What to Expect From a Broken Clavicle

The following is a funny story sent to me by a rider that broke her collar bone while cycling. She found my site when searching for more information on training and recovery from the break.

Along with the story she mentions “I know it would’ve helped me alot if this information had been available when I was lost in the land of one arm. I have attached my ridiculously long account”. She then adds that I may post the story if I wish.

Well, I think it’s well worth posting. So here it is.


DISCLAIMER: The following content is for informational purposes only. The content is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Diagnosis and treatment of all health conditions should only be performed by your doctor or other licensed health care professional. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this site.

What to Expect From a Broken Clavicle

By Laura Erker

On March 23rd I had the exciting experience of breaking my left clavicle while riding my bike. I thought I’d put together a synopsis of what to expect so that anyone else can read and see what’s in store. If you’re reading this and you have broken you clavicle then get someone to run out to the store and get you some really good calcium. You should take 2000mg of calcium with 6mg of Boron a day! While they’re at it, have them pick you about four books to read and ten movies to go through. Further, a really funny account of the first five days with a broken clavicle can be found on line http://www.kurlancheek.com/clavicle.htm. Also, relax, it’s gonna be a while.

So, what happened? Good question, everyone has their own version of who is to blame and how it all went down. From my vantage point I only know that I was cruising along in a group, riding into a crosswind. Someone had the bright idea to put it in the gutter and everyone started fighting for wheels. Then, I heard some tires hit and “…zzt zzzt zzt crack crack crack”. The bike in front of me came to a screeching halt and as I hit my brakes I went into a skid that had my back wheel hit the back tire in front of me. Next thing I knew I was picking myself up off the ground and getting back on my bike. But, as I rode away I realized that something was very wrong. Not only was my left shoulder ON FIRE with pain but I could feel/hear a clicking there that could only be a broken bone. Deciding that I was not stupid enough to try to ride the remaining 25 miles with a broken bone I attempted to bring myself to a stop and threw my bike in the dirt glad to be rid of that infernal pain machine. The pain was so intense now that fainting was the only possibility. But, I had to wait to lose all consciousness until I could hail down an ambulance, cab, person! I could see a group of cars a mile away down the road at the site of the crash, where I should have stayed. Well, hindsight is always 20/20. I hailed the ambulance like a cab and crawled in just in time to faint. I was then transferred to another ambulance and so began my new adventure into a one-armed existence.

The emergency room was exciting and the staff was very generous. All in all, a three hour affair in the door and out. It ends up I broke the distal third of my collar bone. However, getting a hold of someone to pick me up became a new challenge. I didn’t have my cell phone with me and not knowing any phone numbers I had to go on the internet to get the number of my team director, Chris Evertsen. Chris or an official was able to relate to my husband where I was located and he headed off to get me. After sitting in the emergency entrance for hours, seeing my husband come through the door of the emergency room was one of the happiest moments of my life!

Week 1 (This is movie week)

One quickly learns that it is a two-armed world out there and this will not make your broken clavicled life any easier. But, on with life.

Killing the pain. First, let’s discuss the power of alchohol. Through the ages this fine substance has been used to dull the pain of many a fallen soldier. Seeing myself as such, I broke into the whiskey with wild abandon. Choosing Jack Daniels’ as my personal “fav’ I set out to imbibe. If you dose this correctly you won’t have to pick up your prescription vicadin. Careful to drink a glass of water for each alcoholic drink so you avoid hangovers.

Dressing, this becomes a new adventure. You must keep your hurt shoulder extremely still. This means that the arm attached to it is completely useless. If you are a woman then forget the bra. If you must have a bra get someone you “trust’ to put your most comfortable one on and realize you will be wearing this item for at least two or three days. Unable to work out how to get a t-shirt on I tried my shirts that button up. You soon come to realize that buttons are not an option. Ok, back to regular shirts. I could get large t-shirts on by feeding the sleeve of the bad arm over my useless hand up to my armpit and then carefully pulling it over my head and then putting my functional arm in the other arm hole. Getting the t-shirt off again is usually a two-person project. Forget tying shoelaces or wearing tight pants, they become the enemy.

Sleeping. Most certainly, one must avoid, at all costs, rolling onto the affected shoulder during the first week. This will wake you up in just as much pain as the day you crashed. I found that propping pillows all along the length of my body helped to reduce unwarranted movement. I slept a lot, there wasn’t much else to do. But, this doesn’t really matter, as dressing, eating, and drinking will take about 5 times longer than usual, so I filled my day accordingly.

Book read: Foundation by Isaac Asimov
Movies watched: a lot!
Alcohol consumption: can’t accurately remember :’)

Week 2

Now I was really starting to feel better, less pain in the shoulder and I could use my hand a bit. But my shoulder turned a pallid green. The bruising is disgusting and continued to creep down my torso for another week. But, since I only owned three t-shirts that I could manage to pull over my arm and head I just continued with the same state of affairs. It was about now that I realized I only had one thing to do to entertain myself!go to work. So, off I went arm in sling. I had only two things on my “to do” list each day. These items were usually something that would normally take me about an hour. Not now, I could spend all day working on simple problems. I had to get people to open the freezers for me and handle mice etc! But I got to talk with everyone at work quite a bit :’). I’d be able to work about 6 hours maximum a day before I completely cracked. This is when I learned to value of ibuprofen! One little pill can take a cranky/pained Laura and turn her into a working machine for about 2 more hours, lovely.

Comraderie. It was now that I learned that walking around in a sling attracts a lot of attention. People have to comment. They can’t help it.

“Fall off a bar stool?”
“Boy, broken collar bone, that’s the worst!”

I quickly pointed out that being on fire would probably be worse, but ok it’s nice to know people care.

I also learned that other injured people are most certainly your friend. You have to ask them what they did, and if they have a good left arm then you always ask if you could borrow it, or something corny like this. But, it’s fun.

I also started to get on the bike at the gym around this time. According to one man, I was great inspiration working out with my sling on. Well, I’d surely give up my inspiration status to use my left arm again, buddy! I went home suddenly after some of these visits to the gym because I would try to do too much and BLAM, pain again. Don’t do sit ups.

Doctor visit. It was mid-week that I was able to go and see a doctor. I sat there for about an hour just to get a referral to an orthopedist. Once I got in to see the nurse she looked straight at me (let me remind the reader that I was wearing my left arm in a sling and was covered with a big green bruise that covered my arm and torso)!

