip to the ER confirmed that I had broken my clavicle and had some heavy duty bruising all along my right side from the hard hit. OUCH!! The first week was brutal. I have had three major surgeries in my life and the pain from this was right up there. It has been 11 days and I am definately feeling much better but the pain is still bad at night. I found this site by the great God google and it has helped me tremendously. It is like cyber chicken soup! When I find myself completely discouraged, I just head to this site and it gives me immediate comfort. One question, I am a flight attendant and my job requires me to push and pull heavy carts. Any idea how long I will be out of work? Also, I was told I should have NO movement on my right side and others say they we’re advised the opposite. I’m very confused. Thank you Hans for starting this site. You are all in my prayers!

    Sorry to reply so late. I’ve just returned from a trip to Japan. On those long flights I had a good opportunity to see the constant “push and pull” the attendants needed to do. With a broken collar bone that would be very difficult.

    I don’t know how long a recovery you will requre before you may work again. That’s a common question but the answer is different for every person. Following up with your doctor will be the best way to know.

    As for “no movement”, that’s important for the first week or two so that it gives the broken bones a chance to start connecting. Movement can hinder that process. Bending your elbow should be fine. Just restrain movement that shifts your shoulder and might move the collar bones. That’s also what a figure-8 brace is great for handling. It will restrain the shoulder and allow your muscles to relax so they don’t need to constantly hold the shoulder steady.

    After a week or two it’s important to start moving your arm and working the joints so that the joints don’t lose their range-of-motion. Use pain as an indicator when to stop movement. This is also where a physical therapist can give advice on recovery

    – Hans

  44. Ant Avatar

    Well I had my final follow-up appointment at my Ortho yesterday, 6 weeks after MTB crash (clean break no surgery was required). I wore a sling for 1 week, only took one pain killer each evening for first week, was on indoor trainer 2 days after crash (doctor said fitness and ongoing activity resulting in increased blood flow will speed up recovery). At week 3 check-up no visible progress on X-ray but it was important to see the alignment was OK. I was riding on the road doing 80 Km sessions by week five. At yesterdays appointment doctor very happy with alignment and the bone is generating nicely. So he declared it clinicaly fixed and advised no contact sport (hard knocks) for a few more weeks. By then the clavicle will be stronger than before it broke. Anyway I’m very happy as I got to spend the weekend mountain biking. Great stuff, great site……. Get well soon everyone. Cheers



    I can answer about having trouble sleeping. That’s a common problem. It can be difficult finding a comfortable position. Try using several pillows to place around your shoulder and body. The pillows help to keep you from rolling around and to position the shoulder and arm so it doesn’t hurt. Also, others have used a reclining chair for sleeping. The upright position relieves some of the stress on the shoulder and provides more comfort.

    – Hans

  46. Michael McMurray Avatar
    Michael McMurray

    Before i start….thanks for this site!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    This is going to sound like a broken record……I broke my right collarbone on March 29th on my Road Bike(thank god the $5000 Cervelo is fine……). I went home from the hospital in a sling and on some great morphine…..I’m 47 and noone would turn on any Hendrix. The following Tuesday I saw my Ortho and he recommended surgery – 1.6in horizontal overlap, .4in vertical gap with two good sized splinters, one which was poking my pec muscle. Was riding a stationary trainer 5 days after the break. Surgery was on 4/9. It’s 4/11 and i feel great. Called ortho today and i can drive and do whatever but I must rest – and I am stubborn – but I am resting. Have good range of motion in the shoulder and I am typing this with no pain – even with a cast on my right hand – which I also broke; darn speed bumps. Stiches come out on 4/16 and I plan on doing therapy right away but taking it easy. I ride 10,000 miles a year as a Cat3 masters rider so my fitness and base is awesome.
    What can I expect? i here so many different healing periods. i am being told with my plate, 4-5 weeks to resume outdoor riding. I am already riding on a trainer with no PAIN – and that is my gauge.