“So, what is your problem, today?”
“I have a broken clavicle and need to be referred to an orthopedist”
“Which arm is broken?”
(again, I remind the reader that my left arm was is a sling)
“My left arm”
“Okay, and what are you doing for it?”
I point to the sling, flabbergasted.
“When did it happen?”
“One week ago” I replied.
Surprised, “And you haven’t been in to see a doctor yet?”
“Well, no, I was just starting to feel like I could venture out of my “healing cocoon’.”
“Alright, let’s get you an appointment. Right, so the soonest our orthopedist can see you will be April 22nd.”
“That’s in three weeks! I have a broken bone. Isn’t there something sooner?”
“There isn’t really anything we can do for that, do you have any ibuprofen?”

Eventually I got x-rayed and was told to come back in three weeks.

Book Read: Second Foundation, Isaac Asimov

Week 3

I felt the same as Week 2 but was able to get on the trainer with my sling. I got a workout regimen from Hans Kellner on line. Very nice guy, who broke his clavicle a while back, you can go to !

Hans Kellner Dot Com :: Broken Clavicle No More

The training regimen consists of workouts broken up by Week 1, Week 2, and Week 3. Wow, I thought, this guy was training at week 1. Well, straight onto the trainer then, let’s get to work. Ends up, “Week 1” should be approached more as “the first week he began training after the break”. Holding my entire upper body up on my bike trainer with just my right arm was another challenge I hadn’t anticipated. I pushed through it. Also, it seems it only took Hans three weeks to recover, that’s only as long as his workout regimen was. Excellent, I’ll only be on the trainer for one week! This is great. Again, it ends up the three week training regimen can be repeated ad infinitum until you heal, just a little heads up.

Pit of Despair. This probably only applies to women. I could not shave the injured arm’s pit! This was horrible and I began to refer to this area of my body as the “pit of despair”. This is when you realize the ultimate greatness of the Mach 3 razor. You can literally shave without lifting your arm! Well lift it as much as you can. Good luck girls!

Book read: Swimming Across by Andrew Grove

Week 4

Having contracted some kind of horrible cold (which I affectionately call “the snot blanket”) I was unable to sleep at night or workout. I fell into a depressive mood. Out of desperation I rode my bike on the road for one hour and ended up hurting it again. This is when I completely cracked under the strain of heading out into the world each and every day facing new painful challenges. I was tired of it. I wanted just one day where I didn’t have to struggle to get my clothes on or sleep! I felt that no one could possibly understand the pain I was going through. It was during this time that a friend and coworker died in a tragic car accident. Suddenly I found myself very appreciative of my situation. I was alive, fairly healthy and had people that loved me.

Back to riding, I found that I couldn’t reach the handlebars with my bad arm until the end of Week 4, this may be because I had a distal break, but I don’t know. I just kept focusing on my appointment with the doctor and the x-ray machine. He would certainly tell me that I was completely healed and I could resume my life again. Alas, it was not to be, the x-ray looked the same as the day I broke my arm. Well, I headed back home to cry, pulled myself together, bought a year’s supply of calcium and vowed not to drink any alcohol until I was better and healed! I hear alcohol can reduce your healing abilities. Also, when you break a bone you should take 2000mg of calcium a day with 6mg of Boron.

This was the week that I talked with Dr. Allan Richberg, also a cyclist. He informed me that seeing no healing after four weeks was normal for a 30 year old. This greatly lifted my spirits! He talked with me for a good 30 minutes on what to expect from my injury. He informed me that if you ride in the early healing stages of a broken clavicle you will most probably put a rib into your lung if you crash. This was alarming, why didn’t my doctor tell me this. Thanks Allan!

Book read: Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Doug Adams

Week 5

My arm started to feel a lot better now. I could lift it over my head! Also, I could start driving my car with two hands. This was great! I started really riding the trainer a lot and was able to just get my left hand up to the bars comfortably and put a little weight on it. I did seven hours on the trainer this week, good for me. Whoever thought I’d be riding my trainer so much in So Cal with it sunny and 80F outside!

Book read: Finished Hitch Hiker’s Guide

Week 6

I risked a ride on the road, against the doctor’s orders and found that my arm was ok. Whew!

Book read: Sequel to Hitch Hiker’s guide “Restaurant at the End of the Universe” by Doug Adams

Week 7

Now I am back to riding 3 times a week and really enjoying it. My body sure is tired though.

Book read: Finished Restaurant at the End of the Universe by Doug Adams

Week 8

I have an appointment with the doctor to get x-rayed again. Keep your fingers crossed. I am really looking forward to racing and just glued my ksyriums with the help of the best husband in the world, Jacob Erker.

Book read: Started Ringworld by Larry Niven

More “Broken Collar Bone” Articles

Don’t miss reading the information and comments in the other collar bone entries:

759 responses

  1. j Avatar

    Hey guys, I’ve had fun reading your stories and comments. I just wanted to add my 2 cents. I have a degree in sports medicine, and so have had quite a bit of experience with injuries like these. But after reading a few posts where people are asking about severe muscle cramping, etc. I’m feeling I need to share some info.
    So to all of you out there who are having sharp, debilitating pain and cramping down your arm–especially if there’s tingling, numbness, or inability to use your hand–please go see your doctor asap for further treatment.
    One of the risks associated with clavicular fractures is nerve and blood vessel damage and/or involvement. Depending on which portion of the clavicle you fractured and which structures it may be pressing on or compromising, you may have a much more serious condition. For instance, if your clavicle, in its new position in your shoulder, was pressing on the main nerve for your arm (the brachial plexus), you may be experiencing severe muscle cramping and tingling. If you were to have numbness or inability to use your hand, then I would say it’s probably a medical urgency/emergency (as in go to the e.r. or urgent care).
    So sorry to freak any of you out, but just wanted to place that caution out there for any of you experiencing unusual symptoms. There’s the possibility that cramping is just your body doing its natural process of “splinting” the shoulder (which can be painful) but there’s also the chance that you may have complications.
    Quick healing to you all!

  2. Steven Ryan Avatar
    Steven Ryan

    On New Years Eve i was riding back from one of my big hill rides when the cyclists’ nightmare happened,a car door opened in front of me.No warning just CRASH!!!I landed on my right shoulder & i could feel the bones break in my ribs 4th & 5th right side & right collarbone.Into week 4,feeling much better,can move right arm a fair bit but not game to push it to much.Ribs have healed,which makes breathing alot easier & back to the specialist next week.My break was treated with a sling as it was a clean break & should heal naturally.I am a 48yo male & very active & fit,which i am told it is helping my recovery,but as a surfer,runner,cyclist,skier etc…it is not a happy time.Hopefully can be back a work in about 2 weeks albeit light duties but to everyone each day you do get better.And by the way,take out insurance on your bike.I did not & am out of pocket $4000 as my bike is a write off.

    Ouch! Btw – Here in California, the car owner is liable for those damages. I’ve known some folks here that have been doored and each time the driver’s insurance covered the bike replacement cost.

  3. Christine Avatar

    WOW! It’s great to hear all the different experiences. I broke my colar bone in two places 9 days ago. I fell off my horse while we were running barrels. My horse finished the course without me! LOL! I wish he had ran through the timers though so I could see what my time would have been if I had stayed on! LOL! Unfortunately I also had a laceration on the back of my head which they stapled together. I am so grateful for pain meds!!! Being a girl, I can so relate to the “pit of despair”. It is driving me nuts! And of course, forget the bra!!! Besides the pain, the hairy armpit and not being able to wear a bra is the worst!! Thanks for sharing all your stories!!

  4. john veautour Avatar
    john veautour

    I am a 44 year old cabinetmaker. After reading hundreds of enlightning blogs, I figured it was my turn. Mountain bike on bmx jump didn’t turn out as planned. I went to the ER and saw the nurse (no doctors for a mere broken clavicle)she said something about a figure 8 but brought me a sling. When I put the sling on it felt like my arm was still in the grinder. I asked to try the figure 8 and as soon as I put it on there was instant relief from the pain. It was uncomfortable but it gave support to the area. It seemed to take all the weight off my arms. It has been a week and I feel good about the progress so far. I saw the physician’s asst. (still no doc)yesterday and was suprised at the range of motion and lack of pain. I am cautiously optomistic after reading many stories of a rebreak in the early stages. I use my arm for almost everything. I am trying not to do overhead lifting or anything heavy. I feel something around the end of the break that is stiffer than normal flesh. I think this is a positive sign – has anyone else experienced this after one week? The bone doesn’t move as much as it did a few days ago.
    The info gathered here has been very useful. Thank you all.

    It’s seems way too soon (1 week) for you to be experiencing and feeling any bone growth. I recommend being careful about moving the shoulder and collar bone. It’s easy to start feeling better than re-injure it. Give yourself some time. And the best way to know if the bones are actually healing is by talking with your doctor and getting an x-ray.

  5. Michael Avatar

    I would take it easy for 2-3 weeks. I started with long walks at about 3.5 weeks, but everyone is different. Is your own doctor an orthopedic surgeon? I would definitely see a specialist about the tingling and talk to them about the different supports and the issues you are having with them.. as well as your desire to stay active while recovering.

  6. C. Campbell Avatar
    C. Campbell

    Last Sunday I completed my 3rd downhill ski lesson. I’m a 53 year old female who always wanted to learn to snow ski. This year I bought all the best equipment, signed up for lessons, and began the “let it snow” chant. After the lesson I set off to practice. Lost control on a turn and landed directly on my shoulder breaking my clavical. The radiologist at the emergency room told me the bones overlapped about an inch. The doctor there told me to wear a “t-shapped” sling for 4 weeks and it will heal naturally. When I got back home I went to see my own doctor and he said I could take off the t-sling and just put my arm in an arm sling. Doing that put my arm muscles into bad spasm, so I went back to the t-sling that pulls my shoulders back. It’s day 3 and as long as I am careful, I can move my arm a little and pick up light weight things in my gimp hand. One problem I’m having is numbness in a couple fingers in my bad hand. Does anyone know what might be causing this? Also, I usually work out in the gym 3+ days a week, is it too soon to at least do a cardio workout on the bike or tredmill?

  7. Michael Avatar

    3 weeks ago, I was on my regular Saturday morning group ride when chaos erupted. A rider slightly in front and to the left of me went down, and I ran full-speed-ahead into her bike (~25 mph). Flipped over my handlebars and landed on the back-side of my right shoulder. I got up, dusted myself off, felt my shoulder, and there was the tell-tale sign of a broken clavicle. Quick trip to the ER, and the x-rays revealed a break close to the shoulder. They gave me a simple sling for my arm, and off I went home with some pain meds.
    Week 1: Went to an orthopedic surgeon who told me to continue resting. Told me not to take NSAIDs (advil, etc), swelling is your friend.. and kept me in the sling. Lots of pain, spent most of the time on my back, on the couch getting really good at xbox. Life pretty much sucked.
    Week 2: Towards the end of week 2 I went back to the ortho for more x-rays.. seems his advice of staying off the anti-inflammatories worked, the bones have come into much better alignment.. was it the swelling that pushed things into place? Things are looking up for me, ortho tells me that given how the bones have aligned, surgery would be of little benefit. It is still too early for any indication of bone growth. Life still pretty much sucked.
    Week 3: Things continue to get better. Now at the end of week 3 I find I can stay out of the sling while around the house, but dare not venture outside without it. I’m getting some movement back in the shoulder. The clavicle seems to be getting nice and solid, prior to week 3 I could press on the long piece and it would move. I am also experiencing some strange problems with my traps feeling tight and aggravated. I’m hoping to have my bike back for the shop soon, the fork was destroyed in my crash.. I think I’ll be on the trainer sometime mid week 4. I’m also starting physical therapy in a couple days. Next ortho apt is in 2 weeks. Life is getting better. I feel some kind of recovery every day now.
    Some FYI stuff about me and my recovery:
    – haven’t taken any pain meds, at all
    – 1000mg calcium supplements daily + multi-vitamin
    – 32 year old make, in excellent shape, no history of health problems, 145 lbs at 5’11”
    – no alcohol since the crash
    – limit myself to one caffeinated beverage a day
    – did not use a figure 8 brace, only a one-arm sling

  8. James Unsworth Avatar
    James Unsworth

    Just snapped mine snowboarding. The power of whiskey works well indeed! Did it at the top of a glacier then boarded down. Just walk into the hospital “what can we do for you sir?”, “pretty sure I’ve snapped my collar” HA , French bugger had 2 cut me out of my rugby top. Bet he loved that!

  9. jeff Avatar

    All i needed for pain was 4 advil a day and dont think about it or you will mentally feel the pain.. just continue on as life still goes on.

  10. Jeff Avatar

    i broke my right clavicle yesterday while snowboarding. It was kind of dumb of me to go up on a day when the snow was crappy and it was the only time that i ever went snowboarding alone which was also stupid of me but live and learn i guess. It really sucks because i am right handed and i never really do anything with my left hand. I am thankful for my sisters who live up here and are willing to help me with everything.