    First, I highly recommend letting your body heal before pushing it too hard. Be smart about your recovery and training. If you start to fatigue or generate pain then back off. And don’t forget it’s very easy to get to the point without pain then try something too hard and re-injure yourself.

    Now on to a good note. Since you were already active and fit before the accident that will help with a quicker recovery. I’m also a Cat 3 masters racer and I was back on my bike just after 4 weeks. But I didn’t have an operation. So, again, keep positive but don’t push it.

    Also, if you didn’t read the other collar bone pages (link at top of this page), there’s one that outlines my training plan. Good reference for maintaining fitness.

    – Hans

  47. Peter Lloyd Avatar
    Peter Lloyd

    An update from above. I’m now eight weeks out from my operation to plate my collar bone back together, last week I saw the doctor for the the second time since the operation. Movement has been getting better and better, to the extent that I now almost have a full range of motion. I can still feel a twinge when I lift anything, and that way I can control what I lift. The physio told me it’d be ok to swim, so I’ve been back in the pool doing an easy 500m. And the Doctor was very pleased ‘excellent progress’ he thought. From the X-ray he was sure that the original bone had knitted back together (finally after five years broken!) although wasn’t sure about the bone graft. Anyway the shoulder feels great now – I hardly notice it sometimes – and much better than it had been as a non-union. My posture is better, I feel more relaxed, less tired at the end of the day. These are small things but in my view the operation was definitely worth having.

  48. Virgil Avatar

    Thanks Ant, got a bit of an update so when people read this, it may cheer them up.
    Today was my 2nd week into the break and I already have the ‘healing bump’ which has been reducing every few days. I can move my arm much more easily, now carry drinks and bring the cup near my mouth (don’t want to push it though) I’m still babying it a little, because what scares me the most is dislocating it. I’ve been taking normal over the counter meds for minimal pain every now and then. What hurts is my shoulder from lack of movement, but at this point i’m getting to use it more.
    I’m very happy to be where i’m at so soon. I hope other people can read this and be assured that as long as you don’t go wild, the only downside to this break is having to take it easy.
    I do have a question though… how strong is the inflammation? As far as keeping the bones in place? I don’t even like to walk by doors or near people thinking if I get bumped I might knock the bones out of alignment, haha.

    Funny you should ask. I just watched the movie Unbreakable that contains a character played by Samuel L. Jackson with a genetic disease that allows his bones to easily break if knocked into. Luckily you don’t have that!

    As for your question, it’s difficult to answer. Bumps shouldn’t be a problem. Just be careful lifting things and straining your arm. If your shoulder starts to hurt then back off.

    – Hans

  49. Trace Avatar

    First, I’d like to say that I’m thankful to have found this forum. It’s been comforting to know that I’m not alone in the world.
    I, too, broke my right collar bone. I was riding my motor scooter when I had an encounter with a car. The car won. The car either backed out the gas station in front of me, or was travelling the oncoming lane and turned in front of me. All I know is that suddenly, there was a car less than 20 feet in front of me blocking my path. I remember planning my route aroud the back of the car. Next, I’m picking myself up off the pavement.
    I was checked out at the ER. One ruptured ear drum, and one clavicle broken in 2 places. They sent me home with some pain killers and a sling. I saw the Ortho Dr. several days later. I was told to use my arm as much as the pain allows. 8 weeks later I was stil hurting from the bottom of my rib cage to the top of my shoulder. The muscles apparently have to compensate for the lack of structural support. After more x-rays, the Dr. recommends that I have it surgically repaired.
    The surgery was 2 1/2 weeks ago. The collarbone feels much better now. My shoulder joint now aches when I try to move too far. Pain radiates down my arm toward my elbow also. I hope this will lessen over time. Again, my Dr. told me to use my arm as much as the apin will allow. I start physical therapy soon. I hope that PT will give me my range of motion back. I’m more than 3 months into this experience and ready to feel better.

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