  11. Kathy Avatar

    I broke my right clavicle in 3 places on 12/1. I did it grapling 4 hours into my test for Krav Maga. I immediately knew it was broken when I heard it snap. X-rays at the ER confirmed. There’s a mid-section verticle break but not all the way through the bone – kind of hanging on by a thread. I have two horizontal breaks on each side of the verticle break. Left the ER with percocet, a sling and swath.
    Went to the ortho on 12/4 and he told me I need to wear the sling and swath for 6-8 weeks; I’m going back on 12/26 for x-rays. After day one of taking percocet, i decided i didn’t want the drugs. Would rather deal with the pain instead of nausea. I’ve been doing wrist and elbow exercises to keep them loose as well as pendulum exercises. Started those the day after breaking it.
    I’m hoping to someday go back to boxing, grapling and krav, but realistically does anyone know if I’ll be able to do that? My ortho says it will happen but that’s all he said. When will I be able to wear something that pulls over my head?
    I’ve been eating well – lots of yogurt, milk, kale, spinach, broccoli, protein and calcium supplements. Everything seems painstakingly slow with this type of break. I can’t wait to sleep, dress, work out and function like a healthy person.

  12. Jerry in Mid-Michigan Avatar
    Jerry in Mid-Michigan

    I did not read too many comments but just want to add that I have had my 2nd surgery on my left clavicle since 9-25-07. I must have over did it cause the plate was broken pretty badly the dr said when he installed the new one…at least I got to go deer hunting. Does anybody know if the calcium vitamins really work? I can move my left arm real easy and I assume it is because of the plate and extra bone from my hip the surgeon put in me…. signed gimpy in michigan.

  13. Joel Avatar

    For the third time in my life, I managed to break a collarbone. The first two times occurred playing sports when I was younger (5th grade and early college) and the most recent occurred on Sept 20th following a mountain bike accident (I’m now 44). My how the healing process has been different this time!
    I just got back from a doctor’s appointment more than 11 weeks later and the doctor isn’t sure whether it’s healing. Very frustrating. So, now he wants me to try an electro-stimulating device. Six weeks from now, he’ll reevaluate.
    I miss riding my bikes. Sigh.

  14. Len Avatar

    I cycle a lot and 10 hours ago managed a fall which broke my left collarbone in two places. Never had a broken bone before and it feels very STRANGE. Impressive X-ray. Thanks Laura, great article & great responses, wonderful advice much better than any clinical description. I’ve bookmarked this as there’s lots to read & I’m about to have lots of time ;P Yes, just realising how ‘two armed’ everything is – need to check moving left arm for a thousand basic tasks. I’ll probably sacrifice some old t-shirts over the next few weeks … just removing them with scissors. I do NOT plan to get back on a bicycle for about 6 weeks.

  15. Bi Avatar

    I broke my right collar bone Oct.28th, due to a bike accident. At my last appointment with my orthopedic surgeon, he mentioned having me try a Noninvasive electrical bone growth stimulator “of course pending approval of my insurance?” It hasn’t quite been 4 weeks but I’m guessing its due to my age, I’m 41, but I’m in shape and only weight 100 pounds. Has anyone out there tried using this device?

    A few folks have left comments about using the device and they have been positive. It’s not often covered by insurance so that might be why not many get a chance to use one.

  16. Susan Avatar

    I read your post about the doctor who wanted to remove part of the distal clavicle that was broken. I had a doctor who said she would consider that as well, since there were far less complications from that approach rather than the plating. In fact, because of the location of the distal break, it is hard to plate as there is nothing but the shoulder joint to attach to. Anyway, i am at 12 weeks now, using a bone stim and trying acupuncture, and hoping/dreading the next xray in 1 week. So i wondered what you decided to do about the operation to remove the part of the clavicle that was broken off. Thanks.

  17. Stuart Barnes Avatar
    Stuart Barnes

    Hey, thanks for the good luck message Colleen and sorry to hear about your break Belinda.
    Went back to hospital today as thought I was going to have another x-ray. Was only in there five minutes which involved the Consultant having a look at the shoulder and basically confirming what I already know that the break is near the shoulder end of the collar bone. He did recommend surgery in these types of cases but I’d sooner give it 4 weeks to try and allow the bone to heal naturally. Also I’m fairly young (26) so I guess that’s on my side and with any surgery theres often side effects.
    On the plus side the pain has lapsed from what it was. A few days back it felt like something tightening around the collar bone which I guess, from what I’ve read on the internet, is prob the scar tissue binding around it.
    Anyway, at least it only really hurts when I walk with it. Just gets me down after a while that I can’t do the normal things I like doing.

  18. Belinda Avatar

    Hello and Happy Thankgiving! My clavicle was broken 11/7/07 when I fell out of bed. I was rushed to hospital and no one else was in ER so they gave me a shot and took Xrays and said my collarbone was broken and they do not do anything for a broken collarbone. I was shocked to think I had to be in this pain for no telling how long. The orthopedic surgeon I saw 3 days later said the same thing, he put my arm in a better sling and gave me medication for the pain and said he’d see me in 4 weeks unless I had problems. I went back in two weeks cause it hurt to breathe, he took new xrays which did not show any improvement or healing. He asked me to see my family dr to rule out lung infection, and come back in two weeks, if no improvement & there is still lots of pain, he will operate. He said sometimes you are just trading a lump for a scar. He also said they used to use pins but the pins can loosen and cause more problems floating around(not his exact words, but you get the drift). He said the plate has been used recently, but usually for those who do physical labor, heavy lifting. I asked if my grandkids counted. I am worried since I am older, 58, so it will take a while to heal with or without an operation. I am sleeping sitting up still, and the bruising is awful-black, blue, green and purple on the right side from my neck to below my rib cage all the way to my side. The bone is overlapping at the break in the xrays, hence the big lump. I was glad to see this website, it gives me ideas on what to expect. Thanks!

  19. Colleen Pope Avatar
    Colleen Pope

    Well Stuart, I hope you have more luck healing than I’ve had.
    Today at 4pm marks the 14 week anniversary of my break, not that I’m keeping track. I went back to the specialist on Oct 31st to have more x-rays, but he still doesn’t see any “significant healing”. So we will wait another 3 months in hopes that it will still heal on it’s own. He says it’s probably scar tissue that is holding everything together in there. The pain is much less (thankfully)and my range of motion is coming back very gradually, but it still hurts to move certain ways, I can’t lift anything too heavy and I can only lie on that side for short periods. Feels like it’s never going to end. In the beginning my doctor advised me to use my arm as much as it felt comfortable so it didn’t become completely useless. I REALLY believe that age is a factor in healing time….hopefully you are a lot younger than my 37 years. Good luck to you (and everyone else out there). Keep us posted!
    And Hans…..I haven’t said this before, but thanks for the great website!

  20. Stuart Barnes Avatar
    Stuart Barnes

    Been reading some of the above messages and they’re really helpful. Have broken my collarbone on Thursday after a motorbike accident. Was only about 50 metres from house and skidded on ice.
    The shoulder hurts like hell at the moment. Sometimes its pretty unbearable and reeally wears me down after a while. Hospital was good but didn’t really give me much advice re resting the shoulder. They’ve given me a basic figure of 8 sling but no advice about how long to rest. Heard good and bad things about this type of sling as some say it makes you lean forward too much which isnt good for the new bond. Going back Friday so will ask then. General rule seems to be a few weeks for the initial joining of the bone. Hospital also thought at first it may need surgery as the break is near the end but fortunately the Consultant thought this not necessary. Still can’t believe how painful a simple break can be!

  21. Sydney Patricio Avatar
    Sydney Patricio

    Your lucky…I Shattered my clavicle in a few pieces…Call it Extreme tree hugging((went of course while mountain biking)) Anyhow i managed to walk out and have my friend take me to the emergency room. Had an X-ray and of course its shattered the only thing that could have been worse was to break the skin. Anyhow had a plate and 6 screws put in….Did the recovery just as Doc ordered and three months later i was told that everything was wonderful and i could lead a normal life….Sounds great huh??
    It didn’t happen that way i went along and did what i normally do Mountain trails 3 times a week and home renovations. Anyhow while swinging a 2 pound hammer at a stubborn wall i started to feel a burning pain in my shoulder. And then i noticed a nice swell to my skin around the incision that was there.. went to the Emergency room and had an X-Ray. Well it looked like the screws came loose and the bone was displaced. My Doctor((Same one that said its all good))could only say..”Hmmmm…It looks like it hasn’t heeled..” Needless to say i was more than pissed…Then his only comment was “Well i guess we have to go back in.” Well i am now in a sling with two scars now. One on my hip where they grafted some bone from and the scar on my shoulder with a longer plate and a grafted piece of pelvic bone and 8 screws.. Just waiting now to hear everything is better now.

  22. liz Avatar

    Hey all, my kudos to you for surviving these things! Busted my L clavicle in a freak accident…nice, big, wide, break. You know when the ER guys keep bringing people in to look at you, it’s a nifty one! The ER doc asked me my pain level…0 being none and 10 being childbirth…I spent 29 hours in natural labor w/ my 1st baby and 12 for my 2nd and have a high tolerance for pain…I said, “You don’t have it on your scale”. Almost an open break (through the skin). Had surgery, which made a night and day difference for pain and mobility!! Sling for 5 weeks, but I could actually survive being the 1-winged wonder post-op. I could exert some force with the good arm, an impossibilty pre-op. Heck, I could breathe post-op without burning pain!!! Once I got out of the sling, I dubbed my arm “The Hollywood Arm”…because it looked good but it didn’t really do anything. My doc gave me pretty hefty restrictions, 2 lb weight limit for lifting on the affected side until 10 weeks post-op. Hang in there and keep your bones together! Also, get good protein in addition to the calcium and young people usually heal in half the time as an old bird like me! liz

  23. Denise Avatar

    Hi everyone. I broke my left collarbone in an auto accident on 10/11. I still have a nagging pain, but I’m dealing with it. What were some of the restrictions that your doctors gave you? Mine only said not to do any heavy lifting – I guess I was still in a daze to ask about specific other things. What about driving? How soon were you able to drive?

    My doctor wanted my shoulder immobilized so that I wouldn’t move the collar bone(s) and thus allow them fuse back together. One of the reasons I wore a figure-8 brace. But he did want me to keep moving my shoulder and elbow sockets so that I wouldn’t lose any range-of-motion. And I had no driving restrictions.
    If you look through the comments you will find others have also provided feedback to the questions you have asked.

  24. Granto Avatar

    I just broke mine on thursday, im just wondering where can i get calcium and boron, and since im only 15 how long should it take to heal, im desperate to get back on my bike plus its the worst pain ive ever experienced.
    feedback greatly appreciated

    You can purchase Calcium and Boron as supplements at your local pharmacy. But you should check with your doctor and parents before taking any supplements. What might be helpful for an adult might not be for a child. For example, if you look here:
    They note that “Children (younger than 18 years) There is not enough scientific data to recommend the safe use of boron in children“.
    As for how long it will take for you to heal, that is not possible to answer over a forum. Only a doctor that examines you can give you the best answer. Each person’s injury is unique. Some heal fast (a month) and some take a very long time.

  25. don Avatar

    Just checking in – I am two days shy of four weeks. xrays last week showwd a fuzzy spot where two pieces touch – doc said thats new bone developing.
    It is not too bad – just don’t do certain stuff, avoid moving in certain patterns. One tip though – in my case the breaks (three of them) are all out at the end, where there are a lot of ligaments attached. If I don’t use the sling, which I hate and don’t HAVE to use, just walking around I naturally swing my arm and the grinding pieces make the shoulder throb by the end of the day. I found I was just wanting to collapse with an ice pack.
    I’ve learned it is better to baby it when you can so you feel better for when you can’t.
    I also have cramps and spasms in surrounding muscles from holding it awkwardly, I guess. I’ve gotten two massages – they help a lot. Just make sure you have a skilled therapist and don’t let them overdo it.

  26. AJ Avatar

    Ha. Its nice to see this website. I broke my clavicle playing frisbee of all sports. I have to explain that it was ultimate frisbee to everyone but still…broke it playing frisbee. I just had surgery earlier this week because the bones we overlapping by a bit (and apparently I had fragments of my clavicle floating around in my shoulder that my doctor wanted to remove). And although everyone I have run into told me or tries to tell me how much it should hurt, it really hasn’t, other than sleeping, which sucks. Sitting upright and trying to fall asleep (what the doctor and nurse recommended) is not easy.
    For those wondering, I was told by my orthopedic surgeon that one of the reasons they don’t usually do surgery is because there are some fairly large nerve clusters in that area, and they are easy to accidentally disrupt, leaving you with a numb feeling there for the rest of your life. I am lucky enough to be a teacher, so I will get to back to work next week (I actually worked the week in between when I broke it and when I had surgery because the pain was not bad at all).
    Best of luck to you all.

  27. Kathryn Avatar

    “Pit of despair! Oh man I know that one. This was great though, thank you. My clavicle was my first break (fell off a horse whilst doing some showjumping) and I’ve been a little worried about it.
    Its also nice to feel a little camaraderie – having been given the name “Little Cripple” at school, whilst it is an affectionate one, everyone does tiptoe around you and regularly ask if your better yet (yes, bone heals in 9 days…)so reality is good!

  28. Trevor Avatar

    Hi again Colleen
    The hospital discharged me 2 weeks ago and put me in the hands of my GP (local family doctor). As I think I’ve said before, my situation is slightly unusual because I have residual left side paralysis from a previous RTA and only have limited use on the injured side. I’m sure that that was part of the reason the consultant never went for surgery straight away, as suggested by the registrar who examined me first, along with the tenting skin being in good condition and the absence of any pain from the break.
    At that hospital appointment 2 weeks ago I had fresh x-rays taken and they didn’t look greatly different from the displaced break shown on the first one (although they did pick up the 3 broken ribs I didn’t know that I had). The consultant said that I didn’t need to go back to see him but I could call the hospital or speak to my GP if I have future problems. Basically that leaves me without programmed specialist follow-up or future x-rays to see if that really is the correct strategy to follow? I’ll also have no idea whether I have bone union? It was suggested that I could start to use my arm normally and consider a return to work. However, recovery hasn’t been that smooth and I saw my GP for the first time on Friday. He suggested a further 4-6 weeks off work and some physiotherapy at the hospital ( I’m waiting for them to contact me). Due to the arm ache and burning sensation in the hand I am on painkillers for the first time since the break. I would have thought that that’s the wrong way to be going, but that may end up being correct, I don’t know?
    The one thing that does confuse me is why they don’t just fix these type of breaks immediately as they would for any other fracture that is badly aligned and requires pinning or plating or whatever? Collar bones seem to be something for surgeons to stay away from for some reason? Surely for the likes of you and I, the best strategy would be to fix it? Also, why do the bones seem to require a bone graft when usually other bones are usually fixed without, aren’t they?
    Anyway, that’s my depressed Tuesday rant, hope everyone else is well and feeling slightly more positive than me. Hope you get sorted as you would like a Colleen and you’re back to good health asap.

  29. shawn pyer Avatar
    shawn pyer

    I just wanted to say thanks to everyone. I am a 25 year old soldier in the Army National Guard, who also works in an Emergency room at Yale New Haven Hospital. 3 weeks ago i just ended a 16 hour over night shift in the ER and left for 5 days off on my motorcycle. 15 minutes down the road some lady cuts me off in a roadrage fit and breakchecks me. I ended being very lucky and laying the bike down @ 45 mph of the left side. After standing up and noticing car were swerving around me I threw myself over the guardrail to avoid getting hit on the highway. After a few phone calls later to the place i just left to let them know i was prob coing back as a trama the pain in my shoulder kicked in. The EMS guys (who know me) used my own trama shears on me and cut all my clothes off (casue of all the blood from the road rash. CAT scans, XRAYs and few other unmentinoals…(if you ever got into a car accident you all know what is called the “hospital handshack”)Bottom line…… VEEEERRRRRYYYYY lucky….Got a nice chunk taken out of my right clavical right in the middle,a bunch of road rash to my face,hands and knee (and yes i was wearing a helmet)and rock lodged in my face they had to cut out. after a week of sitting i couldent take it anymore and came back to work with a DR note of light duty. The pain is still killing me Fresh road rash in a hospital never is good so i mostly just sit and monitor cardiac patiets till im healed. For those in week 1, sleeping is the worse. Sleep in a recliner if you can with a pillow under your arm. This will avoid you rolling over on your busted side. Ice Packs for an hour every 4 hours did the trick for me. I stopped taking the pain meds after day 3 and just used motrin.Only becasue the Oxys gunked uped my bowls and i started getting scared when i dident poop for 4 days. Its a slow process and i hate it. The worse for me is the depression. I am a very active guy, a member of my local fire dept,work in a level 1 trama center in a inner city, and a officer in a medical company for the army. The worse thing for me is the sitting around. I cant seem to get my mind to focus on important stuff. I just keep thinking about my accident.Did anyone else have this problem? Also mostly the pain in my in my back seems to be muscle but in my upperback area. Any hints? casue my girlfriend is getting sick of giving me back rubs

  30. Colleen Pope Avatar

    Hey Trevor, I’m 9 weeks in now and as I mentioned to you before, I have a similar break. My initial x-ray report stated, “Fractured middle third left clavicle with 1.5 superior elevation & 3cm overlap of the proximal fragment” I also have a fragment in between which the doctor is hoping will help with the healing. But like you, I am concerned about the tenting, it seems a little too extreme. The doctor wants to let it heal on it’s own. I go back in 2 weeks to get x-rays again. I haven’t experienced any senitivity in my hand, but I do get the awful ache. The worst part for me is the fatique in my shoulder and upper arm and I am still limited in my movements because of pain.
    When do you go back to the doctor?

  31. Trevor Avatar

    Hi all
    I’ve a displaced break (7 weeks and tenting close to the shoulder) that is being allowed to recover on its own. I’m not sure if that is best strategy but that’s what’s happening?
    The worst part at the moment is the ache at night (elbow to hand) and sensitivity in some of my hand. My little finger does really burn to the touch at times
    Anyone else had similar?
    Cambs UK

    Hey Trevor. I remember that tingling and burning feeling. I was told it was a nerve being impinged and can occur while the shoulder reshapes and heals. But, if the pain became severe and/or didn’t go away then I should contact my doctor.
    The ache was also something I went through. A hot shower or soak and some massage would help that. Especially before going to bed.
    – Hans

  32. MarkB Avatar

    On May 12 (21 weeks ago) I broke my left collarbone in a crash during a bike (bicycle) race. It is a distal fracture, no more than about 1 inch in from the A/C joint, and with slight displacement. I also broke several ribs on the same side, including posterior (back) ribs number 2 and 3 (upper back). The ribs are doing fine, but an X-ray today showed the collarbone is still non-union (just over 5 months). The X-rays did not show much, if any, change from the last set taken over two months ago. The doctor said it’s not likely that it will form a union and said if he were to do surgery that he would just go in and remove the piece of the bone between the A/C joint and the break location. He said he wouldn’t actually be repairing anything, just removing that part of the collarbone. From a common sense perspective, this makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever. Anyone ever heard of this? I told him that I wouldn’t even consider surgery until I tried bone stim first, so, as long as my insurance company covers it, that’s the next move. He didn’t even mention screws and plates. Just take the bone out!
    I am a bike racer and I neglected stressing to the doc (new doctor) that I want to continue racing and doing other athletic activities ASAP, including lifting weights. Right now, I can’t do much heavy lifting with the left arm, especially if it involves pushing. I can’t even push a 45lb barbell up off my chest.
    Another tidbit of information…I broke the same collarbone in almost the exact same spot one year before this break. It healed really well, in about 6 weeks. That break was a little cleaner and with no displacement. I’m wondering if this could be the reason for the slow healing this time and maybe there is still a chance that I could get union, especially with bone stim. Hans, any thoughts on this? Do you think 5 months too late for bone stim to have any positive benefit? Sorry, I know you’re not a doctor, but appreciate other’s perspectives. Sometimes I think the collective minds of those that have experienced this stuff is more valuable than the advice of the doctors! No offense to any doctors here, but I’ve had my share of bad ones.
    Lastly, I’m 44 and from Denver, Colorado. If anyone can recommend a good ortho here, let me know! It sounds like I may be needing to get a second opinion if the bone stim is no-go or doesn’t work.
    Thanks for the great site, Hans!

  33. Shan yang Avatar
    Shan yang

    Hey i am 15 and i broke my collarbone close to 2 weeks ago. During gymnastic i went to do a move a fell on the mattress on an outstretched arm. My right arm him my right collarbone. When i arrived at the hospital the doctor told me that this type of fracture do not require surgery. He just gave me a few painkillers and said i could go. I was given a sling and wondering if a sling or a figure 8 brace is better. Right now i am trying to stretch my shoulder backwards to maintain a good posture so that the collarbone will heal better. Can anybody tell if that is a good or bad thing? Isn’t there suppose to be a therapy to train the range of motion? My next appointment is on 16 October…is it too late? I am a very active person and a break dancer…i need fully range of motion of my shoulder to do certain moves like powermoves. Can anybody please tell me what i should do!

  34. Colleen Pope Avatar

    Thanks for your post, CT. I’ve been having a real hard time developing patience through this whole ordeal. I’ll try not to get upset when I go for my next set of x-rays if they don’t show much healing 🙂

  35. Trevor Avatar

    Hi Elsa
    “Basically it seems like the decision is down to esthetics – bump or scar”
    I think there’s also the consideration that the operation (and bone graft if needed) might not be troublefree? I have a bone tenting on the shoulder which isn’t very nice but I’m not sure that I have the stomach for what is basically cosmetic surgery unless I have physical problems. That’s the choice isn’t it?
    Cambs UK

  36. CT Avatar

    Sorry. My post above was directed at Colleen not Elsa.

  37. CT Avatar

    I understand your concern. I broke mine in Feb 2006. I proabably didn’t have full (100%) mobility for a good 4 months at least; maybe closer to six. Even at 3 months the x-rays did not show much. But fear not, x-rays can be deceiving. Even though you can’t see much of any healing, it is still taking place. My doc informed me that good, solid, callous (sp?) bone takes a while to show up on x-ray.
    Forget the six-week healing time that most websites and doctors say at the time of your break. That is rarely the case.

  38. Colleen Pope Avatar

    Hi Elsa,
    I first posted on this website on Sep 4th. It’s beenalmost 8 weeks since my break now and fortunately I am feeling better, but not completely. I have been for 3 sets of x-rays so far and they all look the same, still broken and one on top of the other. My specialist is advising strongly against surgery, partly because of the big ugly scar and some people have problems with the plate and they’d probably have to take bone from my pelvic area. I still have a bump where the end of the bone is “tenting” against my skin. I am still wearing my figure-8 brace and will be for another 2 weeks. I take it off in the evenings and while sleeping and I don’t put it back on until after my shower in the morning. I still have limited mobility in my left arm…the bones still feel really unstable like they’re going to snap and there is also pain!!! I find that my shoulder gets really tired when I use my left arm without the brace on. I am actually more concerned with getting full mobility back in my arm than how a bump or scar will look. Good luck with your dilemma. Keep us posted.

  39. Elsa Avatar

    I’m so glad I came across this website today! Its reassuring to hear that there are others that have gone through the same thing. My collar bone broke a couple of weeks ago while I was playing ultimate frisbee. My bone broke in two sections and is basically forming back like a Z shape. Ride to the hospital was not so fun but ER was pretty quick and the ER doctor was kind enough to offer some nice painkillers BEFORE they put the figure 8 brace on! I’m surprised with how fast the pain subsided, but still battling with many of the simple daily functions like showering and dressing… so sad how useless my left hand is!!
    My biggest dilemma now is whether I should proceed with surgery or not because it is forming into a “z” shape. The orth. surgeon is encouraging no surgery because it’ll leave a nasty 3″-4″ scar. He’s advised that if I don’t have surgery, I will still be back to full mobility and can do everything I did in the past including sports. The only downside is there’ll be a big ugly bump in a “z” shape. Basically it seems like the decision is down to esthetics – bump or scar. While neither will look pretty, my greatest concern is whether the bone will be more susceptible to breaking if it grows back in a “z” shape? Anyone else have their bone grow back like this? Any pointers on which approach to go with? Besides, is the surgery scar really that bad?

  40. Trevor Avatar

    Hi all (5 weeks in)
    Been to see the consultant today and the good news is that he I don’t require surgery. The bone still looks well broken on the x-ray although not quite as bad as it first did. It’s still tenting the skin but isn’t sore to touch and he said the skin is in good condition. Poor condition skin would probably needed sugery. Fortunately I’ve not han any pain from the break. I was told to lose the sling and start to use my arm normally. I’ve had a sore chest since I fell of my bike and the three broken ribs were only spotted today? I’ve been given two more weeks off work to get myself mobile – hopefully then a return to work.
    Cambs UK

  41. Don Avatar

    So I did my left clavicle four days ago. Shattered it. Broken into four parts. Also cracked scapula.
    The ‘road rash’ and bruises on the right side, pulled groin and wrenched knee are equally as annoying as the immobilized left arm, though. Makes trying to baby the shoulder REALLY tricky!
    The ER doc was convinced they’d have to do surgery – put pins and plates and stuff. The ortho doc said no though! As long as the pieces are aligned reasonably and in the general vicinity of each other, they just let it all grow back together.
    I feel like a stem cell experiment!
    I wish I had video. This has to have been my most spectacular cycling crash yet, and I’ve had some doozies!
    ps: I have a cracked helmet (and intact head) as a memento.
    Note: the ER put me in a figure-8 brace. It is supposed to keep the bone aligned and immobilized. The ortho doc said get rid of it. For my break it would not help, and they are questionable value in all cases, according to him. I have blisters on arm and torso from wearing the thing two days. So beware if they want you to use that.

    Yes, the jury is still undecided on the usefulness of the figure-8 brace. But I used one and it helped me stabilize my shoulder. I truly believe it helped me to heal faster.
    Now you indicate having blisters from wearing yours. That’s an obvious sign of a brace that is not being used correctly. There are some rather cheap versions out there that don’t fit well and have terrible padding. Combine those issues with wearing it wrong and/or too tight and you have problems.
    In my opinion, if the figure-8 brace is worn correctly and stabilizes your shoulder then it’s going to help your shoulder heal. And if it maintains a better posture and alignment while your bones are healing then shouldn’t they then fuse back together in a better position? Watch how your shoulder and the broken side wants to droop and hunch forward. If that causes the broken ends of the collar bone to approach at a larger angle and they then fuse at that angle you have now changed the geometry of your shoulder.
    The only negative others have posted about wearing a figure-8 is discomfort. And that has typically been solved by learning how to correctly wear the brace or finding one that has a better fit.
    You might want to get a second doctor’s opinion regarding the brace. And while doing so get advice on your shoulder. Oh, and if your doctor makes a blanket statement like “For my break it would not help”, question it! Ask “why wouldn’t it help?” And “what makes my break unique that a brace wouldn’t help?”.

  42. CT Avatar

    Hi Steven,
    I actually had that surgery with Dr. Basamania in NC the day you posted your message (9/5). So now I’m about 3 weeks post op. The surgery went great. I had a malunion that I was not satisfied with both discomfort-wise and vanity-wise. They knocked me out and took about an hour to do it (no bone grafting or anything). I stayed in the hospital for about 6-7 hours after then split.
    I recommend this to anyone contemplating surgery. They usually take the pin out after about 12 weeks. As opposed to 2 years with plate and screws, and scar is very minimal.

  43. Carl Avatar

    I’m so glad I found this site! I fractured my Clavicle on a hard fall while mountain biking at Keystone, CO. Was fine for the first day, but oh boy did the pain kick in for the rest of the first week. I remember lying in bed at night needing to use the bathroom, but too scared to try get out of bed because of the blinding pain for a few minutes whenever I moved my shoulder, even the simple act of getting out of bed.
    Had the same bruising, I figured internal bleeding? Am hoping that I didn’t do any other damage such as a torn rotator cuff. I’ll make an appoinment with an ortho about 3-4 weeks in, since my fracture is not displaced there doesn’t seem much point in visiting a specialist right away before having some time to heal.

  44. Trevor Avatar

    Hi All
    I’m a month in now. I have a displaced break nearish to the shoulder joint with the bone tenting on top of my shoulder. It isn’t painful although it can feel a little tight and strange at times. It is troublesome at night and I haven’t attempted to lay on that side. The muscles and ligaments still feel sore from my fall I had although they are improving. My collar bone is not going to go back into place on its own and I don’t particularly like it as it is. I see my consultant in a week’s time after x-ray so will know a little more then. I only have limited movement and strength in the affected side anyway so hopefully I wouldn’t require major metalwork if it needed fixing surgically?
    Cambs UK

    I don’t know if the amount of “metalwork” changes in that case. I would think that the amount would only vary depending on the break itself. Your consultant should be able to give you the answer.

  45. Colleen Pope Avatar

    Well, I’m 5 weeks in now and I went to see a specialist yesterday. X-rays show not much healing but the doctor is optomistic that it will heal on it’s own. I hope he’s right. It’s still pretty sore and I’m still wearing the figure 8 brace and have to keep wearing it for the next 4 weeks. Doctor says I can take it off to sleep now which I did for the first time last night. It was soooo nice to take it off for a while and I even left it off to have a shower (instead of a bath) this morning. I go back in 6 weeks to see how I’m progressing. The doctor says we should avoid surgery if at all possible. Although there isn’t much healing showing up yet, he has see patients take up to 3 months before the healing starts. In my case, I have a bone fragment in between the ends which should help connect the bones back together. I’m told only 1% of cases end up with a non-union and need surgery. Hopefully I am in the 99% group.

  46. Colin Avatar

    Hi guys, I broke my collarbone playing football in gym. I went to go for a jumpball, I caught the ball and fell, rolled, SNAP. And here I am. It’s been six days now and it’s been the most iratating, uncomfortable, and draining week I’ve ever experienced.
    Granted, I am only 16, I havent experienced much. I’m a very active person, so this is a really bad injury for someone like me.
    I’ve been given a figure 8 and sling. I was starting to feel better, and I woke up this morning. Me being the biggest idiot ever, I used my right arm to suppourt my body while turning off my alarm clock. OUCH. I had to leave school early. I’m just hoping I’m one of the blessed and I heal early and well and I can resume my otherwise amazing life.
    I want my life back.

  47. Ngairo Avatar

    Going in to week 5 after a collision with another player while playing rugby. Needless to say I came off second best but he apparently hurt his knee which is what connected with my shoulder. Man… getting up off the ground was a fright as I leaned on my hurt arm to get up and realised that putting weight on it had pushed the bone out of alignment…snap, crackle, pop and I was back on the ground again. Long story short, doctors confirmed a broken right collar bone, I was in bed that night and all of next day. The break was relatively pain free but the swelling and bruising that followed was pretty tough to get through.
    In week two I was getting cramped muscles around my right shoulder blade and that made it hard to breath or get comfortable for a couple of days so in week three I ditched the sling and started extending my arm as it was cramping also. This helped with some of the muscle stiffness/cramps in my back and chest but I suggest a warm to hot shower when ever you can manage it…heat really helps with getting blood circulating through those injured areas…just don’t over do it…any pain felt during gentle exercise should be backed away from in this time.
    Got a lot of ROM back but will try the finger crawl up the wall. Ortho reckons to give it 8 weeks then he’ll make a call on surgery or if it’s all good then let it heal naturally. Still feel a tightness at the front of the shoulder which I am hoping is muscular rather than structural and the jaundice look is still around the injured area…anyway, glad to share…great site. Good luck out there with the getting better…

  48. Kate's mom Avatar
    Kate’s mom

    Check back to my postings Sept.2006 My daughter Kate broke her collar bone on the soccer field. 34 days later she was out playing in the state playoffs. She was a little tentative at first, but as a 3 sport athlete…when basketball hit the HS calendar she played as if nothing had happened in soccer…complete with spills on the floor.
    We are on to her Jr year in HS … third yr of varsity soccer and she plays as if the collar bone was never an issue. Good luck to you and your son–let him play if he is up to it.
    Kate’s mom

  49. Jim Avatar

    A quick update to 3/9/8 posting last week.
    My son Nate played soccer on Sunday. He was fine. He was careful not to have any hard shoulder challenges. He scored our only goal and then scored in the penalty shootout and we won. So everyone is glad he played.
    Our next game isn’t for 10 days at which point it will have been almost seven weeks, so he should be safe to play pretty well full out. From everything I have read, at his age he should be at 95% bone strength.
    Thanks for your feedback all. Great blog Hans. Break a leg, all.

  50. Colleen Pope Avatar

    In talking with many people I know that have broken their collar bone, they have all said that they still have a bump where the break was. When I was concerned that I still had a bump after a few weeks, they all said “don’t worry about it”. Apparantly, I needed to worry about it because the bone is not healing properly, it’s way high, hence the bump. I would definitely get it checked out for your own peace of mind.

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